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Sequoyah: Inventor of the Cherokee Written Language

Sequoyah: Inventor of the Cherokee Written Language. pages 90-109 Vocabulary. syl la bles. syllables. The two syllables in Barry’s name are Bar-ry. syllables. The syllabary is an alphabet whose letters stand for the syllables that make up the words in the Cherokee language.

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Sequoyah: Inventor of the Cherokee Written Language

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  1. Sequoyah: Inventor of the Cherokee Written Language pages 90-109 Vocabulary

  2. syl la bles

  3. syllables The two syllables in Barry’s name are Bar-ry.

  4. syllables The syllabary is an alphabet whose letters stand for the syllables that make up the words in the Cherokee language.

  5. A syllableis a letter or group of letters that make a sound in a word.

  6. com mu ni cate

  7. communicate You can communicate, or share, your ideas in writing.

  8. communicate Sequoyah was interested in the way white people could communicate with each other by writing on sheets of paper.

  9. Communicatemeans to make known.

  10. cul ture

  11. culture The beliefs and customs of Americans, such as freedom of speech and Thanksgiving, are part of our culture.

  12. culture Sequoyah was afraid that these Cherokees would forget their own language and culture.

  13. A culture is the beliefs and customs of a group of people.

  14. pre serve

  15. preserve Some museums preserve old photographs by placing them in a dark, dry place.

  16. preserve People use language to preserve their cultural traditions and history.

  17. Preservemeans to keep from being lost or damaged.

  18. tra di tions

  19. traditions One of America’s traditions is to eat turkey on Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims did it, and Americans have been doing it ever since.

  20. traditions People use language to preserve their cultural traditions and history.

  21. Traditionsare customs or beliefs that are passed down from parents to their children.

  22. char ac ters

  23. characters Several characters on his computer keyboard do not work. He cannot type the letters a, f, g, or the number 3.

  24. characters Twelve years later, in 1821, Sequoyah had developed 86 characters.

  25. Charactersare letters or figures used in writing or printing.

  26. hon or

  27. honor We give our mothers a special honor on Mother’s Day. It’s the day we show thanks for all they do.

  28. honor To honor Sequoyah, the giant sequoia trees found in California’s Yosemite Valley were named for him.

  29. Honor means to show or feel great respect for a person.

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