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Where’s the title?. You gotta search for it!. PotW Solution. String s = new Scanner(System. in ).next(); int [] prev = new int [ s.length () * 2 + 2]; Arrays. fill ( prev , -1); int c = s.length (), ans = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < s.length (); i ++) {
Where’s the title? You gotta search for it!
PotW Solution String s = new Scanner(System.in).next(); int[] prev = newint[s.length() * 2 + 2]; Arrays.fill(prev, -1); int c = s.length(), ans = 0; for (inti = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == '(') { if (prev[c] == -1) prev[c] = i; c++; } else { prev[c] = -1; c--; if (prev[c] != -1) ans = Math.max(ans, i - prev[c] + 1); } } System.out.println(ans);
Graphs • Graph = collection of nodes and edges • Connected component = path from every node to every other node • Distance = # of edges from one node to another • Can be represented as adjacency list(e.g. array of ArrayLists) – list of adjacent nodes for each node =
Search Algorithms • An algorithm to find an item with certain properties among a collection • Lowest/highest value, closest distance, etc. • Search trees – Tree with data values in nodes stored in such a way that they can be traversed in order in some systematic way
Floodfill • Given a m by n grid of colored tiles, find connected regions of black tiles • Analogous to a graph where the nodes are tiles and edges are adjacencies between tiles • This was used in the November bronze/silver contests • Beauty Pageant problem is reduced to a connectivity problem (floodfill) + finding distances between connected regions • Solve floodfill using Depth First Search (DFS) • Recursively expand nodes • Keep expanding until you hit a dead end
Depth First Search (DFS) boolean[] visited // initialized to false dfs(current) ifcurrent equals end // end found exit dfs mark current as visited forall neighbors of current ifneighbor is not visited dfs(neighbor) • Sometimes useful to incorporate an "end" node • Might also be convenient to give DFS a return value of true/false • Denotes whether end was found • Java's stack memory limit is very unforgiving • Replace recursion with a Stack if the number of nodes exceeds a few thousand
Finding Distances • DFS doesn't quite cut it if you're looking for distances • DFS explores the nodes in a head on, haphazard fashion • Opt for Breadth First Search (BFS) • Start from nodes of distance 0, expand to distance 1, etc., basically exploring in order of distance • Only works if all edges have length 1 • Use a queue - nodes closer are explored first • Note that this simply replaces the stack used in DFS with a queue • Not quite as efficient or easy to code as DFS, so only use BFS if distances are needed
Breadth First Search (BFS) boolean[] visited // initialized to false int[] dist bfs(start) QueueQ visit start, set distance to zero push start into Q whileQ is not empty pop first element of Q forall neighbors of the first element ifneighbor not visited visit neighbor, set distance of neighbor add neighbor to queue • Save distances in a dist array • Set distance of neighbor to (current distance + 1) • Java has a Queue interface, but underneath you still need to use LinkedList, which implements Queue • Can do the same for Stack in DFS
PotW – Friendship Trees • This problem has nothing to do with cows, but for some reason cows are nodes, and friendships are edges. Check if the graph is a tree. • Each edge is undirected, since friendships are mutual (hopefully) • A tree is a graph such that all nodes are connected and there is only one unique way to get between each two nodes
Friendship Trees (cont.) • The first line of the input contains the number of nodes and then the number of edges • Each successive line contains an edge, and has two indices, where indices are numbered starting from one • The output should be either "YES" or "NO" • Sample Input: Sample Output:3 2 YES1 22 3 2 1 • 3