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H ZZ channels. N. De Filippis - Politecnico and INFN Bari Stathes Paganis - University of Sheffield. 1. N. De Filippis. LHC Higgs xsection group, October 22. NLO vs LO generators: signal. Items to be discussed and solved : differential distributions at NLO vs LO
HZZ channels N. De Filippis - Politecnicoand INFN Bari StathesPaganis - University of Sheffield 1 N. De Filippis LHC Higgs xsection group, October 22
NLO vs LO generators: signal • Itemstobediscussed and solved: • differentialdistributions at NLO vs LO • differentialk-factor vs pt • CMS : • POWHEG vs PYTHIA is in ourplans • MC@NLO vs PYTHIA tobecheckedfrompastreferencesifany • ATLAS : MC@NLO vs PYTHIA tobecheckedfrompastreferences • help fromtheoristsisneededto do a meaningfulcomparison and alsofrom the technicalpointofview • transversal meeting with ggZ and VBF subgroups to be organized next week
NLO vs LO generators: background • Zbb: • checkdistributionofrelevantobservables in NLO vs LO generators (forexampleinvariantmass ofbb (expectedtoshiftversus high mass butwe don’tknowhowmuch ) • CMS: workingwith LO Madgraph (at partonic and leptoniclevel) • in the past ALPGEN wasalsoused (distributiontobechecked) • ATLAS: sherpa + pythia • Question: Which NLO generatortouse ? Referenceby L. Reinaand code implementation in POWHEG expectedsoon • Absolute cross section to be computed with MCFM • ggZZ contribution to be studies in detail establish good contact with gg2ZZ authors
Background estimates from data • Definitionofcontrolregion: • --Zbb: • --enoughdefinedregion (not public results in CMS and ATLAS) will try to the analysis at the level of leptons and partons…(one Z + loose)…workis in progress with a phdstudent • --predictioncouldbecompletely wrong ifZbb at NLO giveverydifferentdistributionwithrespectto LO crucial point • -- ZZ, ZZ* normalization from inclusive Z: • -- Inclusive Z to ZZ is a simple calculation • -- is that only valid for qq->ZZ ?? • --anyphysicsjustification ?.... • -- can theorists help ?
Common cuts Target is: toprovidetheorists the coordinate of the phasephase in whichto work togetcorrect cross sections and theoreticalestimates Wecouldprovide the common selection at the levelofpreselection or after full cuts our idea is to provide a “common” preselection to keep enough phase space fo the background estimate also otherwise too less background at the end of the selection Isolation included or not we decided to not include because of dependence/sensibility on experimental facts somehow a loose isolation could be quoted Cuts on impact parameter not needed at the moment
Common cuts: 4l • Proposal of common cuts: CMS +ATLAS • * leptons with pt>5 GeV and |eta|<2.5 • * >=3 (4) leptons with pT>5 • * >= 2 leptons with pT>10 • at least two l+l- pairs of identified leptons with opposite charge and matching flavour. • * at least two matching di-lepton pairs with m2l>12 GeV • at least one 4-lepton combination with m4l>100 GeV • 70 < m_12 < 110 GeV ??
Common cuts: 2l2nu, 2l2jet, 2l2b NO public results yet
Manpower and miscellanea CMS: myself + one PHD (for ZZ/Zbbstudies) …wewouldprobablyneed a experienced POSTDOC to play withgenerators ATLAS: stathes + reisaburo? + 4l people… (anydedicated POSTDOC ?? We agreed to establish a more strict relation with our “generator group” experts Vertical meeting with ggF and VBF subgroup foreseen next week ?