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Academic Leadership R et r e at. Augus t 28 , 2013. 1. Journey to the Top 25. Students. § We are a student-focused university § How we treat our students is important § One Stop. J u n e B o ar d of Tr ustees. § 6% Tuition Increase § 5% Raise Pool – 3 r d year in a row
AcademicLeadership Retreat August 28, 2013 1
Students §We are a student-focuseduniversity §Howwetreatour studentsis important §OneStop
June Boardof Trustees §6%Tuition Increase §5%RaisePool–3rd yearin a row §Fee Increases §Transfer streetstouniversity
Governor’s ReviewofHigherEducation §Access §Quality §Preparing students forcareers
Branding &Communications §Branding contributesto success §Consistencyisessential §Goodstoriesreinforcethe brand and everyonebenefits §Buy-in iscritical
Branding &Communications • §We are strategiccommunicators • Branding providesframework • Work withcampuspartners • Usedatatomake decisions • Branding isa continualprocess
Development $92,402,645raised 32,540 donors 10
DevelopmentPriorities SupporttheJourney totheTop 25 §Chairs, professorships,and facultyawards §Scholarshipsand Fellowships §CollegePriorities §Deans,DepartmentHeadsvital tofundraising
Athletics §Notmostimportant, butmostvisible §Clean,successfulprogram iscritical §Mosttoppublicuniversitiessucceedin both §Working towardbetterfinancial model
Athletics §Suspended$6 million/year ofsupport-- no impacton current commitments §Athleticsfundsfacilities&utilities–budgetreserveinadequate §80%ofstudentathletespayout-of-statetuition §UTMand UTCeachinvest~$5million annually §38 ofTop 50publicstransfer moneytoathletics
Athletics • §Academicsuccess • Recordperformance–studentathletes3.05+GPA • 58%ofstudentathletes3.0 GPA or higher • 115 studentathleteson Dean’s List • Herman Lathers–Chancellor’s Citationfor Extraordinary CommunityService
NewTuition Model §Take 15,graduatein 4 §Appliestonewundergraduatesin Fall2013 §Full-timestudentspayfor 15 hours §Noadditionalcostfor 15+hours §Expectation–limittuitionincreasesto3% annuallyfor threeyearsfor Classof2017
AverageNetPrice ofTuition $6,000.00 $3,700.00 $3,752.00 $4,000.00 $2,945.00 $2,000.00 $-‐ $(2,000.00) $(4,000.00) $(6,000.00) $(5,619.00) $(8,000.00) Second QuarKle ($46,516 -‐ $95,444) Third QuarKle ($95,445 -‐ $151,369) Fourth QuarKle ($151,370 -‐ $1,506,000) BoIomQuarKle ($0 -‐ $46,515)
In-StateTuition atFour-YearSchools FY2012-2013 A comparisonofundergraduate in-‐statemaintenanceandmandatoryfees between four-‐ year highereducaKoninsKtuKonsinTennessee. Sortedby MandatoryFees Sortedby TotalFees Mandatory Fees MandatoryUG Maint. Fees Fees* $ from UTK InsKtuKon InsKtuKon Total MiddleTennessee 1,594 UT ChaIanooga 1,490 UT Knoxville 1,290 University ofMemphis 1,256 AusKnPeay 1,224 Tennessee Tech 1,200 UT MarKn 1,103 EastTennessee 1,075 Tennessee State 930 *Higherthan UT Knoxville TBRschoolsbasedon15 credit hourseach semester Source– Tennessee Higher EducaKonCommission
StudentDebt Lessthan $21,000 Average UT student debt (2012-13): UT studentswith NOdebt: Average expenses: 51% Lessthan $26,000/year Mostscholarshipsexpire: 4 years
We Remain a Great Value §Great value §Futureoftuitionincreases §Financial burdenon our students §Nettuitionislow
Progress §1 stayed same – Met our goal §8Metricsimproved §1 decreased §2MetricsTBD
Freshman RetentionRate 1st to 2nd YearRetention Rate; 2002-2011 Freshmen CohortYears 88 86.2% 86 84.6% 84.5% 84.0% 83.8% 83.6% 84 81.7% 82 79.6% 80 78% 77.8% 78 76 74 72 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Freshman RetentionRate §Evengreatplayershave a coach §We want all of our students to succeed and completetheirdegrees
GraduationRates Four,Fiveand SixYearGraduationRates FallCohorts1999 - 2008 80% 68.0% 66.1% 63.2% 60.6% 60.5% 70% 59.8% 60.1% 57.8% 6.0% 4.6% 57.2% 4.7% 60% 4.7% 5.1% 5.3% 5.1% 4.7% 5.1% 50% 25.3% 25.8% 24.8% 24.3% 25.2% 24.2% 24.7% 23.7% 23.4% 40% 30% 20% 40.0% 39.0% 36.7% 35.7% 33.7% 31.2% 30.6% 30.6% 30.0% 29.4% 28.7% 10% 0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 FallCohortYears Preliminary FOUR-‐YEAR FIVE-‐YEAR SIX-‐YEAR 25
Graduates 2011-2012Academic Year 8000 6,744 7000 6000 2205 4,865 5000 4,094 3,720 954 4000 3,001 1370 3000 2,158 2,070 2047 826 1,880 1,499 4539 1,248 2000 3911 768 462 556 320 2724 540 132 2146 1000 1696 1673 1514 1312 1116 959 729 39 0 Bachelor's Graduate/Professional 26
GraduateDegrees 2500 2000 319 277 258 270 1500 PhD 1000 1835 1807 1726 1845 Masters and Professional 500 0 2010 2011 2012 2013
Research Metrics
Research/Scholarship §Governor’s Chairs §NationalAcademyofScience §NationalAcademyofEngineering §Bredesen Center §Centerfor theHumanities §Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship
Facultyand Staff Metrics 30
Faculty Average AssistantProfessorSalary; Fall2012 $100 AspiraKon Target Peer $95 $90 $85 $80 $75 $70 $65 $60 $55 $50 $73
Faculty Average Associate ProfessorSalary, Fall2012 $120 AspiraKon Target Peer $110 UTK up 1 position since 2011 $100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $86
Faculty Average FullProfessorSalary, Fall2012 $190 AspiraKon Target Peer $170 UTK up 1 position since 2011 $150 $130 $110 $90 $70 $50 $121
Facultyand Staff §Raisessince2011 –16% compounded (5%peryear) §$52M in salariessince2011 §Permanent fundingstays withincollege 34
Facultyand Staff Accomplishments §Endowed37chairs, professorships,and faculty awards §Implementedcareerpathsfor lecturers §Completeda benchmarking compensationstudy §Performance-basedmeritpay 35
Top25InfrastructureProgress Projectsunderway üStudentUnion üStrongHall üResidenceHall üLandscape Master Plan Recently completed üNatalie Haslam MusicCenter üJohn D. Tickle EngineeringBuilding üHumanitiesand Social Sciences üGreveHall üBrehm Animal Science and FoodScienceBuildings 36
Top25Investments • §$10.4Minvestedin thepast3 years • StrategicInstructional Fund • Research • Relievebottleneckcourses • FacultyHires • Developmentand Alumni • Advising • FirstYearand Transition Programs –ViceChancellorfor Diversity 37
Civility/Diversity/Citizenship §Core value §Everyone’s responsibility §Criticaltoachieving excellence §ViceChancellorfor Diversity
FY2013-14Budget §$6.9M formula phase-in §$7.4M appropriationimprovements §$3.0M Collegeof Engineering §$1.2M fringe benefit funding §$2.6M1.5%salaryincrease(55%) $21.1M proposed funding §$24M steam plant §$6M deferred maintenance §$20 million ($5m/year x 4 years) for a successful NSF Super Computer Proposal
FY2012-13ProposedUsesofRevenues FY2013-‐14 Budget Inmillions Fixedcosts,key iniKaKves,andstrategic investments Salaryplan $11.9 CollegeofEngineering $ 3.0 Systems charge increase/ recalibraKon $ 1.9 Hires /promoKons/ladders $ 1.1 Facultystartupcommitments $ 0.8 ContractescalaKons&new buildingcosts $ 1.4 Scholarshipcommitments $ 4.7 Top25/academic reinvestments $ 4.3 Benefits + Grad HealthInsurance $ 1.6 Waivers /Summer /DE/Shares $ 6.0
Finances §Why are budgetstight? –Tuition increasesalsocostusmore money –Raises$52M –Construction/Renovation –StrategicTop 25 investments –MissedUGenrollmentprojectionlastyear –GraduateFellowships($12M)
Plan GoingForward §Tuition primary revenuesource §15-4 isbeingimplemented §UG Enrollment goal=21,500, Fall 2014 §Creativeproposalstothestate
Plan GoingForward §Howcan webemore confidentin year-to- yearfunding? §Why isathleticfundingmodelchanging?
Challenges §Board ofTrustees–What dofacultydo? Howmuchdotheyteach? §What istheroleofhighereducation? §Howcan thecostofa degreebereduced? –Increaseproductivity?Cutcosts? §Politicalchallenges…
Future §We have setour vision §We have madesignificantprogress §ButI needyourcontinuingadvice, support,and help