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JUST VOCAB. REPTILES Chapters 43. Allantois. albumen. Membrane sac in an amniotic egg ____________________ that exchanges gases and stores nitrogen waste The proteins and water stored in ____________________ an amniotic egg Membrane sac in an amniotic egg __________________
Allantois albumen Membrane sac in an amniotic egg ____________________ that exchanges gases and stores nitrogen waste The proteins and water stored in ____________________ an amniotic egg Membrane sac in an amniotic egg __________________ That surrounds the fat-rich food supply Pits in the roof of the mouth of a snake that are sensitive to smell ______________________________ Yolk sac Jacobson’s organ
alveoli Tiny air sac that increases surface area in the lungs ____________________ Membrane in an amniotic egg that ____________________ directly surrounds the developing embryo Dividing wall that separates the __________________ Ventricle into 2 chambers Ability to drop off a body part to escape a predator ______________________________ amnion septum autotomy
carapace plastron Dorsal domed shell of a turtle ____________________ “Tummy”-shell of a turtle ____________________ Type of reproduction in which the egg is surrounded by a shell and laid outside the body to hatch __________________ Type of reproduction in which the egg is not surrounded by a shell but kept inside the mother’s body and nourished by a placenta until birth ___________________________ Oviparous viviparous
Type of reproduction in which the egg is covered by a shell but kept inside the female until just before hatching or it may hatch inside the mother’s body ____________________ Type of snake that squeezes its prey ____________________ Type of snake that injects poison with 2 small unmovable fangs __________________ Type of snake that injects poison with 2 large movable fangs ______________________________ ovoviviparous constrictor elapid viper
thyroid Endocrine gland that regulates Heart rate, blood pressure, & metabolism ____________________ Coiled tubules where spermmature and grow their tails ____________________ Small tubules that carry sperm from __________________ the epididymis to the cloaca in a turtle Tubes which add the shell to the eggs as they are carried from ovary to cloaca ___________________ epididymis Vas deferens oviducts
External fertilization Joining of an egg & sperm outsidethe female’s body ____________________ Kind of development in whichoffspring are born/hatch lookinglike their parents only smaller ____________________ Kind of circulatory system in whichblood is contained inside vessels __________________ Organism that has a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, a post anal tail, and a dorsal nerve cord ______________________________ Direct development closed Chordate
vertebrate protostome Organism with a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its mouth ____________________ Thin membrane in the coelom that____________________ connects and holds the internal organs together Order of reptiles that _____________________includes snakes and lizards mesentery Squamata
osmoregulation Maintaining the correct balance of water and ____________________ ions in the body Covering made of bone that ____________________ protects the brain; also called skull Nerve cord surrounded by bone or cartilage; also called a Spinal cord _____________________ cranium Vertebral column
Internal fertilization Indirect development Joining of an egg & sperm insidethe female’s body ____________________ Kind of development in whichoffspring hatch as larva and must ____________________ undergo metamorphosis to become adults Kind of circulatory system in whichblood is NOT contained in vessels __________________ and flows loose inside the coelom A protein found in the scaly skin of ______________________ reptiles and also in bird feathers, & human hair & fingernails open keratin
invertebrate Organism without a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its anus ____________________ Eardrum __________________ Order of reptiles __________________ including turtles & tortoises deuterostome Tympanic membrane Chelonia
gullet ileum Opening at back of throat for food to enter esophagus ____________________ Coiled portion of small intestine ____________________ between duodenum and large intestine Bile storage organ __________________ Lower jaw ______________________________ Upper jaw ______________________________ Gall bladder mandible maxilla
Pharyngeal pouches Small out pockets at the anterior end of the digestive tract that become gills in a fish and the throat, ______________________ inner ears, and tonsils in humans Tail that sticks out past the posterior opening of the digestive tract ____________________ Outside body covering in an animal __________________ This kind of body organ works automaticallywithout thinking about it ______________ Post anal tail integument autonomic
Amniotic An egg with four membranes and aprotective shell found in reptiles, ____________________ birds, and a few mammals In animals the body plan where the left and right sides are mirror images of each other ____________________ This part smoothes the flow of blood leaving the ventricle __________________ These small thin walled blood vessels connect arteries and veins and are the place where gases, wastes, & nutrients are exchanged __________________ Bilateral symmetry Conus arteriosus capillaries
arteries Nictitating membrane Blood vessels that carry blood ________________________ away from the heart Membrane that covers and protects a frog’s eye while swimming ______________________ Area in a fish’s brain that receives and processes info from visual, auditory, and lateral line systems _______________________________ Posterior part of the brain that controls balance and muscle coordination ________________________ Optic lobes cerebellum
veins Vertebral column Blood vessels that carry blood back _________________ to the heart Nerve cord surrounded by bone or Cartilage; also called a spinal cord _________________ Posterior part of the brain that integrates Info from the other brain parts and where Higher brain functions like memory, learning, Reasoning, and problem solving occur _____________ Collecting chamber that receives blood returning to the heart from the body Before it enters the atrium __________________________ cerebrum Sinus venosus
Medulla oblongata Part of the brain that controls the autonomic internal organs __________________________ and relays sensory info from body The concentration of nervous and sensory organs in the anterior end of an animal _____________________________ Small fingerlike extensions inside the intestine that increase surface area for greater absorption of nutrients _______________ cephalization villi
duodenum First section of intestine _______________________nearest stomach The energy molecule is stored in the liver ________________________ This substance is made by the pancreas and causes cells to release glucose into the bloodstream. __________________ (Be careful! It sounds like the answer above.Don’t get these 2 confused!) glycogen glucagon
Crocodilia Order of reptiles including alligators & crocodiles ____________________ Multipurpose exit space before the vent ____________________ Body temperature that is dependent on their environment __________________ “cold-blooded” The changing from a larva into the adult form ______________________________ cloaca ectothermic metamorphosis
oviducts Tubules that carry eggs from ____________________ ovary to cloaca & add the jelly coating Order of reptiles that includes Tuataras ____________________ Exit opening in animals with a cloaca __________________ Opening at back of mouth to the lungs ____________________ Rhychocephalia vent glottis
nares olfactory Scientific name for “nostrils” ____________________ Sense that deals with smell____________________ Circulation that carries blood from heart to lungs and back to heart__________________ Urine storage organ _________________________ Circulation that carries blood from heart to body organs and back to heart ____________________ pulmonary Urinary bladder systemic