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Thermophobic plants found on this hill and their medicinal uses are--. 1. Thalictrum foliolosum DC.(Rananculaceae) Local name- Sita chanwar / Mamiri Flowers-June –August Medicinal properties: Root is used in making Kajal as it prevents eye infection.
Thermophobic plants found on this hill and their medicinal uses are--
1. Thalictrum foliolosum DC.(Rananculaceae) • Local name- Sita chanwar / Mamiri • Flowers-June –August • Medicinal properties: • Root is used in making Kajal as it prevents eye infection. • Its decoction is useful in stomache and pest in eczema. 20 July 2005 17 July 2008
18 01 2010 18 01 2010 Thalictrum foliolosum DC.
2. Rubia manjith Roxb.ex Fleming(Rubiaceae) • Local name- JataSinghi /Birja / Majethi • Flowers- October – November • Medicinal properties: • Root yields a costly yellow-orange dye called ’’manjith’. • Paste of the root is used to cure leucoderma. • Decoction of root is a good liver tonic. • Decoction is also used as a tonic for youth and vigor. 16 10 2008
Rubia manjith Roxb.ex Fleming(Rubiaceae) 12 01 2008 18 01 2010
3. Pogostemon benghalense(Burmm.f)Kuntze. (Lamiaceae) • Flowers-October –January • Local name- Ban tulsi / Kalibhant • Medicinal properties: • Paste of leaf applied on wounds to check bleeding. • Root is used to prepare Ranu of rice beer (Haria)
4. Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham ex D.Don. (Acanthaceae) • Flowers December -January • Local name- Serendri -dumbu • Medicinal properties: • Paste of leaf applied on wounds to check bleeding. • Root is used to prepare Ranu of rice beer (Haria)
5. Aeginetia indica L. (Orobanchaceae) • Flowers-August -November • Local name- Kandar [A root parasite] • Medicinal properties: • Pest of whole plant applied on burns.
Thermophilic plants invaders— • 1.Syndrella nodiflora (L.)Gaertn. • Plant is native of West Indies and naturalized in India as weed. Easily identified by basally 3 nerved opposite leaves and yellow flowers at nodes.
2.Calyptocarpus vialis Lees. • Plant looks like Syndrella but is smaller and prostrate.
3. Ageratum conyzoides L. • Local name – Puru ghas / Tonka mani • Commonly called as goat grass and recognized by small blue flowers.Weed very tough to eradicate.
4. Sonchus wightianus DC. • Local name- Najom puru • Herbs ,up to 1 m tall .Idetified by yellow flowers and glandular hairs on floral stalk.
5. Siegesbeckia orientalis L. • Local name- Marang kalmegh/ lat lalita • Herbs ,up to 1 m tall .Identified by yellow flowers surrounded by 5 spathulate glandular involucres.