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Economic evaluation of health programmes

Economic evaluation of health programmes. Department of Epidemiology , Biostatistics and Occupational Health Class no. 14: More about costing Oct 22, 2008. Plan of class. Description of reading materials Discrete choice experiment exercise Costing exercises. Example of a DCE.

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Economic evaluation of health programmes

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  1. Economic evaluation of health programmes Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and OccupationalHealth Class no. 14: More about costing Oct22, 2008

  2. Plan of class • Description of readingmaterials • Discretechoiceexperimentexercise • Costingexercises

  3. Example of a DCE • How would we construct a simple DCE to evaluate trade-offs among travel time and wait time for an appointment with a specialist?

  4. Forthcomingstudy (1) • Housing first: homelesswithsevere mental illnessrandomlyassigned to receiveeither: • Scatter-site housingimmediately+ Assertive communitytreatment, • Withhousing subsidies • Or usual care: Lesssystematiccommunity-based care, usuallysegregatedhousingobtainedaftersomedegree of stabilityachieved

  5. Forthcomingstudy (2) • N=200 • 2-yearfollow-up period • Funded by Mental Health Commission of Canada • (Suppose) Cost-consequenceanalysis, with 2 outcomes: • Dayshoused • Self-perceivedquality of life

  6. Five steps in costmeasurement • Choose a perspective • Identify relevant costs • Measurequantities • Calculate unit costs • Multiplyquantities by unit costs and sum!

  7. Perspective(s) of analysis • Whichshouldwe use? • Is societal perspective likely to givedifferentresultsthanhealth and social care perspective? Government perspective?

  8. Costs to measure How should the housingsubsidybetreated?

  9. Measuringquantities

  10. Measuring unit costs

  11. Calculating a unit cost for a visit to doctorat CLSC • Suppose CLSC has total expenditures of $1.2 million. It producesonlythree types of visits:

  12. Calculating unit cost… • Usingthese data, how wouldyoucalculate a unit cost per doctor’svisit? • Whatadditional data wouldyoulike to have to improveyourestimate?

  13. Costing the ACT team • Total budget of ACT team: $900,000 • Serves 90 clients • What data wouldyouwant and how wouldyou do the calculation?

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