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Professional Update. Stirling 14 th June 2014 Kenneth Muir Chief Executive, GTCS. Jobs of the Future - in 2025. Mechatronical engineer Avatar design-security consultant Digital architect Traceability manager Simplicity consultant Bioinformationist Geomicrobiologist
Professional Update Stirling 14th June 2014 Kenneth Muir Chief Executive, GTCS
Jobs of the Future - in 2025 • Mechatronical engineer • Avatar design-security consultant • Digital architect • Traceability manager • Simplicity consultant • Bioinformationist • Geomicrobiologist • Online education broker
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearnAlvin Toffler 1972 Future Learners
The poorest performing schools of the 21st century will not be those who cannot change but those that cannot continuously innovate, change and improve Future Schools
Curriculum for Excellence What is it trying to achieve? Improve outcomes for all learners Close the Gap Improve standards Create a high performing education system Sustain long-term improvements in school and education system CULTURAL CHANGE
New NQs and “Insight” Revised Professional Standards ...but not just CfE Scottish College of Educational Leadership Professional Update Professional Learning NIB/TSF ES and Inspection CfE
National system alignment • Putting the learner at the centre (“… personalised, customer or learner-centric…”) • Supporting achievement by all • Establishing an effective performance framework that allows continuous review and improvement • Reconceptualising the model of teacher professionalism (Professional Update, revised Standards, Fitness to Teach, etc)
“ All countries are seeking to improve their schools and to respond better to higher social and economic expectations. As the most significant resource in schools, teachers are central to school improvement efforts. Improving the efficiency and equity of schooling depends, in large measure, on ensuring that competent people want to work as teachers, that their teaching is of a high quality, and that all students have access to high quality teaching”. “Teachers Matter” (OECD)
The 2013/4 Education for All Global Monitoring Report shows why education is pivotal for development in a rapidly changing world. It explains how investing wisely in teachers, and other reforms aimed at strengthening equitable learning, transform the long-term prospects of people and societies.
The importance of learning and teaching “The major source of student variance lies within the person who gently closes the door of the classroom door and performs the teaching act.” “The remarkable feature of the (research) evidence is that the biggest effects on student learning occur when teachers become learners of their own teaching.” John Hattie “Visible Learning”
TSF report: Professional Learning Teachers should be: “Increasingly expert practitioners whose professional practice and relationships are rooted in strong values, who take responsibility for their own development and who are developing their capacity both to use and contribute to the collective understanding of the teaching and learning process.” Donaldson Report “Teaching Scotland’s Future” 2011
The importance of learning and teaching “The quality of an educational system cannot outperform the quality of its teachers. The only way to improve outcomes is to improve learning and teaching.” McKinsey “ Professionals need to be fully engaged in the change process and to feel a high degree of ownership about the outcomes. [This] requires an infrastructure for changing professional practice that ensures the profession owns and drives the change. “ Harris 2010
The changing role of teachers “If 21st c. schooling’s main aim is to build students’ “learning capacity”, to help them develop into lifelong, active, independent learners, then teachers need to be “learning coaches” – a role that is very different from that of a traditional teacher.” “Leading learning in 21st century schools” Bull and Gilbert (2013)
The role of teachers in 21st c. 21st c. learning focuses on the need to develop students’ cognitive, inter- and intra-personal capacities. However, a necessary precursor to this is that teachers’ capacity for, and awareness of, their own learning needs to be developed “Leading learning in 21st century schools” Bull and Gilbert (2013)
Professional Update • Public Services Reform (GTC Scotland) Order 2011 (Section 31) • requires GTCS to set up a scheme of “reaccreditation” • allows GTCS scope to develop such a scheme and to give it an appropriate name • allows for different provision in respect of different types of registered teachers • requires consultation before making or varying a scheme
Key principles of Professional Update: teachers have..... • - a responsibility to consider their own development needs • - an entitlement to a system of supportive PRD • - confirmation that they are maintaining the high standards required of a teacher
Professional Update requires: • An annual update of contact details to GTC Scotland • Engagement in professional learning • Self-evaluation against the appropriate GTC Scotland Professional Standard • Discussion of this engagement and the impact of this, as part of the PRD process • Maintain a professional learning record and portfolio of evidence • 5-yearly confirmation of this engagement to GTC Scotland
Professional Learning “ The most successful education systems invest in developing their teachers as reflective, accomplished and enquiring professionals who are able, not simply to teach successfully in relation to current external expectations, but who have the capacity to engage fully with the complexities of education and to be key actors in shaping and leading educational change”. Teaching Scotland’s Future 2011
Examples of Professional Learning • Self-evaluation and critical reflection processes • Experiential, action or enquiry-based learning • Professional dialogue with colleagues, other professionals, parents, and learners • Focused professional reading and research • Leading or engaging in practitioner enquiry/action research • Critical analysis of reading, learning and impact on professional practice • Learning about aspects of the curriculum or pedagogical practice • Peer support e.g. coaching or mentoring • Classroom visits/peer observation • Online learning/blogs
Phasing for Professional Update • 20% of teachers will complete P/U each year from national implementation in 2014 • Teachers with registration years ending in: - 9 and 4 = 2014/15 - 0 and 5 = 2015/16 - 1 and 6 = 2016/17 - 2 and 7 = 2017/18 - 3 and 8 = 2018/19 For example: 1995 registration = 5 = 2015/16
Professional Update sign off process • Teacher: I confirm that I have engaged in ongoing professional development in line with the GTCS Professional Standards, maintained a CPD record and portfolio of evidence, and have discussed the impact of my professional learning with my line manager as part of my Professional Review and Development process. • Line Manager: I confirm that..... has engaged in ongoing professional development in line with the GTCS Professional Standards, maintained a CPD record and portfolio of evidence and has discussed the impact of this as part of the Professional Review and Development process.
GTC Scotland ken.muir@gtcs.org.uk Professional.Update@gtcs.org.uk Twitter @GTCSKen www.gtcs.org.uk/professional-update