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Regional Minister for the Environment Arch. Maurizio Conte

Regional Environment Protection Directorate. ARPAV and Veneto Region: An overview. Regional Minister for the Environment Arch. Maurizio Conte DIRECTOR of the Regional Environment Protection Directorate Dr Alessandro Benassi.

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Regional Minister for the Environment Arch. Maurizio Conte

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  1. Regional Environment Protection Directorate ARPAV and Veneto Region: An overview Regional Minister for the Environment Arch. Maurizio Conte DIRECTOR of the Regional Environment Protection Directorate Dr Alessandro Benassi

  2. Veneto Region:framing the socio-economic contextsome figures about GDP, employment and productive sectors

  3. Italian GDP in 2005 Northern Italy accounts for 50% and Veneto for 10% of Italian economy Employment More than 15% of Italian population is employed in Veneto (green line – right axis)

  4. Number of enterprises in Italy and Veneto (%) About 10% of Italian firms are in Veneto (blue diamond – right axis) Number of industrial districts in Italy About 13% of Italian industrial districts are in Veneto

  5. Number of employees Percentage variation from 1991 to 2001 Above 350 Between 251 and 350 Between 151 and 250 Below 150 Above 16% Between 10 and 16% Between 6 and 10% Between 0 and 6% negative

  6. Veneto Region, an example: overview about driven forces of air pollution

  7. Driving forces of air pollution: population VENETO REGION A densely populated area with high urban sprawl Regional level Veneto: 4,500 [M inh] Pop density: 244 inh/km2 Province level (7) 5 with about 800 [K inh] 2 with about 250 [K inh] Municipal level (581) 329 with < 5 [K inh] 552 with < 20 [K inh] 29 with > 20 [K inh]

  8. Legend Main streets Highways Production activities Cement plants Power plant Industrial areas Climatic zones Alpine Elevated plain Plain Coastal & lagoon Low level plain Pre-alpine Driving forces of air pollution: industrial activities Some relevant “hot spots” together with many small industries within a densely urbanised area Furniture district Leather district Port & Industrial area Cement plants Furniture district Power plant

  9. Driving forces of air pollution: meteorology Pianura Padana: it’s a closed aerological basin; a sort of “bathtub” with low recirculation and high stagnation= high pollution Alps N Lake of Garda Appenines Source: TEMIS

  10. We believe it’s necessary to get a solution that is matching the need of environmental protection (ex. good air quality) and industrial profitability and social-economic development …….Political choices……

  11. another example: The waste management in Veneto Region

  12. Goal of regional planning? Landfills = 0 In landfills only fraction of residual waste How to reach the goal ? with an integrated waste management

  13. production waste Total production waste in Veneto (2010): 2.408.599 t (+ 1,6% )

  14. Separated colletion waste

  15. Comunal separated colletion waste

  16. Current situation of waste management installations • MAJOR PUBLIC FACILITIES: • selection of municipal waste • recovery of organic • recovery of dry fraction • incinerators with energy recovery • landfills

  17. Current situation of waste management installations is able to meet the needs of the waste treatment

  18. The end

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