ILC Introduction: Spring 2013 Read the following presentation and take a quiz on it’s content when you are finished. You will be required to retake the quiz until a score of 90% is obtained. The quiz is not open note. Each semester you are required to read this presentation and pass the quiz, as new information may have been included.
Haines High School Independent Learning Center A blended learning environment using online & other independent study options to meet high school graduation requirements offering college preparation, credit retrieval& remediation classes.
Independent Learning Center (ILC)Monitor • Depending on the class period, one of the following people could be the mentor in the ILC: • Mrs. Benton • Ms. Clark • Ms. Sherman • Mr. Cedeno • Mr. Benton • Mr. Barry
Community Education • What happens in this classroom at night? • The community education director runs the educational activities for adults in the community. • Proctoring of exams for University of Alaska, Western Governors University, etc. • Tutoring Please leave the space as you found it, and let the ILC monitor / teacher know if there is something which is broken or otherwise needs attention.
Online Offerings • If it is online and you want to take it, talk to Ms. Moore & Mrs. Benton. • There is a chance that you may be able to complete the desired course here in the Independent Learning Center.
SOME Classes which students Have taken in the ILC: • Applied Writing • Career Ready • Algebra II • Alaska History • French • Government • CIOS 105 (dual credit college computer class) • Applied Math • Calculus • Physics
Internet Down / Tech ProblemsWhat then? • Please come to class prepared to work on something else if for some reason you can not work on your online course. • The expectation is to come to class with what you need, having taken care of your personal needs before the bell rings. • Should you need to leave class, you will need a signed, dated note from another teacher/administrator giving permission. • Notify ILC monitor of the problem • Together try to figure it out • If all options have been exhausted and it looks like it won’t be fixed within the class period, get something else out to work on. • There are many new magazines the ILC has subscribed to, please enjoy the selection should you have forgotten to bring something to work on.
Self-Paced Courses • What happens if I finish my course before the semester ends? • Congratulations! • You still need to attend class. • 25% of your final grade is participation which includes attendance. • Use this time for career development, homework prep, college scholarship letters/applications.
Self-Paced Courses • What happens if I don’t finish my course before the semester ends? • The answer to this depends on which course you are taking. • There will be different deadline requirements for completion by different course providers. • Sometimes an extension can be granted, sometimes it can not. • You won’t get credit until you complete it. • Create a plan for yourself to complete your course on time. Consider travel for sports, etc. in your planning. • Should you get significantly behind on your course, you may become ineligible for sports.
Grades • Academic skills / your course letter grade • 75% of your final grade • Attendance/Work Ethic • 25% of your final grade For College level dual credit courses, your final grade will be issued from the college itself, for the HS credit, your participation grade will be factored into your final grade.
Grades: Attendance • For unexcused absences or tardies, your participation points will be zero for the day. • Please come to class, and arrive on time.
Classroom Expectations • The Independent Learning Center is designed to be a quiet study space similar to a tutoring room you may find at a university. • It is not advisory, homework prep, a time to go to your locker / use the bathroom or a place to socialize. • Once you arrive, you are expected to stay the entirety of the class period.
HALL PASS • 3 minute passing periods • Come prepared! • You are asked to not leave to go to the bathroom or your locker during class. • You must have a signed, dated pass from a teacher to leave the ILC to go see that teacher during your ILC class period.
HATS • As long as they are not a distraction to the learning environment they are fine. • Not in the lunch room or during the flag salute please.
LANGUAGE • Please use school appropriate language being mindful to not use language which a group may find offensive.
ELECTRONICS • Keep volume reasonable when listening to music, the person next to you shouldn’t be able to hear it. If someone speaks to you or there is a fire alarm, you should be able to hear it. • Please use your phone only before / after school & lunch. • Keep your use of computers on-task.
FOOD/DRINK • If you need a snack, please clean up throwing away all trash and wiping up all surfaces. • Eat / drink away from the computers. • This is a privilege which will be revoked if the ILC isn’t kept clean.
PDA • The focus of the ILC is academics. Please keep your hands, etc. to yourself, this includes rough housing.
HBSD Expectations • Haines Borough School District’s expectations for behavior reflects common expectations of any work place or college classroom. • When reading through each bulletin point, reflect upon your own behavior and that of your classmates and think of positive and negative examples of each point.
CODE OF CONDUCT • I am PREPARED • Prepared • I treat EVERYONE with COURTESY • Respectful of Others • I create and maintain a POSITIVE environment • Safe • I treat personal and school PROPERTY with RESPECT • Respectful of Property • I act RESPONSIBLY and accept CONSEQUENCES for my actions • Responsible
Classroom Expectations • Now that you have examples of both positive and negative examples of classroom behavior from your own experience in your mind, spend a minute to review the specifics detailed in the PBIS classroom expectation rubric.
WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR WITH YOU Please ask the ILC monitor for your quiz. Thank you.