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Delegating Appointments to Gcal from Novell GroupWise 7.0 Method #2

Delegating Appointments to Gcal from Novell GroupWise 7.0 Method #2. Source: North Carolina State University, Office of Technology Outreach Technology: Coordinating Loosely Associated Factions of Warring Parties.

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Delegating Appointments to Gcal from Novell GroupWise 7.0 Method #2

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  1. Delegating Appointments to Gcal from Novell GroupWise 7.0 Method #2 Source: North Carolina State University, Office of Technology Outreach Technology: Coordinating Loosely Associated Factions of Warring Parties.

  2. http://webapps.ncsu.edu/ot/2009/04/21/delegating-appointments-to-gcal-from-groupwise/#more-497http://webapps.ncsu.edu/ot/2009/04/21/delegating-appointments-to-gcal-from-groupwise/#more-497

  3. Step 1: Open GroupWise, click on the Tools menu, and select Rules

  4. Step 2: When Rules screen opens, click New, and type Google Calendar Delegation in the Rule Name box.

  5. Under “When Event Is”, leave New Item selected and check the box for Received. Under “Item Type”, make sure to check the box for Appointment.

  6. From “Add Action” menu, select Delegate…

  7. This will bring you to the Delegate window. In the “To:” field, type in your gmail address. In the “Comments to sender:” box, put in [[****GWAPPT****]] It is VERY important to use a string of characters that is not common in your emails because we will be filtering off of that string in Gmail.

  8. When you are done, click “OK” on the Delegate window. You should see your rule show up in the “Rule List” on the “Rules” window. Go ahead and hit the Close button.

  9. Congratulations! Now GroupWise is delegating your appointments to your Gmail address. The next step is getting Google Calendar to process the events, and get them out of your Gmail Inbox.

  10. Step 2: Filtering and Processing in Gmail Go to Gmail and click on “Settings” in the upper navigation area. In the “Settings” screen, click on the “Filters” tab.

  11. Click on the “Create a new filter” link at the bottom of the “Filters” tab.

  12. In the “Has the words:” text box, type in the same string that you typed into the “Comments to Sender” in your GroupWise delegation rule. Click the “Next Step” button.

  13. This will take you to the “Choose action” screen, where you will tell Gmail what to do with your messages that match your criteria that you set in the last step.

  14. This is where your rule can differ. To keep from getting additional emails in the Inbox, check “Skip the Inbox (Archive It)” and “Delete It”. Once you’ve selected your options, click the “Create Filter” button.

  15. Step 3: Test it out! In GroupWise, click the New Appt Button in the top tool bar.

  16. This will bring up a new window to add an appointment to your GroupWise calendar. Fill in any information you want, but make sure you are on the list of people in the “To:” field.

  17. When you are done, click the “Send” button at the top of the window.

  18. Looks like it showed up in GroupWise. Lets head over to our Google Calendar and see if everything worked! If it did, I should have the same appointment on my Google Calendar.

  19. There it is! Everything worked as planned. Now, every time someone makes a meeting on your GroupWise calendar, it will be delegated to your Google Calendar, and not clutter up your GMail inbox!

  20. A few notes: * This only works from Groupwise to Google Calendar and only when meetings are created. If a meeting is removed from your Groupwise calendar, you will have to manually remove it from your Google Calendar.

  21. * If you delete a meeting from your Google Calendar, it will still be around in GroupWise unless you go and manually delete it. Also, if you create a meeting in Google Calendar, it will not be put on your GroupWise calendar. * This has been tested on NCSU’s version of GroupWise, so no guarantees that this will work anywhere else.

  22. * It took approximately 24 hours for the changes to appear on my MacBook Pro. * This only works with delegated and accepted appointments. Appointments must be accepted in order for appt to post. A rule can be created to auto accept appts.

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