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Gender and Other Statistics, CB Initiatives

Explore gender statistics, initiatives for equal opportunities, and the CMS Women's Forum discussions on promoting gender equality in the scientific community.

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Gender and Other Statistics, CB Initiatives

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  1. Gender and Other Statistics, CB Initiatives CMS Women’s Forum, CERN, 1 Oct. 2009 C.-E. Wulz

  2. Start of Equal Opportunities Initiatives In one of the recent CB Advisory Group meetings it was proposed to look at women’s issues, and overall gender statistics for CMS was shown. Some CMS women have also been active in thinking about Equal Opportunities issues (T. Rodrido, M. Felcini, G. Hanson, S. Beauceron, F. Blekman et al.). At the Bologna CB Meeting it was agreed to look at Equal Opportunities issues in general. It was decided that C.-E Wulz should make a report at the December CB meeting. I would also propose that such a report is given regularly at the CB, for example once a year. A first step is to make available relevant statistics. By publishing these attention would already be drawn to any inequalities. The statistics should be published on the iCMS web pages. For this, the CMS people database must be expanded. CMS Women’s Forum, 1 Oct. 2009

  3. CMS People Database For each person, there is already a number of entries, and the gender is one of them. Not all entries can be public for everybody. At least the following entries should be added: PeopleJobFlgId      job name   PeopleJobProject    cms project   PeopleJobType       job/nomination   JobDateStart        date start   (yyyy-mm-dd)  JobDateEnd          date end   (yyyy-mm-dd) PhD year I am in contact with some members of the new CMS Communication Group and a few other relevant people to iron out the technical details (D. Samyn, L. Taylor, A. Pfeiffer, B. Wyslouch, G. Rolandi). The new central CMS people database will be in ORACLE. The CINCO conference database should also be merged with the central database. CMS Women’s Forum, 1 Oct. 2009

  4. Statistics • Examples of statistics to be put on iCMS, for selectable time periods, and with appropriate normalization and error bars if applicable: • All CMS Collaborators: by gender, by country of institute (CERN counts as country), by age group • PhDs: by gender, by date since PhD, by country • Top and deputy top jobs (Spokesperson, CB Chair): by gender, by country • L1 Coordinators and deputies (Coordinators, Project Managers): by gender, by country, by project (physics, detector, computing etc.) • L2, L3 coordinators and deputies: by gender, by country, by project • Nominations (all or short-listed) for top jobs and coordinators (as above) • CMS Achievement Awards: by gender, by country, by project • CMS Lifetime Awards: by gender, by country, by project • CMS Thesis Awards: by gender, by country, by project • Conference statistics: similar to what is in CINCO • others, please suggest! CMS Women’s Forum, 1 Oct. 2009

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