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PLANETARY EXPLORATION!!!. Logan Dougherty. Quick Overview. Mariner 2 – First successful Venus flyby (USA) Mariner 4 – First successful Mars flyby (USA) Venera 3 – First Venus impact. Contact lost. (USSR) Venera 4 – Venus atmospheric probe

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  1. PLANETARY EXPLORATION!!! Logan Dougherty

  2. Quick Overview • Mariner 2 – First successful Venus flyby (USA) • Mariner 4 – First successful Mars flyby (USA) • Venera 3 – First Venus impact. Contact lost. (USSR) • Venera 4 – Venus atmospheric probe • Claimed to reach the surface intact, but disproven shortly after by USA Mariner 5. • Pioneer 10 & 11 – Jupiter and Saturn flyby • Mariner 10 – Mercury flyby • Voyager 1 & 2 – Outer solar system • Pathfinder – Mars rover • Cassini Huygens – Saturn lander • New Horizons – Pluto and Kuiper belt • Curiosity Rover – Mars Rover

  3. Above: To the left is the Mariner 2 and to the right is the Voyager 1. Right: The New Horizons spacecraft.

  4. Original Reasons for Planetary Exploration • The Space Race • Main memorable part of the Space Race is the Apollo mission • Large competition in planetary exploration as well • Between USA and USSR • http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/chronology.html • As shown above, until the end of the Cold War, USA and USSR competed largely in their attempts to study the moon and the planets. • Post Cold War, the USSR involvement declined heavily, leaving the USA to dominate the field

  5. NASA’s Big Questions for Planetary Science • How did the sun's family of planets and minor bodies originate? • How did the solar system evolve to its current diverse state? • How did life begin and evolve on Earth, and has it evolved elsewhere in the Solar System? • What are the characteristics of the Solar System that lead to the origins of life?

  6. President’s FY13 In-Guide Budget • For FY13 Congress has passed a “Continuing Resolution” • Under the CR PSD’s FY13 budget is $1.19B • 21% decrease from FY12 level

  7. Amazing Accomplishments • Existence of bodies of water on Mars in the past. • Atmospheric probes to help determine composition of other planets. • Missions that help deduce the early evolution of planets and help to explain why our solar system formed how it did. • Valuable samples of surfaces that offer insight into the formation of that planet.

  8. What inspires Planetary Exploration?

  9. Search for Life near Home • Mars • Signs of water, as discovered by rovers like Curiosity • Venus • People used to envision life existing there, but the harsh atmosphere makes it difficult to support life • Titan • Liquid lakes of ethane and methane • Colder than earth • Atmosphere that consists of more than trace gases

  10. Where else should we search?

  11. Exoplanet Detection • Kepler mission • Uses transit method to detect dip in light curves • Doppler Shift measurements • Binary Movements • Hundreds of planets have been discovered • Planetary Detection is part of the Astrophysics sector of NASA as opposed to the Planetary Science, but offers useful information in the theory of how solar systems evolve. • Exoplanets are popular • The idea inspires people and the public is interested in the possibility of finding planets with life

  12. What is the biggest difficulty in directly observing a planet?

  13. New Worlds • Blocks out the star’s light to gain a direct view of the planet. • Can then study the spectra of the planet and gain knowledge of its atmosphere. • Offers the possibility of finding planets capable of hosting life • Reasons that policy makers may consider investing: • While Kepler has produced results, the public keeps hearing about planets and it doesn’t peak their interest. • This would offer a more definitive statement on the possibility of life, and to see more detailed pictures of the planets, garnering more public support. • Offers useful knowledge about planet’s in the habitable zone of stars.

  14. “Space: the final frontier.”

  15. Works Cited • http://www.newscientist.com/data/images/archive/2542/25424001.jpg • http://cinema-wallpapers.net/user-content/uploads/wall/o/60/Little-Green-Men-toy-story-2-wallpaper.jpg • http://jpl.nasa.gov • http://science.nasa.gov/planetary-science/ • http://ut-images.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Kepler-telescope.jpg • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FQaCDdht2S8/TEybVhkHILI/AAAAAAAABDc/wi6q8fMoElo/s1600/newhorizons.gif • http://ut-images.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/voyager1.jpg • http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/203286main_image_964_946-710.jpg • http://iliketowastemytime.com/system/files/outer-space-hd-wallpaper.jpg?download=1 • http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02445/AV_2445412b.jpg

  16. NASA’s Planetary Science Division James L. Green Director, Planetary Science Division NASA Headquarters February 21, 2013

  17. Recent Accomplishments 2010 * September 16 – Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in PSD * November 4 - EPOXI encounters Comet Hartley 2 * November 19 - Launch of O/OREOS 2011 * February 14 - Stardust NExT encounters comet Tempel 1 * March 7 – Planetary Science Decadal Survey released * March 17 - MESSENGER orbit insertion at Mercury * May 5 – Selection of 3 Discovery-class missions for study * May – Selection of the next New Frontier mission for flight, OSIRIS-REx * July 16 - Dawn orbit insertion at asteroid Vesta * August 5 - Juno launch to Jupiter * August 9 - Mars Opportunity Rover arrives at Endeavour Crater * September 10 - GRAIL (A and B) launch to the Earth’s Moon * November 26 – Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) launch to Mars * December 31 – GRAIL A orbit insertion at Earth’s Moon 2012 * January 1 – GRAIL B orbit insertion at Earth’s Moon * June 6 – Venus transits Sun (last time this Century) * August 5 – MSL/Curiosity successfully lands on Mars * August 20 – Selection of Discovery 12 Mission * September 5 - Dawn leaves Vesta and starts on its journey to Ceres * Completed

  18. The Revolution in Planetary Science Planetary Decadal Reports from the National Academy of Science

  19. Planetary Science Objectives • NASA’s goal in Planetary Science is to “Ascertain the content, origin, and evolution of the solar system, and the potential for life elsewhere.” • Planetary Program seeks to answer fundamental science questions: • What is the inventory of solar system objects and what processes are active in and among them? • How did the Sun’s family of planets, satellites, and minor bodies originate and evolve? • What are the characteristics of the solar system that lead to habitable environments? • How and where could life begin and evolve in the solar system? • What are characteristics of small bodies and planetary environments that pose hazards and/or provide resources? Planetary Science accomplishes these goals through a series of strategic-large, medium, small mission and supporting research

  20. Planetary Decadal Recommendations Large Missions (“Flagship”-scale) “Recommended Program” (budget increase for JEO new start) “Cost Constrained Program” (based on FY11 Request) “Less favorable” budget picture than assumed(e.g., outyears in FY12 request) Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher – descoped Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) – descoped Uranus Orbiter & Probe (UOP) 4/5) Enceladus Orbiter & Venus Climate Mission Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher – descoped Uranus Orbiter & Probe (UOP) Descope or delay Flagship mission Discovery $500M (FY15) cap per mission (exclusive of launch vehicle) and 24 month cadence for selection New Frontiers $1B (FY15) cap per mission (exclusive of launch vehicle) with two selections during 2013-22 Research & Analysis (5% above final FY11 amount then ~1.5%/yr) Technology Development (6-8%) Current Commitments (ie: Operating Missions)

  21. President’s FY13 In-Guide Budget • For FY13 Congress has passed a “Continuing Resolution” • Under the CR PSD’s FY13 budget is $1.19B • 21% decrease from FY12 level

  22. Planetary & President’s FY13 Budgets

  23. President’s FY13 Budget - Missions MAVEN Mars 2020 Mars R&A Discovery InSight New Frontiers OSIRIS-REx Technology LADEE Outer Planets

  24. Discovery and New Frontiers • Address high-priority science objectives in solar system exploration • Frequent opportunities for science community to propose full investigations • Fixed-price cost cap full and open competition missions • Principal Investigator-led project • Established in 1992 • $425M cap per mission excluding launch vehicle (FY10) • Open science competition for all solar system objects, except for the Earth and Sun • Established in 2003 • $1000M cap per mission excluding launch vehicle (FY10) • Addresses high-priority investigations identified by the National Academy of Sciences

  25. Discovery Program Mars evolution: Mars Pathfinder (1996-1997) Lunar formation: Lunar Prospector (1998-1999) NEO characteristics: NEAR (1996-1999) Completed Solar wind sampling: Genesis (2001-2004) Comet diversity: CONTOUR Nature of dust/coma: Stardust (1999-2011 ) Completed LostAug 15 2002 Comet internal structure: Deep Impact (2005-2012) Mercury environment: MESSENGER (2004-2013) Main-belt asteroids: Dawn (2007-2015) Lunar Internal Structure GRAIL (2011-2012 ) In Flight

  26. InSight: Interior Structure from Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport

  27. New Frontiers Program 2nd NF mission JUNO: Jupiter Polar Orbiter 1st NF mission New Horizons: Pluto-Kuiper Belt 3rd NF mission OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Launched August 2011 Arrives July 2016 PI: Scott Bolton (SwRI-TX) Launched January 2006 Arrives July 2015 PI: Alan Stern (SwRI-CO) Sept. 2016 LRD PI: Dante Lauretta (UA) NF-4 AO in FY15-16

  28. Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx ) Science Objectives: • Return and analyze a sample of pristine carbonaceous asteroid • Map the global properties, chemistry, and mineralogy • Document in situ the properties of the regolith at the sampling site • Characterize the integrated global properties to allow comparison with ground-based telescopic data of entire asteroid population • Measure the Yarkovsky effect • Mission Overview: • Launch in September 2016 • Encounter asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 in October 2019 • Study RQ36 for up to 505 days, globally mapping the surface • Obtain at least 60 g of pristine regolith/surface material • Return sample to Earth in September 2023 in a Stardust-heritage capsule • Deliver samples to JSC curation facility for world-wide distribution RQ36 - Apollo r ~ 280 m P ~ 436 days

  29. MESSENGER 8-year Phase E Dawn 8-year Phase E ASPERA-3 6-year Phase E Discovery and New Frontiers Missions Timeline - Current Missions Calendar Year 2022 2022 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Discovery Missions Extended Mission GRAIL Extended Mission Hibernation EPOXI 12 month Phase E (+6 month extension) Strofio InSight New Frontiers Missions New Horizons 10-year Phase E 10-year Phase E Juno OSIRIS-REx 7-year Phase E 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Now Phases Pre-A,A,B,C,D Phase E Extended Mission

  30. Mars Exploration Program 2000-2010 “Follow the Water…”

  31. Mars Budget Analysis FY’00 through FY’17 $M MSL Landing MSL Delay

  32. Odyssey MRO Mars Express Collaboration NASA’s Future Mars Missions Operational 2020 2013 2018 2016 2022 2001-2012 MAVEN Aeronomy Orbiter ESA Trace Gas Orbiter (Electra) Future Planning “Seeking Signs of Life…” InSight Phoenix (completed) Curiosity – Mars Science Laboratory 2020 Science Rover ESA ExoMars Rover (MOMA) Opportunity Spirit (completed) 34

  33. Developing Missions

  34. Upcoming Launches • MAVEN and LADEE in final phases of development for 2013 launch dates

  35. The JUpiter ICy moons Orbiter Mission • On May 2, 2012, the ESA formally selected JUICE as the first Large-class mission in ESA’s Cosmic Vision Program • The JUICE mission will investigate the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants, characterizing Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto as planetary objects and potential habitats • JUICE will first orbit Jupiter for ~2.5 years, providing 13 flybys of Callisto and 2 of Europa, and then will orbit Ganymede for 9 months • Launch is scheduled for 2022 with Jupiter arrival in 2030 and Ganymede orbit insertion in 2032 • NASA will contribute ~$100M in instruments and other support

  36. Planetary Technologies

  37. ASRG and Pu-238 Production Advanced Stirling Radioistope Generator (ASRG) • After Discovery 12 selection, working to identify next ASRG mission • Expectation is that Discovery 13 will provide similar opportunities to test mission enabling technologies (ie: ASRG, NEXT…) • Two ASRG flight units (F1 and F2) will be completed in 2016 • The completed flight units will go into bonded storage, unfueled, pending a mission decision for flight use Plutonium-238 • Technology demonstration activities include: • A qualified Neptunium-237 target for irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (First Np-237 targets irradiated) • A qualified process for post-irradiation target processing • A qualified Pu-238 product • A project plan for scale-up to full-scale production at 1.5-2.0 kg/year • Project baseline and confirmation by December 2013

  38. Planetary Supporting Researchand Analysis Program

  39. Supporting Research & Analysis (R&A) Program Elements • Planetary Science Research • PGG, Cosmochem, PAST, PATM, PME, PIDDP, Origins, PP, LPI, ASTEP, ASTID, NAI, Exobiology • Near Earth Objects Observation (NEOO) • Planetary Data Systems (PDS) • Astromaterial Curation • Mars Research & Analysis • Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP) • Mars Fundamental Research Program (MFRP) • Discovery Research • SRLI DAP/LARS (Lab Analysis of Returned Samples) • PMDAP (Planetary Missions DAP) • MESSENGER/Dawn PSP • GRAIL PSP • Outer Planets Research • OPRP, Cassini DAP/PSP • Lunar Science Research • NLSI, LASER, MMAMA, PGG/Cosmo Lunar, LRO PSP Call for Proposal to these PSD Program Elements comes out in ROSES

  40. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/yss Questions?

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