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Segregation in South Carolina The Jim Crow Laws

Explore the impact of Jim Crow Laws on African Americans in South Carolina during the 20th century, including segregation, economic opportunities, civil rights, and educational challenges. Learn about the Briggs v. Elliott case, racial discrimination, and the legacy of these laws.

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Segregation in South Carolina The Jim Crow Laws

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  1. Segregation in South CarolinaThe Jim Crow Laws South Carolina History Standard 8-7.4:Explain the factors that influenced the economic opportunities of African American South Carolinians during the latter twentieth century, including racial discrimination, the Briggs v. Elliott case, the integration of public facilities and the civil rights movement, agricultural decline, and statewide educational improvements.

  2. Who Was Jim Crow? • Jim Crow was a familiar minstrel character • Introduced in 1832 through a song written and sung by “Daddy” Dan Rice • A racist depiction of a poor, uneducated black

  3. Equal Rights for All? • An African American in South Carolina would feel very lucky to have this as his home in the 1900’s.

  4. Equal Rights for All? • An average white person’s home in South Carolina in the 1900’s.

  5. So how did the Jim Crow Laws affect African Americans in South Carolina? • The Constitution of 1895 (the one that we use today) created state sanctioned segregation. • Article 2, Section 7 stated that “Separate schools shall be provided for children of white and colored races, and no child of either race shall ever be permitted to attend a school provided for children of the other race.

  6. Effects of the Jim Crow Laws continued… • Our Constitution banned interracial marriage. • Funding was cut to programs that aided African Americans. • Laws were passed that made oral contracts binding…they always favored the plantation owner that had a dispute with a black. • Laws were passed that allowed plantation owners to hold black laborers on their farms until all debts were paid.

  7. How did Jim Crow Laws Effect Public Education for All Children? • African American children walking 9 – 12 miles one way to get to school

  8. How Did Jim Crow Laws Effect Public Education for All Children? • http://www.archive.org/details/naacp_south_carolina

  9. What Did the Jim Crow Laws Lead To? • African Americans being accepted in white society as second-class citizens • Violation of the 14th and 15th amendments • The rise of the KKK • Briggs v. Elliott • Brown v. Board of Education • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

  10. Going to Great Lengths to Learn to Read and Write • African American children learning their ABC’s…wonder what they do when it rains?

  11. A Step Up… • These children could continue to learn even when the weather was not tolerable outside.

  12. A White Child’s School in South Carolina • A beautiful school, new books, desks, and educated teachers

  13. Separate but Equal? • Which water fountain would you want to get a drink from?

  14. Which School Would You Want to Attend?

  15. Jim Crow Laws Did Not Just Segregate Schools • Can you read the sign by the door to the gas station?

  16. Sources • http://americanhistory.si.edu/brown/history • http://www.archive.org/details/naacp_south_carolina • http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/brown/brown-segregation • http://ed.sc.gov • http://www.sciway.net/afam/reconstruction/majorevents.html

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