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Candidate Vaccine Strains and Potency Reagents for 2012-13 Influenza Season

Candidate Vaccine Strains and Potency Reagents for 2012-13 Influenza Season. Rajesh K. Gupta, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Division of Biological Standards & Quality Control Lab Chief, Lab of Biochemistry, Virology & Immunochemistry OCBQ, CBER, FDA Prepared for

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Candidate Vaccine Strains and Potency Reagents for 2012-13 Influenza Season

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  1. Candidate Vaccine Strains and Potency Reagents for 2012-13 Influenza Season Rajesh K. Gupta, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Division of Biological Standards & Quality Control Lab Chief, Lab of Biochemistry, Virology & Immunochemistry OCBQ, CBER, FDA Preparedfor Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee 28 February 2012

  2. Influenza A (H1N1) • Current Vaccine (2011–12 Season) Strain: A/California/07/2009 like virus • X179A (classical), X181 (classical), NIBRG-121XP (RG) • A/Christchurch/16/2010, NIB-74 (classical) • WHO Recommended Strain for 2012–13: No Change from 2011–12 Strain

  3. CBER Authorized Reagents for H1N1 • Continue with Reagents from 2011–12 Season • Antibodies from NIBSC & CBER • X-179A Ref Antigen from CBER • X-181 Ref Antigen from CBER and TGA • NIB-74 Ref Antigen from NIBSC

  4. Influenza A (H3N2) • Current Vaccine (2011–12 Season) Strain: A/Perth/16/2009 like Virus • A/Wisconsin/15/2009 (NYMC 183); A/Victoria/210/2009 (NYMC 187) • Reagents Available from CBER, NIBSC • WHO Recommended Strain for 2012–13: A/Victoria/361/2011 like Virus • A/Victoria/361/2011 (IVR-165) • CBER Plans to Generate Reagents, if this Strain is Selected, Target Availability June 2012

  5. Influenza B • Current Vaccine (2011–12 Season) Strain: B/Brisbane/60/2008 like Virus (B/Victoria/2/87-lineage) • Vaccine Made from B/Brisbane/60/2008 • Reagents available from CBER • WHO Recommended Strain for 2012–13: B/Yamagata/16/88-lineage, B/Wisconsin/1/2010 like Virus • B/Hubei Wujiagang/158/09 (Wt, BX-39), B/Wisconsin/1/2010 (Wt, BX-41A), B/Texas/6/2011 (Wt), B/Stockholm/12/2011 (Wt) • Reagents for B/Hubei Wujiagang/158/09, BX-39, Available from CBER (Generated for Quadrivalent Formulations) • CBER Plans to Generate Homologous Ref Antigen, if this Strain is selected & Manufacturers Plan to Use Other Strains (e.g. B/Texas) • Target Availability June 2012

  6. Influenza B (Victoria Lineage) for Quadrivalent Formulations • WHO Recommended Second B Strain (B/Victoria/2/87-lineage) • B/Brisbane/60/2008 like Virus – Current B Strain • Reagents available from CBER, NIBSC, TGA • Use of Monospecific Antibodies Recommended • Significant Cross-Reactivity in CBER Generated Antibodies • Use of TGA/NIBSC Antibodies for B/Brisbane/60 • Efforts are Ongoing to Prepare Mono-specific sera for B/Brisbane/60 • Use of Reference Antigen • Use of Mixture of Reference Antigens for Both B Strains • Correction Factors are Not Recommended with Use of Specific Reference Antigen

  7. CBER Influenza Potency Reagents • Only CBER Authorized Reagents shall be Used to Test Potency of Vaccines Marketed in the US • Authorized Reagents will be Produced by CBER or Adopted by CBER for Use. CBER will Collaborate in Calibration of Adopted Reagents • CBER will Verify Availability and Acceptable Performance of Compatible Authorized Reagents with Manufacturer’s Vaccine Product • CBER will Make Every Effort to Assure Availability of Reagents Appropriate for all Strains Selected for Production of Vaccine

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