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Uni Virtual Lab e-learning technologies Lab For the Interuniversity Center CIRDFA (Centro Interateneo per la Ricerca Didattica e la Formazione Avanzata). Univirtual Lab The inspiring idea.
UniVirtual Lab e-learning technologies Lab For the Interuniversity Center CIRDFA (Centro Interateneo per la Ricerca Didattica e la Formazione Avanzata)
Univirtual Lab The inspiring idea Nowadays the knowledge demand in every context of work and social interaction, address people to search for lifelong and lifewide learning This put the bases for personalized education, both of high quality and easily accessible; eLearning seems to be one of the best strategies to satisfy both criteria, enhancing possibilities for learners to experience ubiquitous learning, a strong possibility of personal and institutional development
Univirtual Lab The starting point … UnivirtualLabwasfounded on 1999 with the aimofdeveloping online teacherseducationcourses, implementedby SSIS of VENETO (SchoolofEspecializationforSecondaryTeaching) In the followingyears, the Labhaswidenits scope, participating in severalinternational and nationalprojectswhereithasexperimentedvirtuallearningenvironments, net basedlearningtools, and training oftrainersto the useof educational technologies
Today, the Lab provides support for learning&instructional design, with an approach to innovation in educational technologies, and strongly supported by research evidence, in collaboration with CIRDFA (Interuniversity Center for Educational Research and Advanced Training) Univirtual Lab …Today
Univirtual Lab Areas & Functions Scientific Coordination Web Design & Development Learning & Instructional Design R e s e a r c h Quest'area realizza le diverse funzioni per lo sviluppo di strategie mirate di learning&instructional design; dall'analisi di fabbisogni, alla progettazione di interventi formativi, alla formazione dei formatori. Si occupa inoltre della costruzione di tools e metodologie specifiche a seconda degli scenari e problemi formativi. Web Editing, Content Management, Institutionalcommunication Area dedicata alla progettazione della comunicazione web, da stili e caratteristiche grafiche del contenuto elaborato alle metodologie di presentazione web per l'uso dei diversi livelli/profili di utenza. Business Development
Univirtual Lab Research Profile - Networkedlearning New learningenvironments, instructional& learning design forhybridlearning. Learning on the cyberspace iscreatingnewphenomena, which in timebecome a continuing challenge bothforresearch and practice. The Labintendstoanalyzewelldefinedresearchproblems in thisfield, withoutleavingethical and deontologicalconcerns The aimisto put intopracticesignificantactivities, with the highest educational and social impact amongparticipants and trainers. The researchareasare….. - Training ofTrainers Educatorsprofessionalismfornew educational contexts on the net and in glocalnetworks. - Open educational Resources and Metadata Open contentforbetteraccess and innovation in learning E-research Researchmethodologies and toolstounderstandlearningprocesses on the net.
LA LOGICA DEL DISEGNO Univirtual Lab • …Tasks and working process Research II Analysis of Educational Technologies. Development of tools and learning environments. Metadata Research I Study on the state of art, sceneries and problems of Education. Analysis of learning models Research III Learning Processes, outputs and outcomes Educational and Social Impact Learning Design Educational Planning and Methodologies Web Design&Development Training of Trainers Educational implementation Evaluation Content Design Web Editing Institutional Communication
Univirtual lab Services The Labdevelopes the followingservices Technological and MethdologicalAssistence Content Management, LearningGroups Management, Training ofTrainers LearningObjectsDevelopment Open Educational ResourcesRepositories Blended Training Courses Monitoring Learning Processes Assessment Tools Accreditation and Certification of Learning PersonalizationofLearning ACCREDITAMENTO E CERTIFICAZIONE DI PERCORSI FORMATIVI ONLINE DI NICCHIA
Univirtual lab …Learning Design • Learning Design is based on educational and institutional sceneries, being hence customized. • Design stands for a process of negotiated construction in collaboration with policy makers, institutional responsibles, educators and learners Needs’ Analysis Educational Model Approaches to Evaluation and Assessment Learning Contexts
Univirtual Lab A training framework: ILEP (Margiotta, 2006)(information, laboratory , evaluation, personalization) ILEP is an instrumental framework that defines a teaching progressively oriented to promote different steps in the dynamic, cognitive and metacognitive growing up of the students. The ILEP framework contains and formalizes the following hypothetical steps of the teaching action: INFORMATION:This step cover the process that communicates knowledge, focused on the activation and the organisation on knowledge and experience schemes. The teacher, in this step, promotes on student the acquisition of new information, new patterns of reasoning and analogical understanding LAB:This step includes activities where students learn to explore, prove, falsify, and corroborate what they learn; laboratory is the experimental environment in which students learn to apply what it is known in different and problematic environments of human experience. ASSESSMENT: This third step relates to recursive stages of analysis, interpretation and justification of learning results with a particular focus on their generalization. This step could be characterized as a continuous participatory analysis of learning process by students. PERSONALIZATION:This is a recursive action that promotes students’ capacities to explore and to identify rules with which it Is possible to discover new rules of knowledge /experience composition and combination. This is an inventive step: students learn to mastery knowledge and experiences, to gain and to equilibrate attitudes, to understand differences in the largest world, to speak different alphabets , to act a well founded citizenship.
Univirtual Lab A training framework: ILEP (Margiotta, 2006)(information, laboratory , evaluation, personalization) Information Explain Education goals Define steps through Timeline Give a Theme’s sommary Provide Advance Organizers (Ausubel, 1960) Contextualize Learning Provide a Conceptual Map or Elements to build it Provide main contents through text, multimedia, new technologies. Personalization Provide further bibliography Highlight alternative path to develop knowledge/skills Create additional materials Lab Formulate questions about crucial concepts Propose discussions Propose cases to study Propose problems to analyze Offer feed-back about learning process and students’ achievements Assessment Assess declarative knowledge Assess competencies (procedural knowledge) Assess problem solving skills (imaginative knowledge)
Univirtual Lab Learning Approaches Learning Approaches Self-LearningApproach (online) The learningprocessisconceivedasindividual, where the single retrieves the material ofhis/her interest from the net Certification/recognitionoflearningoccursthroughhighlystructuredtests and assignments Assisted training Approach (blended) The learning process is conceived as individual, where the single interacts with a tutor online and eventually with other users Certification/recognition of learning occurs through tests and assignments proposed by the tutor and interacting with colleagues Collaborative Learning (eel – enrichedenvironmentlearning) The learningprocessisconceivedas social, wherelearningenvironmentsofferseveralinputsto motivate participantstointeractamongthem Certification/recognitionoflearningoccursthroughself-recognition and triangulationofseveralinstrumentsofevaluation (mixedqual-quan)
UNIVIRTUAL Lab Defining Learning Environments Mosaic Learning Environment Consorzio Univirtual
Univirtual Lab Defining Learning Contents LDS (Learning desing system)
LA LOGICA DEL DISEGNO Univirtual Lab …Learning Design: Learning Units - Text Learning Plan Competences Profile Discipline Knowledge Social Knowledge Matrix : concepts, representations, images Learning Unit Sommary of the Unit Contents, Activities, Evaluation Learn more Assessment Unit Objectives Study Sections Activities
LA LOGICA DEL DISEGNO Univirtual Lab …Learning Design: Learning Units - Multimedia Learning Plan Competences Profile Discipline Knowledge Social Knowledge Matrix : concepts, representations, images Learning Unit Storyboard Selection of Media – Map of Hyperlinks Learn more Reflections/ Creation Plot Actors Critical Incident Interaction
UNIVIRTUAL LAB Technologies used Virtual Learning Environments
UNIVIRTUAL LAB … AWAP : a special case of Personal Learning Environment What’s AWAP? It stands for Ambiente Web per l’apprendimento personalizzato (personal learning environment on the Web) which aim is to make interact LMS with WEB 2.0 according to user’s motivations and scopes HOW? Through highly flexible platforms, which are interoperable and allow hence the necessary simplicity and usability to keep “natural” user’s environments and tools connected within the learning experience . Favaretto, 2009
Univirtual Lab A net to support the Net
Univirtual Lab A net to support the Net SW Open Source and interoperability
Univirtual Lab Thank you! Any Question? Pls contact: Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico di Venezia, Edificio Lybra Via delle Industrie 17/a 30175 Marghera (VE), Italy Phone: +390415094363 / +390415094363 Email: info@univirtual.it