Sociology AS Exam Technique
Item A According to Young and Willmott, there has been a long term trend towards the symmetrical family in Britain since around the beginning of the 20th century with more and more families taking this form. Initially, the symmetrical family was more common among the middle class, but it has now spread to the working class too- a process that Young and Wilmot call ‘stratified diffusion’. However, the view that the nuclear family is now symmetrical is widely contested by feminist and other sociologists. They argue that there is still an unequal gender division of labour in the family that disadvantages women. Not only do women remain responsible for most of the housework and childcare, but increasingly they are now expected to go to work as well meaning that in effect they have to work a double shift. Others go further, arguing women have to work a triple shift.
Item B • Along with the trend towards people getting married later in life, there has been an increase in the proportion of people getting divorced. The number of divorces doubled between 1962 and 1969 in the UK and doubled again by 1971. Although there was a drop in the number of divorces in 1973, the number increased again in 1974 and peaked in 1993 at 180000. By 1999 the annual number of divorces had declined to 159000. Average divorce rates across the European Union have more than trebled since 1961. one effect of higher divorce rates is to contribute to greater family diversity, including a trend towards ‘serial monogamy’
Question 1. • Explain what is mean by the term triple shift (item A line 17) (2 marks) • Identify two features of the ‘symmetrical family’ (item A, line 3) (4 marks) • Suggest three reasons why the symmetrical family may have become more common over the last century. (Item A line 1-5) (6 marks) • Identify and explain two reasons for the increase of divorce. ( item B) (8 marks) • Examine the patterns of, and reasons for, domestic violence in society (20 marks) • Using material from item A and elsewhere assess the view that the family is now symmetrical (20 marks)
General Advice • You must answer all questions • The exam lasts for 1Hr 15 mins • Use the items for clues of what to include • Do the questions almost backwards spending approx 50 minutes on the two essay questions, then do the rest starting with a. • Aim to write about ¾ of a side on a, b and c combined. • Spend the rest of the time on question d.
Answer specific advice • For the mini essay 14 marks are allocated for knowledge and understanding and 6 marks allocated for interpretation, analysis and evaluation. • It makes sense to do these qustions first as they carry the most marks. As long as you label your answers it does not matter to the examiner.
What to include in e • Define domestic violence • Focus on gender • Patterns- why are women most often victims? Dobash & Dobash, Ansley. • Patterns- class and other family members – Mirrlees-Black, Wilkinson. • Evaluate radical feminist explanations • Raise problems with stats • Conclusions
What to include in f • What does symmetrical mean? • Focus on gender and conjugal roles • Who says it is symmetrical? What is the evidence? • Who says it is not symmetrical, what is their evidence? • Use key terms and cite studies (with dates if possible) • Conclusion. You can include your own views.
Answers • Triple shift is • Two features of a symmetrical family might include • Three reasons why families have become more symmetrical • Two reasons for the increase in divorce