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Enzymes & Macromolecules

Enzymes & Macromolecules. Lipids. Proteins. Carbohydrates. Nucleic Acid. Role of Carbon in Organic Compounds. C. CARBON. Carbon is found in all living organisms. It can form up to 4 bonds with other elements or compounds. . Carbon Is Unique.

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Enzymes & Macromolecules

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  1. Enzymes & Macromolecules Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Nucleic Acid

  2. Role of Carbon in Organic Compounds

  3. C CARBON Carbon is found in all living organisms. It can form up to 4 bonds with other elements or compounds.

  4. Carbon Is Unique * Four electrons in outer shell; bonds with up to four other atoms (Usually H, O, N, or other carbons). * Can bond to itself making chains and rings (back bones of organic molecules). * Characteristics allow it to form an enormous variety of organic molecules.


  6. Monomers & Polymers

  7. Polymer Polymer Polymer Polymer Monomers & Polymers A. Monomer : Are small units that bind together to make large molecules. (Polymer) A polymer can be a straight chain or have many branching chains that fold back on itself. B. There are Four Major Classifications of Polymers in Biology : Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins Monomer

  8. Classes of Polymers Carbohydrates (Polysaccharides) Lipids (Triglycerides) Proteins (Polypeptides) Nucleic Acids

  9. Building a Polymer(Dehydration Synthesis) Polymers (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids) are built by bonding monomers together. The joining is called dehydration synthesis. (Sometimes condensation). REMOVE WATER!

  10. Building a Polymer Chain (Remove water!)

  11. Dehydration synthesis

  12. Breaking Down A Polymer(Hydrolysis) Hydrolysis means to split with water. “water” (hydro–) “split” (–lysis) ADD WATER!

  13. Breaking a Polymer Chain (Add Water!)

  14. Organic Compound: Carbohydrates

  15. GLUCOSE 1. Carbohydrates (sugars) : Basic monomer looks like this :

  16. Carbohydrates : (sugars) Always have carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. (CH2O)n Almost all carbohydrates are Hydrophilic. C H O 1 : 2 : 1 Ratio

  17. Monosaccharides (Single Sugars) Simple sugars with a backbone of three to seven carbon atoms. Best known monosaccharides sugars have six carbons (hexoses). Glucose Fructose Galactose

  18. Dissacharides(Double Sugars) Two monosaccharide (single sugars) joined by dehydration synthesis. -LactoseGalactose + Glucose Found in milk. -Maltose Glucose + Glucose Forms in human digestive tract during starch digestion. -Sucrose Glucose + Fructose Transported within plants.

  19. Polysaccharides Chains of glucose molecules or modified glucose molecules.

  20. Polysaccharides(carbohydrates) Used For Energy Storage Starch. Found in plants. Straight chain of glucose molecules Few side branches. Glycogen. Found in animals (called “animal starch”). Highly branched polymer of glucose Many side branches

  21. Polysaccharides(carbohydrates) Structural Forms Cellulose - Not easily digested due to the strong linkage between glucose molecules. Cellulose glucose bonded to form mcrofibrils; primary constituent of plants cell walls. • Grazing animals can digest cellulose due to special stomachs and bacteria. • Cotton - nearly pure cellulose.

  22. Organic Compound: Lipids

  23. FATTY ACIDA lipid unit molecule Fatty acid - long hydrocarbon chain, carboxyl (-COOH), [acid] group at one end. Carboxyl group is polar, fatty acids are soluble in water. Most fatty acids in cells contain 16 to 18 carbons atoms per molecule.

  24. FATTY ACID Saturated Only single bonds between atoms. (NO doubles) Unstaturated Double bonds in the carbon chain where there are less than two hydrogens per carbon atom.

  25. WAXES • Fatty acids bonded alcohol instead of glycerol. • Solid at room temperature • High melting point • Waterproof • Resist degradation. • Form protective coverings • Retards water loss in plants • Maintain animal skin and fur.

  26. Phosphate group is the polar head; hydrocarbon chains become nonpolar tails.

  27. PHOSPHOLIPIDS  In aqueous environments, arrange in a double layer. Polar (hydrophilic) heads toward water molecules.  Nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails face toward each other - away from water molecules. Very important property! Forms an interface or separation between two solutions (e.g. The interior and exterior of a cell

  28. Phospholipid bilayer

  29. STEROIDS Cholesterol part of an animal cell membrane. Used to make other steroids.

  30. STEROIDS Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Progesterone is the female sex hormone.

  31. Organic Compound: Proteins

  32. Proteins Functions Form cell structures Chemical messengers Enzymes Body defense Regulation Movement & support Monomers amino acids Polymers Polypeptides Proteins

  33. H O R C C OH NH2 Amino Acids Carboxyl group amino group

  34. Denaturation Of Proteins Loss of normal shape – a physical change. Once a protein loses it normal shape, it cannot perform its usual function.

  35. How Proteins Can Be Denatured • Temperature Cooking an egg Albumin congeals • Addition of hydrogen or hydroxide ions (large pH changes) Adding acid to milk Causes curdling • Vigorous Shaking – making whipped cream • Organic Solvents • Salts of heavy metals (mercury, silver & lead) • Detergents • Ultraviolet Radiation

  36. Degradation Reaction(Hydrolysis for example)

  37. Factors Affecting Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction Rates • Substrate Concentration • Enzyme Concentration • Temperature (optimum) • pH (optimum)

  38. Animation Of Enzymes Specific Animation Of Enzymes

  39. Chemistry in Biology Chapter 6

  40. Organic Compound: Nucleic Acids

  41. 4. Nucleic Acids : Found in DNA & RNA. Are made of a Phosphate, Sugar, and a Nitrogen Base.(Nucleotide) DNA is doubled strained and RNA is Single strained.

  42. Tests for Organic Macromolecules

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