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Colette Yakielashek

Chewing Gum Definition of CHEWING GUM : a sweetened and flavored insoluble plastic material (as a preparation of chicle ) used for chewing . Colette Yakielashek. Should we be allowed to chew gum in school?.

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Colette Yakielashek

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  1. Chewing GumDefinition of CHEWING GUM: a sweetened and flavored insoluble plastic material (as a preparation of chicle) used for chewing Colette Yakielashek

  2. Should we be allowed to chew gum in school? • Chewing should be ALLOWED especially during tests. Students who chew gum during tests do 26% to 36% better. Chewing gum soothes students’ minds, so they can learn more in school.

  3. Facts • Chewing causes our hearts to pump more blood to our brain than it usually does. • More blood carries noggin-nourishing oxygen and that will help brain function better. • It also increases the glucose level, making the student more alert. • The rhythmic chewing also increases attention. • Mental tasks are done 20% more effectively while chewing gum and that's why it makes students "smarter.”

  4. Wrigley • 69 % of everyday athletes admit to feeling some pressure before a sporting event or competition • So, research shows chewing gum may be a simple tool athletes could use to help reduce stress & improve focus & concentration

  5. Benefits of chewing • Weight management • Stress relief • Increased alertness, focus and concentration

  6. Weight management • While chewing gum you can burn up to 11 calories per hour • Chewing gum at five calories instead of munching on a high-calorie snacks like two cookies containing 140 calories, saving you 135 calories or chewing gum to burn 11 calories per hour – • This small calorie savings each day can make an impact in decreasing total calorie intake over time • The researchers suggest that gum chewing can • Chewing gum also helps suppress appetite, specifically for sweets, and reduce snack intake overall

  7. Stress reliever • Research shows that 70% of females & 58% of males are somewhat stressed due to their sporting event • Females get butterflies and Males are more likely to get a adrenaline rush • In this study, Men are more likely than woman to chew gum while competing

  8. More moremore • 67% of athletes chew gum when they need a stress reliever for a sporting event • The other 59% chew gum when they need to focus for their sporting event • On the same survey – 56% of athletes who chew gum indicate they chew gum because it keeps them focused & 52% chew because it increases their concentration

  9. Increased alertness, focus and concentration • •The researchers found that students who chewed gum showed an increase in standardized math test scores and their final grades were better compared to those who didn't chew gum. • Students who chewed gum had a significantly greater increase in their standardized math test scores after 14 weeks of chewing gum in math class and while doing homework compared to those who did not chew gum. • Chewing gum was associated with a three percent increase in standardized math test scores, a small but statistically significant change. • Students who chewed gum had final grades that were significantly better than those who didn't chew gum.

  10. All in all • In my opinion chewing gum can benefit us in many ways, not only with our studies but to maintain a healthy lifestyle. • Chewing gum should be allowed in schools, if students don’t have to hide chewing gum, maybe they wouldn’t stick it under the table? • CHEW GUM! 

  11. Bibliography • http://www.wrigley.com/global/benefits-of-chewing/diet.aspx • http://www.wrigley.com/global/benefits-of-chewing/focus.aspx • http://www.wrigley.com/global/benefits-of-chewing/stress-relief.aspx • http://www.chewinggumfacts.com/chewing-gum-facts/chewing-gum-in-school/ • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chewing%2Bgum

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