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Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing

Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing. Chen, Wei, Vera Kalscheuer , Andreas Tzschach , Corinna Menzel , Reinhard Ullmann , Marcel Holger Schulz, Fikret Erdogan et al. Presented by: Tan Mei Hui A0039711J. Recall: Structural Variations.

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Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing Chen, Wei, Vera Kalscheuer, Andreas Tzschach, CorinnaMenzel, ReinhardUllmann, Marcel Holger Schulz, FikretErdogan et al. Presented by: Tan Mei Hui A0039711J

  2. Recall: Structural Variations • based on location and orientation of breakpoints • interchromosomal translocation • intrachromosomal translocation • inversion • deletion • insertion

  3. Interchromosomal translocation • unbalanced

  4. Interchromosomal translocation • balanced

  5. Translocation breakpoints • Balanced chromosome rearrangement (BCRs) • Disease-associated Balanced Translocations (DBCRs)

  6. Importance of research • Balanced chromosome rearrangement cause genetic disease by disrupting/inactivating specific gene • Characterization of breakpoints for hereditary diseases • 50% of patients with DBCR are mentally retarded • Complex and late-onset diseases

  7. Issues with old methods • Traditional methods • In situ hybridization with fluorescent dye-labeled bacteria artificial chromosome clones (BAC-FISH) • Slow and laborious • Poor resolution, usually unable to identify the disrupted gene

  8. Proposed method • Illumina/Sanger sequencing • Multiplex sequencing-by-synthesis technology • Bridge breakpoints in PCR amplification • Coverage sufficient to identify the exact nucleotide position in a shorter time • Low error (<1000bp) • Precise enough to define single primer pair for PCR amplification • Cost reduced • Parallel sequencing

  9. Future work • Potential for breakpoint mapping on large scale • Limited number of balanced translocations studied in detail • Gene finding in patients with disease-associated balanced translocation • Method not robust for breakpoints in large duplicated segments

  10. Q&A

  11. Thank you!

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