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The opportunity to stand on their own feet. BUSINESS INCUBATOR VŠB-TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF OSTRAVA. Nikolas Mucha German-Czech Workshop „ Renewable Energy Sources “, 24. - 25. 10. 2011, Ostrava. What is our history ?.
Theopportunity to stand on their own feet BUSINESS INCUBATORVŠB-TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF OSTRAVA • Nikolas Mucha • German-Czech Workshop „Renewable Energy Sources“, 24. - 25. 10. 2011, Ostrava
What is our history? 2005 was created the Centre of Advanced InnovationTechnology(tool to support the development of research, development and innovationinttheMoravian-Silesian Region). 2006 CAIT preparedsuccessfulprojects to the EU StructuralFundsfortheconstructionofthebuilding and launchofactivitiesoftheBusiness Incubatorof VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava („BI„) and itscomponents,Regional Technology Transfer Centre (RCTT). 2008Business Incubatorwasopened
Whatisourmission? Our main aim is to support the bearers of ideas and know-how in the initial phaseof business andhelp them torealizeandfulfilltheirbusinessvisions. Throughits activities extend R&Dactivity of VŠB-TUO towards thepromotionandimplementationofinnovationon a commercial basis. Offering a protected environmentfor start-ups and innovative companies.
Premisesfor business… Thebusiness incubator provides young,innovative,emerging companies, attractiveofficespacerental,pilotplantspace,meetingspaceandadditionalspaceatbargainprices. The offer of space for business builds a set of complementary advisory and administrative services to young companies to help overcome initial problems and achieve market success. ► boardroom, ► seminar room, ► computer lab, ► residence hall, ► bistro ► modern and flexible office space, ► virtual offices, ► pilot/laboratory and additional facilities (the server, storage, parking),
HR Courses and training Marketing Commerzialization Propagation Set-up company PatendFund Financial Intelectualproperty Company performance Consulting - Support and development of innovative business Through professional consultants we offer advisory support in smaller units and in a flexible time. Directly or indirectly we provide development and technical consultigservices in the form of so called „Packages“, which are listed on the menu of our Business incubator VŠB-TU Ostrava. Incubated companies get ouradvice on concessional terms, or completely free! Assessment and improvement of novelty products Weknow, space are not all!!!
Who can be our client? This is essentially a start-up of entrepreneurs from theacademic staff,students, graduates or already operating companies and companies with an innovative idea or plan, which can show links to research and development of universities and research institutes in the Region. • Academic • Student • College graduate • Innovative companies with links to research and development • Spin-offs from universities and operating companies • Another group with an innovative idea or intention of fulfilling at least two characters in the section "Signs of the innovative project / company“
What are the signs of aninnovative project / company? Project owner / company must meet at least two characters below: • The applicant of projects • Type of business and product • Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) • Long-term cooperation on R&D • In-house innovation potential • Technology transfer and industrial property rights protection
Howdoestheprocessofadoptingfirmsto BI work? • Firstcontact • Application for admission to the BI • Meeting of theCouncil of Business Incubator • Decisions on acceptance / rejectionoftheproject / company to BI • Signing a lease (max. 3 years)
Incubator in numbers… 3years of operationof BI 2000 m2 leasedoffice and laboratory space 90 % availability 35incubatedcompanies 4 successfullycompletedincubations 120jobs in incubatedcompanies 7employees in BI 6trainees in BI
Project AGENT • Themainaim: witha partner network to ensure effective interconnection of specialized technicalservices partner universities and R&D centers to demand business and public sector so that a useful place for information transfer and the resultant increase in the use of the commercial potential of universities and R&D organizations. • The most important outcome is the network of "technology scouts" and "contact managers", which serves as a connecting bridge between the academic and application spheres.
Project AGENT Technology Scout monitors the environment and the needs within the organization andseeksR&D results, suitable for commercialization. Contact operations manager performs mediation between the university andbusinesses and actively seeks new opportunities for cooperation. He also handles liaisonoffice and a newly developed information system and supply and demand portal. Theofficehelps companies interested in cooperation with the university or R&D organizations navigate the complex structure of workplacesandprovides access to know-how and equipmentof specialized university departments.
Project EF-TRANS Project EF-TRANS isone of the individual projects of national (IPN) implemented under the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness. The project aims help set up and implement an effective transfer of knowledge generated in the R&Dactivities into practice. The project is designed for high school (public, private and public), public research institutions and research institutions.
Project SPINNET SPINNET - Cooperation, Innovationand Networkingbetweenscience and technology parks and universities Identificationof suitable students, whowill be supported byinternships in science and technology parks, business incubators and innovative companies. Students will be part of the growing cooperation between the academic and application sphere as well as get the necessary skills, know-how and motivation to develop this cooperation further.
Significantresults… 2007 - 3rd place in thecompetition Business PropertyoftheYear in category„Business PropertywiththeGreatestBenefitforInnovation“. 2007 - 1st place in thecompetition Business Project oftheYear 2007 in category“BusinessIncubatoroftheYear“ 2009 - 3rd place in thecompetition Business PropertyoftheYear in category„Business PropertyoftheYear 2009 in categoryHigh-techPropertyoftheYear“
Contact… Business IncubatorVŠB-TU OstravaStudentská 6202/17708 00 Ostrava-Poruba Tel. : +420 597 329 003 Mobil: +420 603 565 918 E-mail :inkubator@vsb.czweb: www.cpit.vsb.cz/inkubator/