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Information Meeting for Ambassadors to the Organization of American States Dra. Mirta Roses Periago Washington, 13 June 2006. Briefing Session to the Permanent Ambassadors to the Organization of American States 140th Session of the Executive Committee Washington, D.C., 25-29 June 2007
Information Meeting for Ambassadors to the Organization of American States Dra. Mirta Roses Periago Washington, 13 June 2006 Briefing Session to thePermanent Ambassadors to theOrganization of American States 140th Session of the Executive Committee Washington, D.C., 25-29 June 2007 Mirta Roses Periago Director
Contents • Updating regional and global processes • General Issues • Keys Issues in the Executive Committee Agenda
REGIONAL PROCESSES • VIH/SIDA • Coalition of First Ladies and Women Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean in the fight against AIDS; led by the first Lady Of Honduras, Mrs. Xiomara de Castro • IV Latin American and the Caribbean HIV/AIDS and STI Forum Buenos Aires, 17 – 19 April 2007 • CONCASIDA, Managua, Nicaragua. 4 – 9 November 2007 • XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008), Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008
REGIONAL PROCESSES • Meeting of Ministers of Health of Ibero-America, Chile, July, 2007 • International Conference of Health for Development: Rights, Facts, and Realities. Argentina, August 2007 • Summit of CARICOM Heads of State on Non communicable Diseases, Trinidad and Tobago, Sept. 2007. • Summit of First Ladies, El Salvador, November 2007 (Women and Aging); • 17th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and of Government, Chile Nov. 2007 (Social Cohesion and Sense of Belonging)
Global Processes 60 World Health Assembly • Meeting of Heads of delegation of the Region of the Americas • Elections to the EC/WHO: Bahamas, Paraguay, Peru • Vice president of CE/OMS: El Salvador • Subjects addressed: • WHO Strategic Plan • Malaria • Drugs and Intellectual Property • Alcohol abuse, and • Final review. Health Agenda for the Americas (Minister of Health of Panama, Dr. Alleyne)
60th World Health Assembly (cont.) 32 Member States of the Americas (GRULA, HON) • President of the Assembly: Jane Halton (Australia) • Vice-president of the Assembly: Caroline Chang (Ecuador) 30 Resolutions adopted (19 resolutions on technical subjects) • R11: Medium Term Strategic Plan 2008-2013 • R18: Malaria, including the proposal of establishment of the Malaria World Day
60th World Health Assembly (cont.) • R23: Prevention of non-communicable diseases: world strategy • R26: Workers’ health: global plan of action • R28: preparation for a pandemic flu: exchange of flu viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits • R30: Public health, innovation, and intellectual property:
Health International Scenario • 3 June 2007, Panama Launching of The Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017. President of Panama and Sec. Gral of UN and OAS were present • 8-10 June 2007: Vancouver • Social determinants of Health, meeting • 15 June 2007 International Health Regulations (2005): New obligations for the Member States and Implications for foreign policy and the diplomacy in health
Health International Scenario • Toward the 5th Summit of the Americas • Regional challenges show an overview of recovery and economic growth • Signs of reduction and relief of poverty • Gaps in equity continue to be large • Accumulated social debt • Health issues needs to be placed on the political agenda with a new approach: Universal access and the increase in the public spending (5-6% of the GDP), Strengthening Public Health and Primary Health Care
Work in Haiti • Network of friends of Haiti • Strengthening role coordination and leadership of the Ministry of Health and Population • Defining action plan for improving human resources for health • Reduction of morbidity and mortality in diseases as: HIV, Rabies, TB, malaria, filariasis • Agreement with CAN—CIDA (PAHO/UNICEF) Vaccination, US$15 m • Agreement with CAN/CIDA/PAHO Reduction maternal mortality, US$5M
Current Members • 2004-2007: Canada, Cuba, Venezuela (President) • 2005-2008: Antigua and Barbuda (Vice-president), Chile, Panama • 2006-2009: Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, USA (Rapporteur) Election of three Member States for the Executive Committee of PAHO at the Pan American Health Conference
Matters related to the constitution • WHO • Election of the Member States for the Executive Board of WHO in lieu of Mexico • USA and ELS Remain (2006) • In addition to BAH, PAR, PER recently elected (2007)
Awards 2007 • Award of Administration of PAHO • To be defined in the Executive Committee • Abraham Horwitz Award in Inter American Health • Dr. Maria Cristina Escobar (Chile) -Founder of the CARMEN Network • Award Manuel Velazco Suárez • Judges will convey in August
Strategic Plan 2008-2012 • It answers to the General Program of Work and the Medium-term Plan of WHO and it includes lines of action of the Regional Health Agenda for the Americas. • Establishes the strategic objectives and expected results of technical cooperation of PAHO, and fulfillment indicators • Results-based planning that integrates all levels of the Secretariat and permits greater transparency and accountability to the Member States.
Financial Program ProposalPAHO/WHO Budget2008-2009 Source 2006-2007 2008-2009 % change Assessed contributions from Member States 173,300,000 180,066,000 3.9% + Miscellaneous income 14,500,000 14,500,000 0.0% = Total PAHO share (Regular Budget) 187,800,000 194,566,000 3.6% + WHO share (Regular Budget) 77,768,000 81,501,000 4.8% = Total Regular Budget 265,568,000 276,067,000 4.0% + Estimated Voluntary Contributions * 265,544,000 347,000,000 30.7% = Total Resource Requirements 531,112,000 623,067,000 17.3% * Represents the combined total estimated VC from PAHO donor partners as well as from WHO
PAHO/WHO Program Budget Proposal for 2008-2009(ALL funding sources)
Use of the Regional Program Political Budget(Approved by the Member States at the 45th Directing Council)
Impact of the rubella elimination strategies The Americas, 1990—2007 * Control acelerado de la rubéola Consolidación de la eliminación del sarampión % Reducción: 98,5% (1998 a 2006) Eliminación de la rubéola Fuente: Reporte de países. * Incluye casos de rubéola reportados a la OPS a la semana epidemiológica 21/2007.
Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza • As of May 2007, all Member States have prepared activities to prevent pandemic influenza • PAHO has received national strategies from 28 Member States • Four subregional workshops of evaluation of strategies with multidisciplinary assistance and multisectorial, more than 300 staff members of 41 countries and/or territories (health, agriculture, livestock, communication, emergency services and external relations).
Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza • PAHO established the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) with a network capacity, computers, communications, software and equipment to coordinate emergency responses from PAHO. • EOC is prepared to respond to any request from the Communicable Diseases Unit on outbreaks, its effect on public health, its risks of spreading, as per the RSI 2005. • From January 2006 to March 2007, 74 important events were registered for the international public health
Regional Malaria Plan (2006-2010) A five component strategy to address the malaria challenge in the Americas (aligned to areas of work advocated by the Global Malaria Program): • Malaria Prevention, Surveillance, and Early Detection and Containment of Epidemics • Integrated Vector Management • Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment • Enabling Environment for Malaria Prevention and Control • Health Systems Strengthening / Country-Level Capacity-Building
Malaria Regional Progress • Preliminary country reports for 2006: 890,779 cases: 23% reduction in malaria morbidity 74% P. vivax; 25% P. falciparum (21 endemic countries; majority of cases in countries sharing Amazon Rainforest) 109 deaths: 69% reduction in malaria mortality • In comparison with 2000
1970s 1980s 1990s through 2006 Evolution of dengue and DHF in the Americas. 1970-2006 Source: Country Reports to PAHO/WHO
Dengue HaemorrhagicFever, lethality rates and tendency lines, 1995-2006 EGI-Dengue 2003 Despite a rising trend in the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases and outbreaks persistence, the interventions in the Americas Region since 2003 have achieved an important case-fatality rate reduction. However, the resources devoted to the EGI-dengue continue to be limited for the implementation and evaluation of the same.
Epidemiologic Surveillance Entomology Social communication Avances Mayor coordinación intrasectorial (Técnica y Gerencial) y esfuerzos interprogramáticos. Mayor coordinación con otros sectores: ambiente, educación, empresa privada, municipios y grupos comunitarios. Nuevos proyectos locales: COMBI, Ecoclubes, Eco-salud. Aumento de la capacidad de movilización de recursos a nivel de país Capacidades de respuesta a brotes aumentadas y anticipadas. Establecimiento de criterios únicos para el diagnostico de la enfermedad, manejo del paciente, indicadores entomológicos. Integrated Management Strategy Laboratory Environment Patient care ECOCLUBES COMBI Tyres recycling COMBI LESSONS LEARNED: National EGI-dengue Progress • Greater intrasectoral coordination (Technical and Management) and interprogrammatic efforts in order to guarantee the reduction of the case-fatality and confront the increase of DHF cases. • Greater coordination with other sectors: environment, education, business, municipal government and community groups. • New programs at the local level: COMBI, Eco-Clubs, Eco-Health. • Increased capacity for resource mobilization at the country level. • New tools being used by programs: LIRA, Mosquito capture devices, GIS. • Increased capacity to respond to outbreaks and the anticipation of outbreaks/epidemics. • Criteria unifications: diagnostic of Dengue, patient care, entomological indexs. PAHO/WHO RESOLUTIONS CD43.R4 (2001) and CD44.R9 (2003)
Strategies for the strengthening of Health Systems and Services • Regional Action Plan of `Human Resources for Health` 2007-2015 • Regional Initiative of the Safe Hospitals • Regional policy and Strategy to safeguard the quality of attention of patients, including its safety • Strategy to strengthen Vital Statistics
Define and implement long-term human resource policies based on reliable information linked to overall health policies. • Put the right people in the right places as part of an effort to correct inequities in the availability of health workers. • Manage the domestic and external migration of health professionals so that it does not result in shortages that affect the most vulnerable populations. • Achieve a commitment by health workers to the mission to provide quality services to the entire population. • Work together with universities, schools of public health, and health services to ensure that the education of new professionals and technical personnel is adapted to the health needs of the population.
Regional Initiative of Safe Hospitals • Safe hospitals: collective responsibility • Comprehensive concept of hospital safety • Commitment of the countries of the region/world • Index of hospital safety • Global campaign of the United Nations • Strategic Plan of 2008-2012 PAHO
Areas of action of the World Alliance for Patient Safety (WAPS/PAHO) Global Challenges Investigation Patients for the safety of patients Lessons learned Solutions Taxonomy
Strategies in order to strengthen Vital Statistics • Development of national plans to improve the coverage, quality, and timeliness of those statistics. • Harmonization of national plans in a Regional Plan of Strengthening. Priority to countries with greater limitations, in accordance with the diagnosis of the vital establishments and health carried out. • Coordinated work with the countries and other international agencies.
Faces, Voices, and Places • Responds to the five challenges to reach the MDGs emanated from the joint report of the UN agencies produced in 2005: • Equity • Work at a local level • Intersectorial action • Social participation • Interagency cooperation
COUNTRIES Activos En selección Con interés
Total collection of quotas as of 18 June, 2000 – 2007Cuotas recibidas a 18 junio, 2000 - 2007
Collection of 2007 Quotas as of 18 June 2007:Cuotas recibidas al 18 de junio de 2007 atribuibles a 2007: $27.2 million/millones
Regular Program BudgetQuota Collections(as of 18 June 2007) US$ Millions