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Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007. Mirta Roses Periago Achievements, Challenges, and Leadership. Sustain leadership. Mobilize ideas and actions for change. Transition to a new cycle. 2003-2007. 2008-2012.
Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Mirta Roses Periago Achievements, Challenges, and Leadership
Sustain leadership Mobilize ideas andactions for change Transition to anew cycle 2003-2007 2008-2012
Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Achievements during the period 2003-2007 Achievements during the period 2003-2007
Challenges 2003-2007 External context Challenges to the health sector Institutional strength Complex relations of health determinants Multiplicity of initiatives, andactors United Nations Reform Paris Declaration Transparent,responsible, and efficient organizations Strategic thinking oncomplex problems Flexibility to address change Information and knowledge management using emerging technologies Millennium Development Goals Health andhuman security Poverty and inequity Social exclusion Strategic Plan 2003-2007 Equity - Solidarity - Pan-Americanism
Achievements 2003-2007 External context Challenges to the health sector Institutional strength Working groups of the Member States Managerial strategy Road map initiatives Information andcommunication technologies HIV and gender equity policies Leadership program for managers Accountability framework Integrity and conflict management system Mobility and rotation,deconcentration, delegation PAHO in the 21st century Regionalprogram budget policy Technical cooperation framework Alignment andprogrammatic articulation with WHO Regional plans and strategies Countrycooperation strategy (CCS) Creation of theDRNU/UNDAF/CAC Group Health in theregional, and subregional political agenda Participation with the OAS/SIRG Partnerships with civil society Partnerships withinternational financing institutions Results-based management
Achievements 2003-2007 Financial sustainability with efficiency Quotas Voluntarycontributions Strategicfund and fund for reimbursable purchases Fund of theExpanded Program on Immunization • 37 Member States made payments in 2006 • 22 Member States paid their quotas in full. • Unprecedented figure of $203 million • $44.0 million from WHO • $269.3 million $44.2 million Occurred in the first 17+ months of the biennium2006-2007 Results-based management
Achievements 2003-2007 Partnerships for the health of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants 11 countries involved injoint negotiations on drugs and prices 21 countries received contributionsfrom the Global Fund totaling $387 million 20 countries withnew modalities of social protection in health 15 June 2007,launch of the International Health Regulations (2005) PASB as areliable, technically competent, neutral partner Sustainability in polio elimination Strengthening of technical cooperation among countries Progress in measlesand rubella 28 Member States withplans for an influenza pandemic 63% increase in biologicals supplied through the Revolving Fund (18 antigens in 2007) 21 countries ratified theFramework Convention on Tobacco Control 16 countries actively workingin human rights and disability 16 millon people emerging from poverty
Framework for Technical Cooperation Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Address the unfinished agenda Regional health security Face the newchallenges Protect the achievements
Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Lessons learned from the period2003-2007
Lessons learned from the period 2003-2007 Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 The programmatic alignment of PAHO with WHO and articulation with the Inter-American and United Nations systems benefit everyone Integration of every action through planning, from strategic to operational level, allows for results-based management, accountability, and transparency A 10-year health agenda for the Americas is key for guiding the work of all actors and ensuring the impact A country-focused cooperation strategy (CCS) facilitates the definition of the role of PAHO in each country, identify needs, and decentralize resources
Lessons learned from the period 2003-2007 Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 A knowledge-based organization that makes good use of emerging technologies on information and communication achieves an efficient, effective, and flexible response A framework for technical cooperation with priority issues, groups, and countries, helps to focus our work, improves efficiency, and ensure the impact Strategic alliances and partnerships, with broad participation of civil society and intersectoral, interinstitutional collaboration, pull together talent, determination, and resources together toward common objectives
Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Strategic mandates and leadershipfor the period 2008-2012
Mandates for the period 2008-2012 Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Subregionalhealth agendas StrategicPlan of PASB 2008-2012 HealthAgenda for the Americas 2008-2017 Country cooperation strategies (CCS) Program budgetof PASB 2008-2009 (and2010-2011, and 2012-2013) General Program of Workof WHO 2006-2015 (Global Program of Action in Health)
Vision for the period 2008-2012 Convergence of thought and action • Elimination and eradication of diseases that afflict neglected populations through a local development and citizenship- buildingapproach • Strengtheningof health systems, based on primary care and a workforce capable of meeting the challenges of the MDGs • Ensure thebenefits of science and technology, closing the equity gaps • Shift from a risk approach to the construction of health; and • quality of life; orientsaction to address social, political, and environmental determinants • Global health security and application of the new rules governing relationships between countries • Synergies and maximumresults through partnerships for health for all and by all PASB as a reliable, technically competent, neutral partner
Vision for the period 2008-2012 Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 Convergence of thought and action • Immunizationas a regional public good, maintaining equity and universal coverage • Timely, complete, shared health surveillance • Middle-income countriespositioned within global health scenario • Access toreliable, validated health information, based in scientific evidence • Access toquality health goods and services in a timely manner without exclusion PASB as a reliable, technically competent, neutral partner
Candidates Forum for the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Washington, D.C., 29 June 2007 PAHO, one team, one goal:Health in the Americas