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Do Now: Which of the following freedoms would you give up if you had to choose one? Why?

Objective: To discuss the reasons for the Puritan’s settlement in America and to examine their way of life. Do Now: Which of the following freedoms would you give up if you had to choose one? Why? * Speech * Press * Religion * Trial by Jury. Roman Catholic Church.

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Do Now: Which of the following freedoms would you give up if you had to choose one? Why?

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  1. Objective: To discuss the reasons for the Puritan’s settlement in America and to examine their way of life. Do Now: Which of the following freedoms would you give up if you had to choose one? Why? * Speech * Press * Religion * Trial by Jury

  2. Roman Catholic Church Episcopalians Baptists Protestants Lutherans Presbyterians Church of England Separatists (Pilgrims) Puritans Puritans – a group of English Protestants that tried to simplify the Church of England in the 1600’s.

  3. England persecuted everyone that refused to agree with the Church of England, i.e. Puritans, Separatists, Catholics Persecute – to mistreat English dissenters saw America as a place where they could worship freely! Dissent – to disagree

  4. • The Puritans wanted to reform the Church of England. reform - to change Examples: - simpler forms of worship - do away with Catholic traditions, such as organ music and special clothes for priests. Puritans felt that religion and government should work together. The colony should be run based of their religion.

  5. • John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans. John Winthrop • Well-off attorney and manor lord in England. • Became 1st governor of Massachusetts. • Believed that he had a “calling” from God to lead there. • Served as governor or deputy-governor for 19 years. We shall be as a city on a hill..

  6. Hard Work: - The Puritans worked very hard at farming, fishing, and hunting in order to become successful. Values: - religion and education were very important. - dancing and games were disapproved of, and illegal on the Sabbath.

  7. - The Puritans wanted Massachusetts to be a "City on the Hill". “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken... we shall be made a story and a by-word throughout the world. We shall open the mouths of enemies to speak evil of the ways of God... We shall shame the faces of many of God's worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into curses upon us til we be consumed out of the good land whither we are a-going.” John Winthrop • Witches were blamed as scapegoats for their problems, such as: - stress - smallpox - Native Americans - belief in the devil scapegoat- one that receives the blame for others.

  8. • In 1629, the Puritans were granted a charter to form the Massachusetts Bay Company. Some Pilgrims and the Puritans will merge together to build the colony of Massachusetts Bay. Some people will leave to start their own colonies.

  9. New England Colonies, 1650

  10. New England Spreads Out

  11. Relations With Native Americans: - Fighting increased as the Puritans settled on Native American land. A village militia muster in Massachusetts Bay Colony, circa 1637.

  12. Puritans vs. Native Americans • Indians especially weak in New England  epidemics wiped out ¾ of the native popul. • Wampanoags [near Plymouth] befriended the settlers. • Cooperation between the two helped by Squanto. • 1621  Chief Massasoit signedtreaty with the settlers. • Autumn, 1621  both groups celebrated the First Thanksgiving.

  13. Some Puritans Split Thomas Hooker was a minister that was not following the strict rules of the Puritans. The puritan leaders asked him to leave Massachusetts. • He left Massachusetts to live in Connecticut because he didn’t like the way the Puritans lived. • IN 1639,Connecticut had the FIRST WRITTEN LAWS IN NORTH AMERICA.

  14. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut These Fundamental Orders represent the framework for the first formal government written by a representative body in Connecticut. The Connecticut Colony at Hartford was governed by the Fundamental Orders. The orders describe the government set up by the Connecticut River towns, setting its structure and powers. It is the first written Constitutionthat created a government, and earned Connecticut its nickname of The Constitution State.

  15. Roger Williams • Roger Williams believed you should tolerate other people’s beliefs in God. • He left Massachusetts and started a colony: Providence, RI

  16. Anne Hutchinson • Anne Hutchinson was a woman who believed you could go directly to God so you could pray to God without going through a priest. • She was forced out of Massachusetts and moved to Providence , RI with Roger Williams and started the Rhode Island Colony.

  17. You will add to your Classification chart you started yesterday. You will need to include on your classification chart that is on the next slide as well as information from your notes.

  18. Pilgrims Puritans

  19. Assignment • You are to create a double bubble, to compare and contract the similarities and difference between the Pilgrims and their settlement and the Puritans and their settlement. • Needs 2 illustrations per group. • You must have a frame a reference that answers the following questions. What is the difference in religious beliefs between Pilgrims and Puritans? What representative government came from these two groups?

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