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Welcome to Language Arts Room 1213: Mrs. Salmon & Mrs.Vining. S how Respect P ositive Attitude O wn Your Actions T hink First S tay Safe. Always show your SPOTS …. What should I do when entering the classroom? May I sharpen my pencil? When may I use the restroom?
Show Respect Positive Attitude Own Your Actions Think First Stay Safe Always show your SPOTS…
What should I do when entering the classroom? • May I sharpen my pencil? • When may I use the restroom? • When is homework due? • What happens if I forget my homework? • What happens if I’m absent? • What happens if I am unhappy with a grade? Classroom Procedures
What you need for class: A pencil, Language Arts binder, composition notebook & SSR book. When you enter the classroom: Take your assigned seat. Write homework assignments in your agenda. Begin the warm up. This is not a time to socialize with your peers. Being Prepared for Class
At the beginning of class… before the lesson begins. PLEASE DO NOTget up in the middle of class to sharpen your pencil. WHEN May I sharpen my penciL?
Restroom There are two passes for the restroom located next to the back bookcases. One for girls One for boys When you need to use the restroom: Check that the correct pass is hanging on its hook Place the pass on your desk. (2) Return the pass when you return from the bathroom.
How many people may use the restroom at once? ONE boy and ONE girl If Jimmy wants to use the restroom and the boys pass is not on the wall, what should he do? Wait until another boy returns from the bathroom and returns the pass to its location. Let’s Practice…
Homework should be completed on time. If you don’t do your homework, you must complete it during Leopard Time and/or attend working lunch to complete it. Turning work in: Instructions will be on the board when you enter the room. All work that is collected must be turned in to the bin at the back of the room (with the paw print). Homework & Classwork
Before you return to school: Check the Tigers Team HW Calendar by accessing the 6th Grade Symbaloo tiles on the MPMS home page. Go to Mrs. Salmon’s website and see if she has posted the lesson and handouts that you may have missed. On the day you return to school: Checked the “Missed Work” folder for your class period. They are located to the left of the door as you walk in. What Happens if I’m absent?
Talk to your teacher/s. We can discuss options for achieving your goals. The most important thing is that you understand the material. What happens if I’m not happy with my grade? I get it!
Following these procedures will ensure a successful, safe and fun year! Let’s get started! success