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Spatial Data Exchange Test in Japan

ISO/TC211 Workshop : Standards in Action. Spatial Data Exchange Test in Japan. March 7, 2001. MURAO, Yoshiaki (IBM Japan). E-Mail: mura@yamato.ibm.com. Contents. Verification works for ISO 19100 drafts in Japan Overview of Spatial Data Exchange Test Issues and Alternatives.

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Spatial Data Exchange Test in Japan

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  1. ISO/TC211 Workshop : Standards in Action Spatial Data Exchange Test in Japan March 7, 2001 MURAO, Yoshiaki (IBM Japan) E-Mail: mura@yamato.ibm.com

  2. Contents • Verification works for ISO 19100 drafts in Japan • Overview of Spatial Data Exchange Test • Issues and Alternatives

  3. Verification works for ISO 19100 drafts in Japan NSGI : National Standards for Geographic Information ISO/TC211 Japan side ISO/TC211 Domestic Committee NSGI Committee with 5 WGs • Development of Japanese National Standards for Geographic Information (NSGI) conformed to ISO 19100 drafts (Focused on the exchange of spatial data, in current) • Methodologies to apply NSGI to practical operations • Spatial Data Development / Exchange Tests

  4. History of Spatial Data Tests FY 1999 Spatial Data Exchange Test I • Convert existing spatial data to standard specification data sets • Load standardized data set into existing GIS FY 2000 Spatial Data Development Test (target: 2001/03end) • Create spatial data conformed to standards • Quality evaluation works for created spatial data Spatial Data Exchange Test II (target: 2001/03end) This Presentation • Merge multiple standardized data sets in existing GIS • Exchange update information • XML documentation for application schema

  5. Highlights of Spatial Data Exchange Test II • Based on ISO 19107, 19108, 19109 and 19118 drafts • Overlay multiple maps created for different purposes(Digital Map 25000 + Data from Spatial Data Dev. Test) • Exchange update information without original map data • Coexistence of original and update data using temporal attributes • Trial of Application Schema Description File and its editing tool

  6. Overview of Spatial Data Exchange Test II Participants : Aero Asahi Corp. Chuoh Consultants Co., Ltd. Dawn Corp. Appl. Schema Description File Editor IBM Japan, Ltd. Informatix Inc. Nihon Computer Graphic Co., Ltd. input Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. generate GIS-A Appl. Schema for DM25000 (UML) DTD for DM25000 Standard Format File Access Module Appl. Schema Desc. File for DM25000 (XML) design Output from Spatial Data Dev. Test (XML) Standard Format File (XML) Update Data (XML) Spatial Data Converter DM25000 Original file Standard Format File Access Module refer GIS-B Conversion test for Standard Format Spatial Data Access test for Standard Format Spatial Data

  7. Features for Testing Several Types of Definitions • Geometry Classes : GM_Point, GM_Curve, GM_Surface • Topology Classes : TP_Node, TP_Edge, TP_Face • Temporal Schema Class : TM_Period • Aggregation / Topological / Logical Relations • Feature for control information (no geometry) • Definition of Essential Spatial Attribute and Thematic Picture

  8. Features defined for DM25000 Dataset is converted from existing, not standardized spatial data. Feature type Characteristics Feature type Characteristics Data set information Road node Road edge Highway node Highway edge Railroad node Railroad edge River center line node River center line edge No geometry Point, Node Curve, Edge Point, Node Curve, Edge Point, Node Curve, Edge Point, Node Curve, Edge Water boundary node Water boundary edge Water body surface Administrative boundary node Administrative boundary edge Administrative area Reference point Point, Node Curve, Edge Surface, Face Point, Node Curve, Edge Surface, Face Point

  9. Features defined for Spatial Data Dev. Test Dataset is originally created on Standards in Spatial Data Development test. Feature type / category Characteristics Feature type / category Characteristics Data set information Evacuation facility (school, hospital, park, shrine or temple) Facility handling hazardous material (factory, gas station, etc.) Commercial facility (Cinema, theater, etc.) Road center line Road intersection Road verge Tree-lined avenue Railroad Station No geometry Point, (contains dependents) Point Point Point, Node Curve, Edge Curve Curve Curve Point River Lake Reference point Administrative boundary Administrative area (district, block) Disaster prevention facility (fire hydrant, water storage tank, etc.) Urban planning area Aerial photo image Curve Surface Point Curve Surface Point Surface Surface (Each feature types are summarized.)

  10. XML based Encoding • View-only dataset that has no UUIDs • Update eligible dataset that UUIDs are assigned to all objects • Update information dataset that will be applied to original dataset • Minimum of Standard DTDs were developed(Required to avoid the inconsistency of “end” tag) • ATTLIST is used to implement when multiplicity is “1” or “0..1”

  11. Examples of Screen Output Sample of XML codes Sample1 : Four tiled maps Sample2 : Four tiled maps with mesh boundaries Sample3 : Zoomed Sample4 : Zoomed (rivers) Sample5 : Drawn by another system Sample6 : Data from Spatial Data Development Test Sample 1-4 by Nihon Computer Graphic Co., Ltd. Sample 5-6 by Chuoh Consultants Co., Ltd.

  12. Application Schema Description File Editor 高速道路ノード ( Should be generated by UML tools ) <Class name=“高速道路ノード” tag="HighwayNode“ abstract="NO" stereotype="Feature"> <Property name=“メッシュ境界区分”tag="meshuKyokai" datatype="Boolean" multiplicity="1" value="false"/> <Composition name=“位置” tag="point“ targetClass="GM_Point" stereotype="geometry" multiplicity="1“ /> <Composition name=“存在期間” tag="period“ targetClass="TM_Period“ stereotype="temporal" multiplicity="0..1“ /> GM_Point TP_Node Input Input UML class diagram example Output Application Schema Description File <!-- 高速道路ノード --> <!ENTITY % HighwayNodeElements '( nextMeshNode?, point, node, period? )'> <!ENTITY % HighwayNodeAttributes ' meshuKyokai CDATA "false" kosaten CDATA "false" ryokinjo CDATA "false" shutokuDate CDATA #REQUIRED '> <!ELEMENT Highway %HighwayNodeElements;> <!ATTLIST Highway %IM_ObjectAttributes; %HighwayNodeAttributes;> Generate Editor screen example Generated DTD File

  13. Characteristics of Application Schema Description File • All of contents expressed by UML class diagrams are described in “Application Schema Description File” as XML document. • Contents of “configuration table” for Encoding are also included. • Distinguish Essential Geometry from Thematic Geometry. • The file format to describe Application Schema is machine readable, human readable and independent from UML tools. • Information of application schema can be stored and interchanged.

  14. Issues and Alternatives • There were no DTD definitions corresponding to spatial schema or temporal schema, so we defined them originally. • Because items defined as “exchangeMetadata” were insufficient,we constructed a feature to define dataset information (“datasetInformation” features). • One SC_CRS segment is sufficient for all features in our case, but it is difficult to define the position.Accordingly, we placed it in “datasetInformation” feature.

  15. Issues and Alternatives (cont.) • In encoding, no procedure was defined for interchanging the content of the configuration table (tag names, etc.).We included them into Application Schema Description File. • The editing tool for Application Schema Description File developed in the test is desirable to be included into UML tools. • Regarding Portrayal, the method for realizing user definitions such as style of curves or symbols was not practical.We excluded to apply portrayal methodology this time.

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