1 / 23

4. 디지털 지시계기 Digital indicator * 각종 입력 신호를 받아 User 가 원하는 지시값을 표시하는 계기 .

4. 디지털 지시계기 Digital indicator * 각종 입력 신호를 받아 User 가 원하는 지시값을 표시하는 계기 . ( 교류 전류 . 전압은 물론 계장용 신호 , 어떠한 입력조건에서도 동작 가능함 ) 특징  Display 값 임의로 조정가능 (Free Set 기능 내장 )  자동 입력 방식으로 타 신호의 영향이 없음  surge 대책 회로 채택 (1.2/50  sec 5kV)

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4. 디지털 지시계기 Digital indicator * 각종 입력 신호를 받아 User 가 원하는 지시값을 표시하는 계기 .

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  1. 4. 디지털 지시계기 Digital indicator * 각종 입력 신호를 받아 User 가 원하는 지시값을 표시하는 계기. (교류 전류.전압은 물론 계장용 신호, 어떠한 입력조건에서도 동작 가능함) • 특징 • Display 값 임의로 조정가능 • (Free Set 기능 내장) • 자동 입력 방식으로 타 신호의 영향이 없음 • surge 대책 회로 채택 • (1.2/50sec 5kV) •  내부 TRANSFORMER 모두 12차측 완전 절연 처리로 노이즈 방지 강화 •  FREE VOLTAGE 채택으로 사용 용이

  2. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES DIGITAL PANEL INDICATOR MODEL HD - 1100 1 A DC 4 - 20mA DC 0 - 50mV O 6 AC - 300V B DC 0 - 1mA 2 DC 0 - 1.999V C 3 DC 0 - 10mA DC 0 - 19.99V D 4 AC 0 - 1A DC 0 - 300V E 5 AC 0 - 5A AC 0 - 1.999V O Specify order MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-1100 MODEL • INPUT • DISPLAY DIGIT • PERMISSIBLE OVER-RANGE : 150% for 10 seconds of 120% continuously • INPUT : 0.3VA or Less ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-1100-INPUT-digit ex) HD-1100-1-A * Special input range (code O) INSTALLATION GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Construction : panel flush mounting Connection : connector Housing materiel : ivory plastic Input configuration : single-ended A/D conversion : dual-slope integration with automatic zero correction Power supply : Ac rating (100-240) 10% 60/50HZ 6.0VA Operating temperature : 0 to +55℃ (32 to 131℉) Operating humidity : 20-85%RH (non-condensing) Storage temperature : -20 to +70℃ (-4 to +158℉) Storage humidity : 20-95%RH (non-condensing) Size : W96H48  D95 Weight : DISPLAY LED : 7-segment (0.56 Inch), red. Number of display : 3 or 4digit Scaling factor for process Meter Zero : 0 1000 counts Span : Zero point + 50 to 1999 or 9999 counts. Decimal point position : 3 Positions seled alde by a jumper at pin connector Read rate : 2.5/s standard Display HOLD : available by external in-put singnal PERFORMANCE  Accuracy  Voltage input :0.1% of rag  1digit (0.1% of rag  2digit for 0.2V range)  Current input :0.2% of rag  1digit  Temp coefficient : 0.05% of rag  1digit/℃  Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change INPUT • INPUT : 0 ~ 199.9V or 0 ~ 500V (MAX)

  3. DP1(101)LED ON DP2(102)LED ON DP3(103)LED ON 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 115 91 12 96 48 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION  Insulation resistance :100M or more with 500V DC  Dielectric strength :1200V AC 1minute (Input to power to gnd) ■ PANEL CUT OUT [Scale : mm] Panel thickness : 0.5 + 0.5mm 92+0.5 0.0 DECIMAL POINT POSITION Remove the jumper as follows 45-0.5 0.0 ■ DEMENSINS [Scale : mm] 44 CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT NO1 : + NO2 : NO3 : - NO4 : + NO5 : - NO6 : 220V NO7 : 110V NO8 : 0V INPUT

  4. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES PROGRAMMABLE INDICATOR MODEL HD - 1200 • Power MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-1200 MODEL • Input • Output INPUT ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-1200-INPUT ex) HD-1200-1 * Special input range (code O&S) INSTALLATION Power supply : Ac rating (100-240) 10% 60/50HZ 6.0VA Operating temperature : 0 to +55℃ (32 to 131℉) Operating humidity : 20-85%RH (non-condensing) Storage temperature : -20 to +70℃ (-4 to +158℉) Storage humidity : 20-95%RH (non-condensing) Size : W96H48  D118 Weight : GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Construction : panel flush mounting Connection : screw terminals Housing materiel : ivory plastic (ABS) Input configuration : single-ended A/D conversion : dual-slope integration with automatic zero correction Scalling : programmable scaling Key S/W INPUT setting DISPLAY PERFORMANCE LED : 7-segment (0.56 Inch), red and green Number of display : 4digit Scaling factor for process Meter Zero : adjustable by internal selector switch with each range of -9999 to 0 or 0 to 1000 or 0 to 9999 Span : Zero point to 9999 coungs. Decimal point position : programmable adiustable by interwal selector switch Read rate : 2.5/s standard Display HOLD : available by external in-put singnal Over-range indication : display flashes-F  Accuracy  Voltage input :0.1% of rag  1digit (0.1% of rag  2digit for 0.2V range)  Current input :0.2% of rag  1digit  Temp coefficient :0.05% of rag  1digit/℃ • Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change • Dielctric strength : 1500V AC 1 minute (Input to power)


  6. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES PROGRAMMABLE INDICATOR MODEL HD – 1200C • Power MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-1200C MODEL • Input INPUT • Output ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-1200-INPUT ex) HD-1200-1 * Special input range (code O&S) INSTALLATION Power supply : Ac rating (100-240) 10% 60/50HZ 6.0VA Operating temperature : 0 to +55℃ (32 to 131℉) Operating humidity : 20-85%RH (non-condensing) Storage temperature : -20 to +70℃ (-4 to +158℉) Storage humidity : 20-95%RH (non-condensing) Size : W96H48  D118 Weight : GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Construction : panel flush mounting Connection : screw terminals Housing materiel : ivory plastic (ABS) Input configuration : single-ended A/D conversion : dual-slope integration with automatic zero correction Scalling : programmable scaling Key S/W INPUT setting DISPLAY PERFORMANCE  Accuracy  Voltage input :0.1% of rag  1digit (0.1% of rag  2digit for 0.2V range)  Current input :0.2% of rag  1digit  Temp coefficient :0.05% of rag  1digit/℃ • Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change • Dielctric strength : 1500V AC 1 minute (Input to power) LED : 0.56inch 7-segment, red or green Number of display digits : 6(0~999999 c/h) Decimal point position : 3 position selectable by function key at the front panel Integration range : user changeable by function key at the front panel Engineering unit indication : sticker attached


  8. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES PROGRAMMABLE MOSAIC INDICATOR MODEL HD - GPMA MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-GPMA MODEL • INPUT ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-GPMA-INPUT ex) HD-GMPA-A * Special input range (code O) ※ 당사는 GPMA를 INPUT & POWER 완전 절연 제품만 제작 판매함.(ISOLATION 방식) • RTD INPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD’S input sensing : 2mA DC(pt) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Construction : Mosaic graphic panel flush mounting Connection : PIN connector Housing materiel : black plastic Input configuration : single-ended Scaling : microprocessor using control for key s/w DISPLAY LED : 7-segment (0.56 Inch), red and green Number of display digit : 4digit Scaling factor for process Meter Zero : 0 -1999 counts Span : (Zero point) + 9999 counts. Decimal point position : at key s/w selting Read rate : 1.2/sec standard Over-range indication : display by -F INSTALLATION Power supply : DC : 15~24V 10% 75mA at 24V INPUT AC : rating (20-30V) 10% 60/50HZ 20VA Operating temperature : 0 to 55℃ (33 to 131℉) Operating humidity : 20-85%RH (non-condensing) Storage temperature : -20 to 70℃ Storage humidity : 20-95%RH (non-condensing) Size : W75H25  D105mm Weight : about 200g INPUT • DC INPUT

  9. RANGE PROCESSOR INPUT + - 1 MICRO PROCESSOR DISPLAY DRIVER LOW DRIFT AMPLIFIER A/D CONVERTER 2 3 POWER - + 5 AC&DC/DC POWER CONVERTER 4 250.0 * NORMAL 상태 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 HrAn 500.0 400.0 200.0 F2 * NORMAL 상태 * 현재의 HIGH RANGE 지시 : 자리이동 : 숫자변경 F1 F2 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 LrAn 0.0 100.0 350.0 F2 * NORMAL 상태 * 현재의 LOW RANGE 지시 : 자리이동 : 숫자변경 F1 F2 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 OFFS 0.0 - 0.5 249.5 F2 * NORMAL 상태 : 자리이동 : 숫자변경 F1 * 현재의 OFFSET 지시 F2 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 dp_S 888.8 88.88 250.0 F2 * NORMAL 상태 : 소숫점이동 F2 * 현재의 소숫점 지시 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 LCUL OFF 0n 250.0 F2 * NORMAL 상태 * 현재의 LOW LIMIT 지시 : 상태 변경 F2 F1 250.0 * NORMAL 상태 BLOCK DIAGRAM * OPERATION 1

  10. 1 2 3 4 5 PERFORMANCE * OPERATION 2  Accuracy0.2% of rSg  1digit  Temp coefficient : 0.005% of rag  1digit/℃  Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change  Insulation resistance :100M or more with 500V DC  Dielectric strength :1200V AC 1minute (Input to power to gnd) • MODE 설명 • 1. HIGH RANGE SET MODE HrAn • ① DISPLAY RANGE 의 HIGH값을 설정하는 MODE이다. • ② SETTING RANGE : 0-9999 • ③ DEFAULT SET VALUE : 1000 • 2. LOW RANGE SET MODE LrAn • ① DISPLAY RANGE 의 LOW값을 설정하는 MODE이다. • ② SETTING RANGE : -1999 - (+)9999 • ③ DEFAULT SET VALUE : 0 • 3. OFFSET SET MODE OFFS • ① NORMAL MODE에서 실재값과 DISPLAY값이 맞지 • 않을 때 SETTING하는 값 보정 MODE이다. • ② 예1> 실재값: 150.0 DISPLAY 값: 150.3 • ▶ OFFSET SETTING 값 : -0.3 • 예2> 실재값: 1500 DISPLAY 값: 1495 • ▶ OFFSET SETTING 값 : -0.5 • ※ DISPLAY 값 = DISPLAY + OFFSET 값 • ③ DEFAULT SET VALUE : 0 • 4. 소숫점 변경 MODE dP_S • ① 소숫점을 변경하는 MODE • 5. LOW LIMIT SET MODE LCUE • ① DISPLAY RANGE 의 LOW값 이하로 값이 내려가지 • 않게 ZERO LIMIT 기능을 가능 또는 불가능하게 하는 • MODE이다. • ② ON : ZERO LIMIT ENABLE. • OFF : ZERO LIMIT DISABLE. TERMINAL CONNECTION NO1 : + NO2 : - NO3 : COM NO4 : - NO5 : + A B b’ INPUT POWER RTD DIMENSION 22 15 91 95 5 75 25

  11. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES MOSAIC COUNTER MODEL HD - GPMC 500mV p-p to 50V p-p + - COM IN HD-GPMC MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-GPMC MODEL • INPUT ORDERING INFORMATION * Code number : HD-GPMC-INPUT ex) HD-GPMC-A GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ※ 당사는 GPMC를 INPUT & POWER 완전 절연 제품만 제작 판매함.(ISOLATION 방식) Construction : Mosaic graphic panel flush mounting Connection : PIN connector Housing materiel : black plastic • OPEN Collector DISPLAY LED : 7-segment (10.16mm), red and green Number of display digit : 6digit Memorize the indication value of power failure before state Reset method : key s/w Data HOLD : EPROM TYPE Data HOLDER TIME : about 10 year IN + - COM INPUT • TTL OR VOLTAGE PULSE DC 12V at 3mA H L + - COM IN • INPUT FREQUINCY RANGE • : 2KHX(MAX) INSTALLATION HD-GPMC Power supply : DC : 15~24V 10% 75mA at 24V INPUT AC : rating (20-30V) 10% 60/50HZ 20VA Operating temperature : 0 to 55℃ (33 to 131℉) Operating humidity : 20-85%RH (non-condensing) Storage temperature : -20 to 70℃ Storage humidity : 20-95%RH (non-condensing) Mounting : Mosaic graphic panel flush mountings Size : W75H25  D105mm Weight : about 200g • DRY CONTACT

  12. 1 2 3 4 5 PERFORMANCE TERMINAL CONNECTION  Accuracy0.5% of rag  2digit  Temp coefficient : 0.005% of rag  1digit  Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change  Insulation resistance :100M or more with 500V DC  Dielectric strength :1200V AC 1minute (Input to power) NO1 : + NO2 : - NO2 NO3 NO4 : - NO5 : + INPUT RESET POWER DIMENSION

  13. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES COMMUNICATION MOSAIC INDICATOR MODEL HD - GPMS MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-GPMS MODEL • INPUT ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-GPMS-INPUT ex) HD-GPMS-A * Special input range (code O) SPECIFICATION GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Power : DC 24V ± 5% Input Signal : RS – 485 SERIAL Display: 4 DIGIT LED (H:10.16mm) Address Selection : POWER TO INPUT Isolation: POWER TO INPUT Construction : Mosaic graphic panel flush mounting Connection : PIN connector Housing materiel : black plastic Input configuration : single-ended Scaling : microprocessor using control for key s/w COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Communication : SIMPLEX Baud Rate : 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS (PROGRAM SETTING) Start Bit : 1 BIT Data Bit : 8 BIT Parity Check : NONE Stop Bit : 1 BIT Address Transmission Code : ASCII CODE (HEX) Point : PROGRAM SETTING Error Time : 1 ~ 55sec, 01 = Infinitely) (PROGRAM SETTING) DISPLAY LED : 7-segment (H:0.56 Inch), red and green Number of display digit : 4digit Scaling factor for process Meter Zero : 0 -1999 counts Span : (Zero point) + 9999 counts. Decimal point position : at key s/w selting Read rate : 1.2/sec standard Over-range indication : display by -F

  14. 1 2 3 4 5 PERFORMANCE TERMINAL CONNECTION  Accuracy0.5% of rag  2digit  Temp coefficient : 0.005% of rag  1digit  Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change  Insulation resistance :100M or more with 500V DC  Dielectric strength :1200V AC 1minute (Input to power) NO1 : + NO2 : - NO2 NO3 NO4 : - NO5 : + INPUT RESET POWER DIMENSION

  15. HARD WARE ?? a) CPU : ONE-CHIP MICRO PROCESSOR (ATMEL AT89C52) b) COMMUNICATION : RS-422 or RS-485 (RECEIVE ONLY) c) BAUD RATE : 2400bps ~ 38400bps d) ADDRESS : 0 ~ 999 e) DISPLAY : RED COLOR STANDARD 4 DIGIT : -999 ~ 9999 6 DIGIT : 0 ~ 999999 f) PROTOCOL : ?? PROTOCOL ???? : MAX 1.5VA 2. ?? a) ADDRESS? ???? KEY? ?????? ( Addr ) b) BAUD RATE? ???? KEY? ?????? ( bAUr ) c) ???? ???? KEY? ?????? ( _dp _ ) d) SERIAL INPUT가 20sec 이상 검지되지 않을 때 자동적으로 DISPLAY는 CLEAR 된다. 3. INDICATOR 결선 방법

  16. 4. KEY SETTING ??

  17. 5.4 DIGIT

  18. 6.6 DIGIT

  19. HD DIGITAL METER SERIES COMMUNICATION MOSAIC INDICATOR MODEL HD - GPMSC MODEL & SUFFIX CODE HD-GPMSC MODEL • INPUT ORDERING INFORMATION Specify code number and variables * Code number : HD-GPMSC-INPUT ex) HD-GPMSC-A * Special input range (code O) SPECIFICATION GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Power : DC 24V ± 5% Input Signal : RS – 485 SERIAL Display: 4 DIGIT LED (H:10.16mm) Address Selection : POWER TO INPUT Isolation: POWER TO INPUT Construction : Mosaic graphic panel flush mounting Connection : PIN connector Housing materiel : black plastic Input configuration : single-ended Scaling : microprocessor using control for key s/w COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Communication : SIMPLEX Baud Rate : 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS (PROGRAM SETTING) Start Bit : 1 BIT Data Bit : 8 BIT Parity Check : NONE Stop Bit : 1 BIT Address Transmission Code : ASCII CODE (HEX) Point : PROGRAM SETTING Error Time : 1 ~ 55sec, 01 = Infinitely) (PROGRAM SETTING) DISPLAY LED : 7-segment (H:10.41mm), red and green Number of display digit : 4digit Scaling factor for process Meter Zero : 0 Span : (Zero point) 999999 Decimal point position : at key s/w selting Read rate : 1.2/sec standard Over-range indication : display by -F

  20. 1 2 3 4 5 PERFORMANCE TERMINAL CONNECTION  Accuracy0.5% of rag  2digit  Temp coefficient : 0.005% of rag  1digit  Line Voltage effect :  1digit of 10% change  Insulation resistance :100M or more with 500V DC  Dielectric strength :1200V AC 1minute (Input to power) NO1 : + NO2 : - NO2 NO3 NO4 : - NO5 : + INPUT RESET POWER DIMENSION

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