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Discover how to shift paradigms for academic excellence and efficient learning. Learn the process of significant learning, acquiring new skills, and becoming a top student. Realize the power of paradigm shifts and skill acquisition in educational advancement. This insightful guide will help you excel in your studies and harness efficient learning techniques to reach your full potential.
Paradigms and EfficientLearning (orhow I wentform a mediocre student to thebeststudent in theclass, and howyou can, too) Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D. CISE, University of Florida manuel@cise.ufl.edu http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~manuel Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Contents • Paradigms. • Paradigm definition. • The paradigm shift. • Paradigm blindness and paralysis. • Examples. • The Learning Process. • Significant Learning: Paradigm Acquisition. • How to be an EXCELLENT student. Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Definition of Paradigm. • Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions): "… accepted samples of practical methods in science” • Adam Smith (Powers of the Mind): ”A shared set of assumed facts. Water to the fish, a paradigm explains the world and allows us to predict its behavior. When in the middle of a paradigm, it is difficult to imagine any other". Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Definition of Paradigm (cont.) • Willis Hartman (An Incomplete Guide to the Future): "… a basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing and doing things that are associated with a particular vision of reality”. • Marilyn Ferguson (The Aquarian Conspiracy): "… a framework for thought… a scheme for understanding and explaining certain aspects of reality". Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Definition of Paradigm (cont.) • Joel Barker (Discovering the Future: The Business of Paradigms): " … a set of rules that define limits, and establish what’s necessary to be succesfull within those limits". • NOTE: We humans subscribe to paradigms composed of a SMALL set of rules, and we have a STRONG tendency to resist letting them go. Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
The Paradigm Shift • A change in rules: old rules notonly stop beinguseful, butthey GET IN THE WAY. • Examples (in general): • Nomadism to Sedentarianism. • Geocentrism to Heliocentrism. • Creationism to Evolution. • Catastrophism to Gradualism. • Regionalism to Globalism. Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
The paradigm shift(cont.) • Examples (specific to computing): • Structuredprogramming. • Objectorientedprogramming. • The WWW. • Agile software development. • Personal, ubiquitous, cloud-connectedcomputing • NOTES: • Paradigmshiftsoccursuddenly. • Theirtimingis VERY difficult to predict. Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
The paradigm shift (cont.) • Change is instigated by an “outsider”. • The new college graduate, or a scientist moving from one discipline to another: • Unfamiliar with the established paradigm. • Not “vested” in the old paradigm. • Example: ”If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done it. The literature is full of examples that show that this cannot be done" -- (Spencer Silver of 3M, inventor of Post-it notes). Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Paradigm Blindness and Paralysis • The mortal disease of certainty. • Paradigms act as physiological filters; a colored filter before the eyes. • The rules for the new paradigm are often completely INVISIBLE to those still subscribing to the old paradigm. Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Paradigm Blindness and Paralysis • Example: In the late 1930’s, Chester Carlson showed Kodak, IBM and 41 other companies his new “photographic system”: • a steel plate, some black powder, a piece of cat fur, a piece of amber, some wax paper, and an iron. • Only the Halloid Corporation adopted the new system (they later became ???) Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Paradigm Blindness and Paralysis • Example: Who invented the quartz clock? • The swiss! • Characteristics of paradigm blindness: • ”That’s not the way we do it". • ”It is not going to work". • ”That’s impossible". • ”If you had my years of experience, you would know you are wrong“ Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Paradigm Blindness and Paralysis Example: • A personal computer for the year 2004: Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018
Paradigms and Learning. SignificantLearning: • Notmerely training orabsorbtion of facts. • SkillAcquisition. Level of Expertise time time Skill acquisition Learning Curve
Skill Acquisition: • Long Process • Suddenchange in skilllevel • Difficult to predicttiming. Soundfamiliar ? ParadigmShift: (Old Rules → New Rules) SkillAcquisition: (Absence of Rules → New Rules)
Learning Efficiently The worst way The best way The second worst way! Threeexperiences: • UCR, 1976: Recursion (startingearly). • UCR, 1978: Algebra I (dailyeffort) • UCSC, 1981: Solveproblemswhileyousleep: findpatterns, consolidatememories.
How to be an EXCELENT student: • NEVER miss class. • NEVER go to classwithoutlooking at the material thenightbefore (absorptionrategoesfrom 30% to 70%. • NEVER go to classwithunresolvedissuesfromthepreviousclass. • Class time: themostintensivestudyperiod. • Evaluateprogress DAILY. Simple, huh ? Butnoteasy (paradigmshift)
QUESTIONS ? • Thank you ! Paradigms - Learning ACM 2/21/2018