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School Nurse Certificate Program

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School Nurse Certificate Program

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    1. School Nurse Certificate Program University of Illinois-Chicago College of Nursing School Nurse Program

    2. Catherine F. Yonkaitis RN, MSN, ILCSN School Nurse Certificate Program Director and Clinical Instructor cyonk@uic.edu Office- 312-413-0544 Fax- 312- 996-7725

    3. Fran Belmonte-Mann MA, RN, ILADM Instructor fbmann@uic.edu 312-996-7943 Fax- 312- 996-7725

    4. Patti McDonough, MS

    5. School Nurse Certification Sub-specialty – distinct, unique body of knowledge Ensures standard: preparation knowledge practice

    6. Certification for School Nurses Parallels teacher certification Commitment to profession Peer recognition Improves opportunities & advancement

    7. University of Illinois School Nurse Certificate University Of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) College of Nursing also offers a UIC Certificate in School Nursing Designed for registered BSN nurses working IN & WITH schools in other states. Nurses not interested in the Illinois Type 73 Certificate

    8. University of Illinois School Nurse Certificate How do I get I find out more? Review this power point Sign up for the listserv To subscribe: Email listserv@uic.edu In the body of the message, put: SUBSCRIBE CON-SNC Attend a teleconference or face-to-face open house session.

    9. School Nurse Certification Steps Step 1: Meet Requirements for Program Entry Bachelors of Science in Nursing **Non-nursing Bachelors degrees need additional nursing coursework** Passing grade on Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Test of Basic Skills ( more info below)

    10. Test of Basic Skills- REQUIRED Take NOW, you must pass the test for admission to program. State, not university administered test Web registration & study guide http://www.icts.nesinc.com/

    11. School Nurse Certification Steps STEP 2: Receive Endorsement Complete School Nurse Graduate Courses Educational Perspectives in School Nursing School Nursing theory & Trends School Nurse Internship Total=10 graduate credits

    12. School Nurse Certification Steps STEP 3: Pass School Service Personnel Exam-Type 73 ISBE School Nurse Content Exam

    13. ONLINE School Nurse Program NUSP 512- Education Perspectives in School Health- (4 Semester Hours) NUSP 513: School Nursing Theory and Trends (3 Semester Hours) NUPR 514 School Nursing Internship (3 Semester Hours) TOTAL: 10 Semester Hour PROGRAM

    14. UIC Campus Participation ONLINE Curriculum On campus Saturday classes twice at start of first semester & at end of final semester. Out-of-state students may substitute other experience for on campus experiences

    15. School Nurse Internship required for certification All students 300 hour internship (NUPR 514) Nurses in school nurse role may do 260 hours or fewer “on the job” + 40 or more outside Nurses not in schools earn all 300 hours supervised Can complete over one or two semesters Internship guided by School Nurse Standards 40 hours or more of UIC preceptor contact Preceptor w/i 30 miles of residence (intern identified and faculty approved preceptor)

    16. Preparing to apply Take Illinois Test of Basic Skills: http://www.isbe.state.il.us/certification/pdf/73-44_ssp_intern_status.pdf Order 2 copies of ALL transcripts since high school. Leave one copy sealed Request course descriptions from colleges if course names on pre-requisite form differ

    17. Prerequisite Grades 2.75 overall Grade Point Average

    18. Applying Apply using “How to Apply” link: http://www.uic.edu/nursing/schoolnursing/apply.shtml Use checklist to ensure a complete application: http://www.uic.edu/nursing/schoolnursing/supp_app.doc

    19. Important Dates Preferred Deadlines: Summer – April 15th Fall – July 15th Spring – November 15th APPLY EARLY – Space is limited UIC Calendar: http://www.uic.edu/ucat/catalog/CA.shtml

    20. Required Computer Skills Get an email address Use email for routine correspondence Use Web Search engines: www.GOOGLE.com www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/ Word processing Community computer classes Cut and paste Save and save under new name Open new folders Move files

    21. NEW!! Tuition E-Tuition: $725.00 per graduate credit for 2010-2011 academic year No student fees under E-tuition rate

    22. Scholarships Evelyn Kahn Scholarship TMWalker1@cps.k12.il.us Chicago Public School Nurses Illinois Association of School Nurses www.iasn.org National Association of School Nurses www.nasn.org Discover Nursing www.discovernursing.com/scholarship_search.asp

    23. How to prepare for the certification classes?

    24. Join professional organization National Association of School Nurses www.nasn.org Position papers & publications Online access journal Illinois Association of School Nurses www.iasn.org (Application for professional organizations is a joint state and national on NASN website).

    25. Attend conferences Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH )- School Health Days and Critical Issues Conferences http://www.dhs.state.il.us/chp/ofh/SchoolHealth/ Illinois School Health Association www.ishaweb.com National Association of School Nurses www.nasn.org Illinois Association of School Nurses www.iasn.org

    26. Network with school nurse colleagues IASN listserv NASN listservs Early childhood Special needs Administrator SCHLRN-L school nurse listserv http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=schlrn-l&A=1 AllNurses.com School Nursing: http://allnurses.com/f49

    27. Add to your library National Association of School Nurses. (2005). School nursing scope and standards of practice. Scarborough, ME: NASN. www.nasn.org  

    28. Add to your library Selekman, J. (2006). School nursing: A comprehensive text. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. www.amazon.com

    29. Add to your library Schwab, N & Gelfman, M. (Eds.) (2001). A resource for school nurses, administrators and attorneys. Lincoln, NE: Authors Choice Press (www.iuniverse.com/). Available from Amazon.com

    30. Add to your library Schwab, N. C., Ruben, M., Maire, J. A., Gelfman, M. H. B., Bergren, M. D., Mazyck, D. & Hine, B. (2005). Protecting and disclosing student health information: Guidelines for developing school district policies and procedures. Kent, OH: American School Health Association. It can be ordered from www.nasn.org or www.ashaweb.org.

    31. Add to your library National Association of School Boards of Education. (2003) How schools work & how to work with schools: a primer for professionals who serve children and youth. Go to : http://www.nasbe.org/ . Look for NASBE Bookstore link and then Safe and Healthy Schools link. This publication is the first selection. $14.00  

    32. Add to your library Melnyk B. & Fineout­Overholt (Eds.) (2005). Evidence-based practice in nursing and health: A guide to best practice Philadelphia: Lippincott

    33. Why Apply?? School Nurse Leaders CAN and DO make a difference. Invest in yourself as a life long learner and invest in your school community!!

    34. UIC Masters and Doctorate

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