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UNIT 11 Politics

UNIT 11 Politics. One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. — Plato. Dictation. pious suppress annul Renaissance Catholic redemption transient picturesque relapse agitate. 虔诚的,假装虔诚的 镇压,制止,压制 宣告无效,取消,废除 文艺复兴

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UNIT 11 Politics

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  1. UNIT 11 Politics One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. — Plato

  2. Dictation • pious • suppress • annul • Renaissance • Catholic • redemption • transient • picturesque • relapse • agitate • 虔诚的,假装虔诚的 • 镇压,制止,压制 • 宣告无效,取消,废除 • 文艺复兴 • 天主教的,~徒,广泛的 • 赎回,偿还,补救 • 短暂的,临时的,临时旅客 • 别致的,如画的,生动的 • 旧病复发,再次陷入 • 煽动,鼓动,使焦虑不安

  3. Word Pretest 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A Keys: 1. 化绊脚石为垫脚石。 1. Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone. 2. 她听见雨水冲击着窗子的声音。 2. She heard the rain impinge on the windows. 3. 他对所有事情都一丝不苟。 3. He was so meticulous about everything.

  4. Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D Keys: 1. 行使权力 1. exercise of power 2. 竞选运动 2. election campaign 3. 木偶剧,木偶戏 3. puppet show 4. 在幕后 4. behind the scenes 5. 谨慎起见,稳妥起见 5. on the safe side 6. 偏袒,拥护 6. take sides with

  5. Definition 1. politics 政治 the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. 2. government 政府 the group of people who are responsible for governing it. 3. bureaucracy 官僚主义all the rules and procedures followed by government departments and similar organizations 4. democracy 民主制度a system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for them in elections 5. dictatorship 独裁(政府)government by a dictator

  6. Idioms 1. Icy stare 1.冷眼相看 stare icily 2. give sb the cold shoulder 2. 冷落疏远 treat coldly 3. be cool toward sb 3. 冷漠冷淡 unfriendly 4. welcome .. with open arms 4. 热烈欢迎warmly heartily 5. turn one’s nose up at 5. 不屑嫌弃 disdain, scorn 6. turn one’s back on 6. 不理背弃ignore, betray

  7. Vocabulary & Analogies Keys to Vocabulary: 1-5 DDAAD 6-10 BDBCC 11-15 ADCCA 16-20ADCBB Keys to Analogies: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. D

  8. Cloze & Section B C Keys to Cloze: minds aided requires peace relationship little for alone recreation doing Keys to Section B: 1-3 CAC 4-7 TFTF 8-10 CDB 11-12 BA 13-15 CBC Keys to Section C: 1-5 TTFTF 6-10 FFTFT

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