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Universality, means testing and the Universal Credit

Universality, means testing and the Universal Credit. Paul Spicker Scottish Policy Innovation Forum 7 th March 2014. Definitions. Universality : for and against. Selectivity : for and against. The problems of means testing. Problems of selectivity complexity exclusion non- takeup

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Universality, means testing and the Universal Credit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Universality, means testing and the Universal Credit Paul Spicker Scottish Policy Innovation Forum 7th March 2014

  2. Definitions

  3. Universality : for and against

  4. Selectivity : for and against

  5. The problems of means testing Problems of selectivity complexity exclusion non-takeup equity costly administration intrusiveness boundary problems the ‘poverty trap’ Problems of means testing threshold definition and tapers capital equivalence and household composition changing circumstances self-employment

  6. Universal Credit: aims and design

  7. Universal Credit: the plan The plan ‘Digital by default’ The ‘claimant commitment’ Monthly payment ‘Real time’ ‘Direct payment’ The problems Slow progress The IT The limited pilots The ‘fortress’ mentality

  8. The flaws in Universal CreditIs there ‘meltdown’?

  9. Universal Credit: The designProblems of benefits in generalignorance complexity stigmapolicing the boundaries Problems of means testing threshold definition and tapers capital equivalence and household composition identifying circumstances fluctuations in income self-employment Universal Credit has the lot Recent failures benefits without clear entitlement repayment expecting sick people to work medical reassessment penalties not linked to knowledge cohabitation rule multiple dimensions

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