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Crisis Care Center Impact on Pennington County

Crisis Care Center Impact on Pennington County. Crisis Care Center Diversions Involuntary Mental Health, City/County Alcohol & Drug, Pennington Jail 01/01/11 – 04/30/12. TOTAL: 450. 408 Involuntary Mental Health D iversions; 34 CCADP Diversions 8 Pennington County Jail Diversions.

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Crisis Care Center Impact on Pennington County

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  1. Crisis Care Center Impact on Pennington County

  2. Crisis Care Center DiversionsInvoluntary Mental Health, City/County Alcohol & Drug, Pennington Jail01/01/11 – 04/30/12 TOTAL: 450 • 408 Involuntary Mental Health Diversions; • 34 CCADP Diversions • 8 Pennington County Jail Diversions.

  3. Estimated Cost SavingsCrisis Care Diversions from Involuntary Mental Health01/01/11 – 04/30/12 TOTAL SAVINGS: $494,000 Cost per petition is estimated at $1,000.00 each which includes the stay at Behavioral Health, the psychiatric doctor and QMHP fees. This does not include States Attorney staff or the Mental Health Chairman cost.

  4. Estimated Cost Savings Crisis Care Diversions fromPennington County Jail & City/County Alcohol & Drug01/01/11 – 04/30/12 TOTAL SAVINGS: $5,898 Cost per stay at CCADP is $174 per day and at Pennington County Jail it is $63.

  5. Total Estimated Cost Savings for Pennington County from Crisis Care Diversion $499,898

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