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COMPOUND SENTENCE. A sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate (a verb) and expresses a complete idea. It can be very brief (consisting only subject – predicate) or it can be longer (qualified by a qualifier or modifier ).
COMPOUND SENTENCE • A sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate (a verb) and expresses a complete idea. It can be very brief (consisting only subject – predicate) or it can be longer (qualified by a qualifier or modifier). • A combination of simple sentences (independent clauses) with or without modifiers is called a compound sentence. The independent clauses are connected by the coordinate conjunctions such as: and, but, or, nor, yet, for, so, etc. to form a compound sentence. Sometimes, a comma is used before the conjunction. • Examples: • The production of horticultural products is getting better, and exports of agricultural products are increased. • The demand for agricultural products is high lately, so we must increase our productivity. • Neither rambutannor durians are sold in European market.
Using semicolon and transitional expression to form a compound sentence • Independent clauses (simple sentences) may also be joined together by using a semicolon with or without a transitional expression. When a transitional expression is used, it is placed in the between of a semicolon and a comma. Examples: • Banana is one of popular tropical crops in Indonesia; besides, it is also an export horticultural commodity. • Banana is one of popular tropical crops in Indonesia; it is also an export horticultural commodity. • Rose can grow in a wide range of elevation; however, it requires low temperature to produce seeds. • Rose can grow in a wide range of elevation;it requires low temperature to produce seeds.
Transitional expressions indicating time (waktu): Afterward (kemudian) Earlier (terdahulu) At the same time (sementaraitu) In the mean time (sementaraitu) Later (kemudian) Meanwhile (sementaraitu) Simultaneously (secaraserentak) Soon (kemudian, segerasesudahnya) Transitional expressions indicating emphasis (penekanan): • Certainly (tentu) • Indeed (sesungguhnya) • In fact (sesungguhnya; nyatanya; padakenyataannya) • In short (pendek kata) • In truth (sebenarnya; sesungguhnya) • Of course (tentusaja; sudahbarangtentu; pastilah)
Transitional expressions indicating addition (penambahan): Again (lagi-lagi) Also (juga) Besides (lagi pula; disampingitu) Equally important (samapentingnya) Accordingly (sesuaidengan) Therefore (maka; olehkarenaitu; olehsebabitu) Thus (maka; jadi; dengandemikian) In addition (selanjutnya; selainitu; tambahan pula) Moreover (lagi pula) Further (kemudian) Furthermore (kemudian; selanjutnya) • Transitional expressions indicating place (tempat): Beyond (diluar) Here (disini) There (disana) Opposite (disebelah; dihadapan) To the left (disebelahkiri) To the right (disebelahkanan)
Transitional expression as an interrupter or parenthetic element in a sentence • The words such as however, moreover, nevertheless, on the other hand, in fact, indeed, etc. are transitional expressions when they are placed in the between two (sometimes more) independent clauses to form a compound sentence. However, they may also function as interrupters when they are placed at the beginning, at the middle, or at the end of a sentence. As interrupters they are always separated by commas Consequently, a high concentration of plant growth regulators is required to induce callus proliferation. A high concentration of plant growth regulators, consequently, is required to induce callus proliferation. A high concentration of plant growth regulators is required to induce callus proliferation, consequently.
However, callus formation is an undesirable phenomenon in a micropropagation system because it may induce genetic variation within the resulted progenies. • Callus formation, however, is an undesirable phenomena in a micropropagation system because it may induce genetic variation within the resulted progenies. • (You can not say: Callus formation is an undesirable phenomena in a micropropagation system because it may induce genetic variation within the resulted progenies, however).
Assignment 1 Combine the pairs of the following independent clauses using semicolon and transitional expression given in the bracket. Make other changes as necessary and pay attention to your punctuation. • Nipahflourishes in the swampy areas of many islands in Indonesia. Indonesians have not discovered the potential of this palm (however). • Swampy areas stretch over large islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Irian. These areas are also found in islands such as Bangka and Belitung (in fact). • Swampy regions are subjected to ocean tides. These areas can be reclaimed for agricultural purposes (simultaneously). • Sugar and alcohol can be produced from nipah plant. Nipahplants have a great economic value (therefore). • The leaves of nipah can be used for roofing materials. The jelly-like, sweet endosperm of young fruits is edible (in addition).