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Financial Stability Report 2006:1. May 31, 2006. CHAPTER 1 Financial markets. Stock markets in selected countries Index: september 2002 = 100. Figure 1:1. Source: Reuters EcoWin. P/E ratios for Sweden, Europe and the United States. Figure 1:2. Source: Reuters EcoWin.
Financial Stability Report2006:1 May 31, 2006
Stock markets in selected countriesIndex: september 2002 = 100 Figure 1:1 Source: Reuters EcoWin
P/E ratios for Sweden, Europe and the United States Figure 1:2 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Implied stock-market volatilityIndex Figure 1:3 Source: Bloomberg
Historical stock-market volatility inSweden and the United States Figure 1:4 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Ten-year government bond ratesPer cent Figure 1:5 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Credit spreads in the United StatesPercentage points Figure 1:6 Sources: Reuters EcoWin, Federal Reserve Board and Merrill Lynch
Corporate bond spreads in EuropePercentage points Figure 1:7 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Credit default swap spreadar Figure 1:8 Source: Bloomberg
Spreads for bonds issued by emerging market economiesPercentage points Figure 1:9 Source: Bloomberg
Oil price and commodity price indexUSD per barrel and index: February 2002=100 Figure 1:10 Sources: The Economist and Reuters EcoWin
Nominal house pricesTwelve-month change, per cent Figure B1 Sources: Reuters EcoWin and Australian Property Monitor
Nominal house pricesTwelve-month change, per cent Figure B2 Source: Reuters EcoWin
US households’ ability to service house purchasesIndex Figure B3 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Non-financial companies, borrowing and bank depositsPercentage twelve-month change, three-month moving average Figure 2:1 Source: The Riksbank
Non-financial companies, borrowing from securities markets and credit market institutionsMiljarder kronor Figure 2:2 Source: The Riksbank
Corporate sector gross fixed capital formation and borrowing by non-financial companies from credit market institutionsPercentage twelve-month change, four-month moving average Figure 2:3 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Ratio of debt to total assets in listed companiesPer cent of all listed companies Figure 2:4 Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank
Returns on equity in listed companiesPer cent of all listed companies Figure 2:5 Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank
Number of corporate defaults by company size Figure 2:6 Source: Statistics Sweden
Expected default frequency (EDF) by industry for listed non-financial companiesPer cent (logarithmic scale) Figure 2:7 Source: Moody’s KMV
Expected default frequency (EDF) for listed non-financial companies in Nordic countries and GermanyPer cent (logarithmic scale) Figure 2:8 Source: Moody’s KMV
Company acquisitions Figure B4 Sources: Swedish Venture Capital Association (SVCA) and the company Förvärv och Fusioner
Leveraged buyout investmentsSEK billion and number Figure B5 Sources: Swedish Venture Capital Association (SVCA)
EBIT multiples for leveraged buyoutsAverage in SEK million Figure B6 Source: The Centre for Management Buy Out Research
EBIT multiples for Swedish equity companies’ acquisitions abroadAverage in SEK million Figure B7 Source: The Centre for Management Buy Out Research
Interest-expenditure and debt ratios for listed property companies Figure 2:9 Sources: Financial statements and the Riksbank
Expected default frequency (EDF) for listed property companies in Nordic countries and GermanyPer cent (logarithmic scale) Figure 2:10 Source: Moody´s KMV
Vacancy rates for office premises in central locationsPer cent Figure B8 Sources: NewSec AB and the Riksbank
Real rents for office premises in central locationsIndex 1981 = 100 Figure B9 Sources: NewSec AB and the Riksbank
Real prices for office premises in central locationsIndex 1981 = 100 Figure B10 Sources: Newsec AB, Jones Lang LaSalle and Reuters EcoWin
Average direct return required foroffice premises in central locationsPer cent Figure B11 Sources: Newsec AB and Reuters EcoWin
Household borrowing by type of institutionPercentage 12-month change Figure 2:11 Source: The Riksbank
Household debt and post-tax interest expenditure in relation to disposable incomePer cent Figure 2:12 Sources: Statistics Sweden and The Riksbank
Duration of fixed interest periods for house mortgage loansPer cent of total stock Figure 2:13 Source: The Riksbank
Household debt and house pricesIndex: 1986 = 100 Figure 2:14 Source: Statistics Sweden
House pricesIndex 1986 = 100 Figure 2:15 Source: Statistics Sweden
Completed new residential construction,by type of housingNumber of dwelling units Figure 2:16 Source: Statistics Sweden
National average price of tenant owned dwellingsSEK per square metre Figure 2:17 Source: maklarstatistik.se
Debt and interest expenditure ratios for indebted householdsPer cent Figure B12 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Debt and interest expenditure ratios, by income decilesPer cent Figure B13 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Share of household sector debt and proportionof households below the margin, by income decilesPer cent Figure B14 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Shares of household sector debt and assets, by income decilesPer cent Figure B15 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Geographical breakdown of operating profits for 2005Per cent Figure 3:1 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Implied volatility of bank equityPer cent, moving 10-day average Figure 3:2 Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank
Pre-tax return on equityPer cent Figure 3:3 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Profit before loan losses and net loan losses in the major banksFour-quarter figures, SEK billion, 2006 prices Figure 3:4 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank