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Learn about stewardship through the parable of the talents and personal experiences, and reflect on wisdom and forgiveness in relationships. Discover the significance of being a caring father and making wise decisions.
When I was 9 years old my mom read to me the parable of the talents. At that time I had no idea the impact it would have or that it would stay in my memory forever. The story is about three servants who were given talents by his master before he left for a long journey. The first servant received five talents, the second two, and the third received only one. The first two put their talents to good use and doubled their money, but the third servant decided to bury his talent. When the master returned he rewarded the first servants for their good work, but he was disappointed by the third servant’s work. In the end he punished the lazy servant by taking his one talent and giving it to the ones who had more.
This story, as short as it is, taught me the greatest lesson of my life, the importance of being a steward. Stewardship is not only taking care of someone else’s belongings, but valuing and honoring those who invest in us. After all, these investors are giving us the greatest gift already, their trust. You must be wondering, how I’ve learned such an important lesson in such a short life? Well let me answer you that question with this little story: When I was 17 years old my mom moved to Guatemala for her new job. I was just starting my senior year so my mom and I decided the best thing to do was to stay in El Salvador until I graduated from school. It was not an easy change since I would have to take more responsibility of the house and my younger sister. Before my mother moved she taught me how to pay bills and left me a credit card for this purpose. She also taught me how to act in case of an emergency, since our dad was often outside of the city. When she left I had to take a taxi everywhere I needed to, another odd situation for a girl my age. At the beginning it was not easy. I was not used to running errands, paying bills, preparing food, and keeping a budget. When I turned 18 my mom decided to give me a car to make duties easier, which forced me to learn the roads and drive my sister wherever she needed to go. Through all these experiences I became my mom`s steward. It was a tiring and annoying job at times, but in the end the only thing that mattered was that my mom was proud of me and trusted me with such a great responsibility.
Another thing I remember when I see this picture is God´s qualities as a father to us. God is always near us; even though sometimes we don’t notice it because we are too busy. God is a caring father a perfect creator. This picture reminds me that God is a caring father because He sent His son to earth to die for our sins even though we didn’t deserve it. God has a perfect purpose for everyone on earth; he is only waiting for the opportunity to making it known to humanity. This photo also shows me the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice; he became cursed so we could be blessed; he carried all our sins even though he was perfect. He gave his holy blood for us to be healed and saved. Also this shows me the mercy he had towards humanity, if he didn´t give his life for us we wouldn’t be saved and wouldn’t enjoy the blessing of eternal life. He always forgives us when we do bad things because he loves us. Last but not least, that cross reminds me of heaven and how it will all be, so delightful and full of happiness. In conclusion, this picture is of great significance to me because it shows me the qualities Jesus had as a man and how God´s love for humanity was so strong that he sent his only son to die for our sins. This picture teaches me to be a better person who glorifies God with my actions, giving a good testimony with my life to everyone on earth.
“A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” –Psalms 19:11 From the things I’ve seen and lived, I’ve noticed that there is a common factor when it comes to people. Whenever a person is mad, their actions and words that come out of their mouth are out of control; they never think whatever it is that they will say or do, but instead, they let their emotions take charge of the whole situation. People get mad whenever things do not turn out as they expected them to be, such as when someone pushes them, offends them, etc. It is a wise person who reflects about what is going to happen after the decision it is that you make; whether it is violent, mature, passive, you must think of the consequences of your words and actions.
Wisdom is not reflected from your knowledge, past, or age, but rather from the decisions you make. It is human nature to come up with an answer after someone insults us or makes us mad, to respond in a crazy way where we might say things we don’t actually mean, to make actions that we will later regret in life. Instead, it is wise to keep calm, analyze what is going on, and think about what is the best, and after we come up with a wise decision of what we will do. People usually tend to test you; they like to take you to the limit to see how far they can take your emotions. If you overcome all these tests, you will become an outstanding person and people will begin admiring you and asking for advice, because they now consider you smart and wise. I consider patience to be the most important out of all virtues. If you are impatient, you are unhappy, and if you are unhappy, you don’t enjoy life. What if one day something bad happens, like your car wrecks or you can’t get to an appointment you had early; are you going to be mad the rest of the day? Are you going to let that accident take over your emotions? If you are wise, you will simply take it as “everything happens for a reason”, fix it, and be patient. This way, the rest of the day is yours to enjoy and you might end up laughing about that small accident that could’ve ruined your whole day. Be wise, be patient; it’s worth it.
Wrong words in context • Every time I hear, it gives me goose bumps • Wrong word: hear-listen • This other part is really for me because its clear • Wrong word: its- it’s • For me, this photography represents life • Wrong word: photography-photograph • I have had difficult times where I have found rocks in my way and I’ve felt down • Wrong word: felt-fell • …it is because I have taken wrong decisions • Wrong word: have-made
MORE Wrong words in context • I have being betrayed • Wrong word: being – been • It is humane to come up with an answer.. • Wrong word: humane- human nature • If you overcome all this tests… • Wrong word: this – these • People will begin asking for advise… • Wrong word: advise-advice • Jesus is a great example for me because he taught me not to make favoritism. • Wrong word: make – show
EVEN MORE Wrong words in context • God has a perfect purpose for everyone on earth; he is only expecting the opportunity to making it known to humanity. • Wrong word: expecting – waiting for • Last but not least, that cross remembers me to heaven and how it will be. • Wrong word: remembers- reminds • This picture teaches me to be a better person that glorifies God with my actions. • Wrong word: that – who • Knowing his biography gave me the confidence to know that the mistakes made in the past are opportunities to learn from failures and be a better person. • Biography –life story
Wrong Prepositions • Last but not least, that cross remembers me to heaven and how it will be. • Wrong Preposition: to – of • Everyone are equal to His eyes. • Wrong Preposition: to - in • Jesus was a man that got involved with everyone from poor people to rich he didn’t have favoritism with anyone. • Wrong Preposition: with – towards • Jesus showed me that in life I have to be good with everyone and show them His love • Wrong Preposition: with – to
MORE wrong prepositions • Jesus was always surrounded of people and he was always trying to help them. • Wrong Preposition: of- by • Jesus had a lot of compassion with people, when he saw the infirm he healed them with happiness in his eyes because he loved to help the people in need. • Wrong Preposition: with-toward
Capitalization • His songs make me feel peace, especially when I hear “The silhouette” I love hear the sax and how soft it is. • Capitalization of Title • He is my role model because He was the best in everything he did • Capitalization: He-he • Jesus showed me that in life I have to be good with everyone and show them His love • Capitalization: His-his • Everyone are equal to His eyes. • Capitalization: His-his
Punctuation • His music skills are amazing especially when he is playing the sax. • Comma • I Can Only Imagine is a song that has impacted my life since the first time I hear it • Quotes for titles • Jesus had a lot of compassion with people, when he saw the infirm he healed them with happiness in his eyes because he loved to help the people in need. • Punctuation: semi colon not comma • I always ask myself this question, if Jesus that is God loved everyone without limits, how can I not love my neighbor? • Punctuation: commas for added information
Possession • This photo also shows me the importance of Jesus sacrifice; • Possession: Jesus’ • I have been a rock in others roads. • Possession: other’s • Jesus passion was to learn more about God • Possession: Jesus’
Random • One characteristic I like about him is that despite the criticisms… • One-another ; criticism (plural) • He is the composer of instrumental music, is a complete artist who has worked with famous personalities in the world. • The – a (specific, general); is-and • When I´m stress I listen his songs I close my eyes trying to hear how wonderful sax is… • Stress vs stressed (noun vs adjective) ; I-and • Another interesting fact about he was that went he grew up… • Subject/object pronouns; went-when
Random • This composer has inspired me as a violinist, because in his life he was brave and a dreamer. • Parallelism: a brave man & a dreamer • God is a caring father a perfect and creative creator • Redundant: creative creator, like beautiful beauty • If you are inpatient, you are unhappy, and if you are unhappy, you don’t enjoy life. • Wrong translation: Inpatient-impatient • but it is not impossible to do • Double negative: Not impossible = possible • …and become passionate as well as he does. • Passionate is an adjective (as passionate as him)
Verbs (Tense & Agreement) • … is the one that makes me relax because of his way of play • Playing (wrong tense) • Also when my teacher ask me if I want to play something in specific, I prefer any melodies of him because of his style. • Subject verb agreement; preposition error (in specific, of him) • I Can Only Imagine is a song that has impacted my life since the first time I hear it • past tense: hear –heard • Everyone are equal to His eyes. • Subject Verb Agreement: everyone – is
Verbs (Tense & Agreement) • I’ll be able to show reverence to him and enjoy singing to him; it would be an amazing time • Wrong tense: would-will • I will found problems • Wrong tense: found-find • I have found people in my road that has told me… • Subject Verb Agreement: people-have • … it will be hard to finding the good way. • Wrong tense: to finding-to find • Peter did not doubted and he became Jesus disciple. • Wrong tense: doubted-doubt