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MCF10A Her2

Supplemental Figure 1. Mcf10a/ErbB2. MDA-MB-231. SKBR3. BT474. ErbB2. RB. Actin. MCF10A Her2. miNS. miRB. DAPI. RB. Immunoblotting was performed in the indicated cell lines for the levels

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MCF10A Her2

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  1. Supplemental Figure 1 Mcf10a/ErbB2 MDA-MB-231 SKBR3 BT474 ErbB2 RB Actin MCF10A Her2 miNS miRB DAPI RB Immunoblotting was performed in the indicated cell lines for the levels of RB and ErbB2. Immunofluorescence staining of RB confirmed a uniform attenuation of RB protein levels throughout cultures with miRB.

  2. Supplemental Figure 2 Invasion of MCF10A ErbB2 overexpressing cells was measured by modified Boyden chamber assays. The indicated cell lines were treated with AKT (GDC/NVP-BEZ) or ERK inhibitors (AZD/U0126) and invasion was scored as described in the materials and methods

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