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Pathway Planning – a model for study initiation or troubleshooting

Pathway Planning – a model for study initiation or troubleshooting. Purpose of the session. Background Purpose of bringing to CLG Overview of materials Plans for breakout session. Training materials were devised following 2007 NCRN Road-shows Delivered through regional model

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Pathway Planning – a model for study initiation or troubleshooting

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  1. Pathway Planning – a model for study initiation or troubleshooting

  2. Purpose of the session • Background • Purpose of bringing to CLG • Overview of materials • Plans for breakout session

  3. Training materials were devised following 2007 NCRN Road-shows Delivered through regional model Workshop Format – facilitated Background

  4. Purpose of bringing to CLG • Training materials currently delivered by Local Cancer Research Network Managers/Training Links • Offered to NIHR Clinical Research Network as part of suite of training materials • Needs to be developed further to make more ‘deliverable’ by others • Supporting examples give it patient focus, but lacking in materials (mostly in our heads!)

  5. Overview of materials • Workshop Format • To provide delegates with the opportunity to use pathway planning as part of study initiation or troubleshooting • Interactive • Thought-provoking

  6. National policy that influences pathways Factors that influence timings Patient pathways Critical path Topics to be covered

  7. Pathway Planning – where can it be used? • Recruitment • Increase recruitment by reducing factors that result in ‘missed’ or ineligible patients (better study initiation or troubleshooting) • Attributing recruitment - ‘sharing’ recruitment count • Costing studies • Governance • PICs, standard care at other sites, accurate completion of SSI

  8. Pathway Planning-when can it be used? • Early in study development • Development by CI and Study team • Maximum impact • Local site during set up implementation • Development by PI and support team • When should it be used • Both the above! • All studies that involve a change in patient’s journey • Particularly when the study involves new teams

  9. Overview of materials • What it is not • Disease pathway • Neo-adjuvant, adjuvant etc. • Gives context to participants (rules) • Cancer waiting times • NICE IOGs

  10. Series of slides from NHS Improvement Focus on good communication/relationships Knowing the current pathway Looking for changes for trial pathway Look for bottlenecks or critical steps What is a patient pathway?

  11. Exploring differences in pathways[based on trial schedule of events]

  12. Identifying patient and before prior interview Who identifies patient as potentially eligible? Pt identified at MDT Who will tell the research nurse? Are there any test results ‘due to expire’? Who will ensure PIS and consent form is clinic? 1 day Are there any tests necessary to determine eligibility? How will the PI know when pt is attending clinic? When does treatment need to start? Waiting times? Protocol? Pt attends clinic

  13. Where will the patient be? Do we need to change where the patient is? Who will approach the patient? Consent Process

  14. Pathway planning in practice • POETIC Study • Co-ordinated by Institute of Clinical Research Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit • Very detailed pathway planning involving cancer patients, trials team and multiple individuals from a variety of disciplines. • Sample of the POETIC pathway and how it has been used to set up the study and address issues, (both national and local), as they have become apparent.

  15. Trial design Patient pathway Postmenopausal women with palpable tumour or ≥1.5cm ultrasound Patient presents with breast lump Patient asked to donate research core biopsies Take cores for diagnosis + research cores Postmenopausal women with ER/PR positive invasive breast cancer Hormone sensitive breast cancer diagnosed Patient consents to POETIC 1st blood sample RANDOMISE 2:1 1 2 2 weeks preoperative treatment with AI SURGERY Continue AI for 2 weeks post-operatively No perioperative treatment SURGERY 2nd blood sample SURGERY Research core at surgery 1st follow up after surgery – 3rd blood sample 1st follow up visit post-surgery POETIC – ICR-CTSU

  16. Workshop • Group exercises designed to make participants think about study in greater detail • Involves lots of post-it notes

  17. Break-out session • Training itself is patient focused but materials perhaps do not reflect this! • Narrative is quite different to the delivery of power point presentation.

  18. Break-out session • Examples of where your involvement in study design has changed the study • Examples of studies using the pathway model • Do you have experiences that can be used as examples • Need for different examples of ineligible patients

  19. Break-out session • Having seen the materials is this what you were expecting from the title? • What improvements would you want to see? • What value language would you add?

  20. Break-out session • Go, muse, discuss and make notes • Reconvene at 14:45

  21. Feedback

  22. Next steps • Revise materials • Test at next training session • Provide updated materials to NIHR CRN team

  23. Thank you! Jackie Sears Jackie.Sears@uhb.nhs.uk Gina Dutton G.Dutton@ncrn.org.uk

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