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Numbering / Addressing in Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN)

Numbering / Addressing in Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN). Background to ECMA. An International Europe-based Industry Association for Standardizing Information and Communication Systems. Objective

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Numbering / Addressing in Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN)

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  1. Numbering / AddressinginPrivate Integrated Services Networks(PISN) Page-1

  2. Background to ECMA • An International Europe-based Industry Association • for Standardizing Information and Communication Systems • Objective • Development and promulgation of standards and technical reports for information and communication systems • With Direct Outlets on International and European Levels • ISO/IEC JTC 1 • CEN, CENELEC, ETSI Page-2

  3. Joint ECMA-ETSI Agreement and Committee • Provides for co-operation between ETSI and ECMA on certain designated topics • Avoids duplication of work • Mutual participation in working committees • ECMA deliverables publishable as ETSI documents through routes such as Public Enquiry Page-3

  4. Standardizing Information and Communication Systems TC32 Communication, Networks and Systems Interconnection Responsibility for corporate networks, including QSIG protocol, mobility support, addressing, numbering, management, CTI etc. TG13 – Corporate Networks – Network Architecture, Numbering, Naming and Addressing TG17 - IP-based multimedia communications Page-4

  5. ECMA TC32-TG13 Numbering and Addressing in Narrowband and Broadband PISNs ECMA – 155 (ETS 300 189 - ISO/IEC 11571) • Handling of network addresses for entities which use • or provide telecommunication services offered by PISNs • Requirements for : • - Numbering • coding of numbering information, • Support of Private Numbering Plan • - Addressing of network service access points • - Subaddressing Page-5

  6. Native PISN numbering plans • The ISDN numbering plan according to ITU-T Rec. E.164 • A Private Numbering Plan (PNP) • An implicit numbering plan • The Data Country Code (DCC) numbering plan (ISO/IEC 8348) (introduced for ATM) • The International Code Designator (ICD) numbering plan • (ISO/IEC 8348) (introduced for ATM • Any combination of these numbering plans Page-6

  7. Private Numbering Plans • Defined by the PISN administrator • Not globally unique – • PNP numbers significant only within • the PISN / Corporate Network concerned • Digits 0-9 - maximum length as for E.164 • Can be structured into a maximum of 3 levels: • level 2 regional number • level 1 regional number • local number • May be mappable to corresponding E.164numbers, • e.g., where DDI is available. Page-7

  8. Implicit numbering plans • Defined by the PISN administrator • Not globally unique – • Implicit numbers significant only within • the PISN / Corporate Network concerned • Digits themselves indicate significance of number • (e.g., through prefix digits) • whether public or private • whether public number is subscriber, national • or international • whether private network is local, regional, etc. • Digits 0-9 - maximum length can exceed that for E.164 • because of need to accommodate prefix digits • May be mappable to corresponding E.164 numbers, • e.g., where DDI is available Page-8

  9. ECMA TC32-TG17 IP-based multimedia communications • Officially created in March 1999 • 3 meetings with : • Alcatel, Bosch Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, ECI Telecom, Ericsson, Lucent Technologies, NIST, Nortel Networks, Philips Business Communications, PQM Consultants, Siemens, Unisys • Scope: To develop Standards and Technical Reports for • IP-based multimedia communications • in a business environment Page-9

  10. TG17 - Objectives • To identify requirements including architectural, addressing, mobility, service, protocol, interworking, QoS, security and management aspects • To adapt, where necessary, existing standards for narrowband and broadband PISNs to the requirements of IP-based multimedia communication in a business environment • To develop, where necessary, standards for interoperation of IP-based networks and telecommunication networks • consideration to co-existence of IP networks employing H.323 / H.450 or SIP and Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN) employing QSIG • To co-ordinate liaison on related matters with ITU-T, ETSI, TIA, IETF, IMTC, ISO/IEC JTC1 in order to promote a worldwide unique set of standards for IP-related multimedia communication in a business environment Page-10

  11. ECMA TC32 RequirementsJ Numbering / Addressing in CN - Impact on IP telephony • Part of a Corporate Network may comprise an IP network that supports telephony (IP telephony) • èRequirements • nCustomer-premises or VPN scenarios to be considered • nAdministrators will want to deploy a uniform numbering plan throughout the Corporate Network (PISN and IP network) • nUsers will want number portability between PISN and IP network • Need to support PNPs and implicit number plans • in the IP network Page-11

  12. For more information • www.ecma.ch helpdesk@ecma.ch John Elwell, Chairman ECMA TC32 Siemens Communications (International) Limited john.elwell@siemenscomms.co.uk Christine Cordonnier, Convenor ECMA TC32-TG13 & TG17 Alcatel Business Systems cc@sxb.bsf.alcatel.fr Page-12

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