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Digital Responsibility . Digital Citizenship. Presented by Jackie Jessop Rising Education Technology Specialist. Presented by Julie Mathiesen, TIE Deputy Director. Outcomes. Cyberbulling Digital Responsibility Social Networking. Megan’s Story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZgpmuz2MQc.
Digital Responsibility Digital Citizenship Presented by Jackie Jessop Rising Education Technology Specialist Presented by Julie Mathiesen, TIE Deputy Director
Outcomes • Cyberbulling • Digital Responsibility • Social Networking
Megan’s Story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZgpmuz2MQc
Talent Show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOQyMvG99w
In the Kitchen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p-I19Prqzs
What is it? • Bullying carried out by use of internet, cell phones or other digital technologies • Different than schoolyard bullying
What does it look like? • Impersonation • “Who’s Hot–Who’s Not” • Harassment • Video reenactment • “Doctored” photos • Cyberstalking
The Star Wars Kid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPPj6viIBmU
Star Wars Kid Drunken Jedi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GJOVPjhXMY
Star Wars Kid vs Yoda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2URImmLYAsQ
Sexting??? disturbing new trend in teenage flirting: texting sexually suggestive comments or nude photos from cell phone to cell phone http://media.bradenton.com/smedia/2009/07/20/05/440-sexting.standalone.prod_affiliate.69.jpg
The Scoop on Sexting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ids59pdILY0
“Sexting”: Fun or Felony?Principal Leadership, April 2009 • Is child pornography and is a felony. • If convicted, must register as a sex-offender. • Photos can make their way to adult strangers, including pedophiles. • “Sexts” can get innocent people in trouble.
Why do our Kids do this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3Djf98S854&feature=PlayList&p=D4CD368A89EA47E3&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=12
“No one will see it.” "They think they're going to get attention -- that it makes them stars of their own reality show. They don't understand the consequences. They don't think about where that video is going to go, or how long it's going to be on the Internet and the 50-year-old who is going to be drooling over it." Internet privacy and piracy lawyer Parry Aftab
Private??? http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20302910,00.html
What is the School’s Role? • Educate the staff. • Start early. • Inform the students. • Encourage common sense. • Get the parents involved. • Know the law or find someone who does. • How is your acceptable use policy?
US Senate Bill 1492 http://cybersmart.org
Biggest Threat? PEERS, not predators
Remember… • No such thing as PRIVATE on the internet. • “Delete” doesn’t really delete. • Don’t do online what you won’t do in person. • Use caution. • Leave a digital footprint you can be proud of.
Is your name “Googlable?” …what are you doing to insure the kids in your classrooms are “Googled well” when they go for their own interviews? And I don’t just mean telling them NOT to post certain things online. I mean what are you doing to help students shape their online portfolios so that when their future employers or future mates run the search, what they find is not just a lack of negatives but a potential plethora of positives? Richardson, Will. “Making Kids ‘Gogglable.’” Weblogg-Ed. April 9, 2008. 20 June 2008. <http://weblogg-ed.com/2008/making-kids-googlable/>
Is this Your Name? • Is this Your Name? • Gives great information • Available to anyone
It affects scholarships!!! • Scholarship committees require applicants friend them on Facebook and/or MySpace • Refusal to friend them means disqualification • A colleague’s daughter lost out on $8,000 due, not to her pictures, but those of her friends
What, No Footprint? I wonder how long it’s going to take for employers or potential mates or whatever else to wonder “what, no footprint?” when they start looking around for one. As in “haven’t you been participating and doing good work that you want to share?” http://weblogg-ed.com/index.php?s=footprint&submit=Search
Discuss How can you help your students to leave a positive digital footprint?
Social Networking The internet is not the enemy, but one must understand how to use to use it appropriately.
Popular Social Networking Sites Profile Friend list Comment Interests
A Quick History 1995 Classmates.com 1997 -2001 SixDegrees.com 2002 Friendster 2003 MySpace 2003 hi5 2004 Facebook #1 (April 2008) 2005 Ning 2005 Bebo 2006 Twitter
Facebook is getting older! http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebooks_own_estimates_show_youth_flight_from_sit.php
LinkedIn • network of professionals from around the world • Find and collaborate with qualified professionals http://press.linkedin.com/about