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Comparison of vertebrate systems

Comparison of vertebrate systems. Fish. Habitat: Aquatic Integumentary: Scales Skeletal system: Chondrichthyes - have cartilidge EX sharks Osteichyes - have bones EX Nemo Appendages as fins. Fish. Digestive system: Alimentary Canal (intestines are not divided into small and large)

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Comparison of vertebrate systems

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  1. Comparison of vertebrate systems

  2. Fish • Habitat: Aquatic • Integumentary: Scales • Skeletal system: • Chondrichthyes- have cartilidgeEX sharks • Osteichyes- have bones EX Nemo • Appendages as fins

  3. Fish • Digestive system: Alimentary Canal (intestines are not divided into small and large) • Respiratory system: gills • Circulatory system: 2 chambered heart, atrium and ventricle not divided

  4. Fish • Excretory system: gills and a kidney in most groups • Nervous system: small cerebrum and a large olfactory center • Reproductive system: external fertilization, large number of eggs are laid

  5. Fish • Development- • Oviparous- producing eggs which are hatched outside of the body • Ovoviviparous – reproducing by eggs that have a well developed membrane and hatch inside the maternal organism.

  6. Bamboo sharks egg case; Bamboo sharks are distributed in many areas, including Indonesia, India, Arabia, China, Japan, and the Philippines. They are also common in coral reefs.

  7. Amphibia • Habitat: freshwater, terrestrial • Integumentary: moist skin • Skeletal system: bones and cartridge

  8. Amphibia • Digestive system: Alimentary Canal (small and large intestines) • Respiratory system: moist membranes, diffusion through skin; gills in larval stage lungs in adult • Circulatory system: 3 chambered heart

  9. Amphibia • Excretory system: kidneys ; urinary bladder • Nervous system: small cerebrum and a large olfactory center • Reproductive system: external fertilization ; large number of eggs

  10. Amphibia • Development- • Oviparous • Metamorphosis - A change in the form or structure, for example the egg, larva, pupa, adult.

  11. Reptilia • Habitat: terrestrial, water dwelling • Integumentary: Scales; some with 2 piece shells • Skeletal system: bones and cartridge; snakes without appendages

  12. Reptilia • Digestive system: Alimentary Canal small intestine more coiled (increases absorption area) • Respiratory system: well developed lungs • Circulatory system: 3 chambered heart ventricle with a partial septum

  13. Reptilia • Excretory system: kidney and urinary bladder • Nervous system: enlarged cerebrum in comparison to amphibians • Reproductive system: internal fertilization ; fewer eggs are produced

  14. Reptile • Development: • Oviparous • Ovoviviparous • Some are Viviparous – developing young with in the body, born and expelled alive.

  15. AVES • Habitat: terrestrial • Integumentary: feathers • Skeletal system: bone and cartridge; long hollow bones

  16. AVES • Digestive system: Alimentary Canal with a crop, proventriculus (stomach), and gizzard • Respiratory system: lungs with air sacs • Circulatory system: 4 chambered heart; 2 atrium, 2 ventricles

  17. Aves • Excretory system: Kidneys no urinary bladder • Nervous system: enlarged cerebrum in comparison to reptilia • Reproductive system: internal fertilization

  18. Aves • Development- oviparous; parents incubate the egg

  19. mamalia • Habitat: terrestrial and water dwelling • Integumentary: skin, hair or fur, few with scales on their body • Skeletal system: bones and cartilage some with appendages such as flippers

  20. mammalia • Digestive system: Alimentary Canal with large absorptive area • Respiratory system: lungs with a diaphragm • Circulatory system: 4 chamber heart

  21. Mammalia • Excretory system: kidneys with a urinary bladder • Nervous system: cerebrum most highly developed • Reproductive system: internal fertilization

  22. Mamalia • Development: • Viviparous

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