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Medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials that contain polysaccharides. Carbohydrates - a large group of primary products of photosynthesis, which are aldegydes and ketoalcogol. Carbohydrates are divided into: Monosaccharides - trioses , tetroses , pentoses and hexoses ;
Medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials that contain polysaccharides
Carbohydrates - a large group of primary products of photosynthesis, which are aldegydes and ketoalcogol • Carbohydrates are divided into: • Monosaccharides - trioses, tetroses, pentoses and hexoses; • Oligosaccharides - disaccharides, trisaccharides and others; • Polysaccharides - homo-and heteropolisaccharides
Polysaccharide – constitute macromolecular carbohydrates -- biopolymers, formed a large number of monosaccharide related O - glycosidics connections • Homopolysaccharides (starch, inulin, cellulose and its esters, glycogen) are composed of one type of residue monosaccharys • Heteropolysaccharides (mucus, gums, pectin, alhinaty) - with the remnants of various polysaccharides and their derivatives
Homopolisaccharides - polysaccharides that are built with the same monosaccharides Depending on the hydrocarbon component of their share in: • Glucans - amylose, amylopectin, cellulose, glycogen, dextrin, chitin; • Fructans - inulin; • Galactans - agar-agar, carrageenan
Glucan • cellulose- a component of plant cell membranes. Its content depends on the type of plant. Cellulose positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, normalizes digestion. It is not digested in the human gastrointestinal tract and has a large adsorbing capacity • Dextrin is a low-molecular glucan, which formed by splitting starch or glycogen under the influence of enzymes, acids or heat. Dextrin formed in the body of animals and plants during the enzymatic dissolution of spare carbohydrates. Dextrin shows emulsifier properties and is used for the production of oil emulsion and as a cementing agent in some tablets masses.
Glucan mixture of Amylose and Amylopectin contains starch. Pharmacopoeia allows use multiple types of starch • potato starch - Amylum Solani, which is obtained from potato tuber: • wheat starch - Amylum Tritici from wheat-summer, or soft; • corn starch - Amylum Maydis from grain with common corn • rice starch - Amylum Oryzae from grain of rice seed. Starch is formed by photosynthesis in leaves of green plants. under the influence of the enzymes amylase and phosphorilase converted to soluble compounds and that come in different organs (seeds, fruits, tubers), accumulat in the form of starch grains, specific shape and size for each plant.
Starch grain consists of: Amylose Amylopectin. • The composition of Amylose is 60-300 (to 1500) residues of alpha-D-glucose, linked1,4- glicosid connection, forming linear polymers. Amylose is contained within the starch grains. Dissolved in warm water, iodine solution, tinge in blue. • Amylopectin has a much higher polymerization - 3000-6000 (to 20000) of glucose residues linked 1,4 - and 1,6-glicoside connection and form branched polymers. It focuses on membrane starch grains, dissolved in hot water to form viscous colloidal solution, a solution of iodine tinge in red-violet color.
Fructan - is polysaccharides, which are built from the remains D-fructose: • They are products of phosphorylation of sucrose. Fructan are not well soluble in cold water and well soluble in hot. Inulin - main fructan. Sometimes meets with inulid who have 10/12 balance of fructose and thus is well soluble in water. Inulin and inulides not tinge iodine. Application: • inulin reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and increases the number bifidobakteri in the intestines; • enhances glycolysis • regulates metabolism of lipids • recommended that patients with diabetes • produced food supplement
Physical properties • Polysaccharides - amorphous, rarely crystalline substance, insoluble in alcohol and nonpolar solvents. • Their solubility in water is different: • Some homopolisaccharydes do not dissolve in strong intermolecular links (fiber, starch), or other dissolve (glycogen) or form a gel (mucus, pectins, gums). • In the presence of acids and enzymes capable of polysaccharides polimers
Herbs and medicinal herbs containing fructans • Chicory root • CICHORII RADIX Wild Chicory – Cichorium intybusFamily Asteraceae – Asteraceae Biologically active substances (BAS)--carbohydrates (inulin), free fructose, sesquiterpene lactones, ascorbic acid, protein and tar substances Medicines:Gastrovitol. The drug stimulates appetite, increases the secretion of digestive glands, intestine peristalsis, contributes output of bile, shows anti-inflammatory and sedative effect The drug is contraindicated in gastritis with acidity, with caution should be used during pregnancy and lactation. Application:In modern medicine galene and neogalen drugs chicory used for appetite stimulation, improvement of digestive, choleretic activiti and as a means of weakening They are recommended in enteritis, colitis, chronic constipation, cirrhosis of the liver. Infusion roots has a hypoglycemic effect.
Biologically active food supplement made on the basis of polysaccharide inulin, which is obtained from chicory root. Used for the treatment and diet in patients with diabetes insulinindependence (II type).
Echinacea Flos – ECHINACEAE FLORES Echinacea Herba – ECHINACEAEHERBA ECHINACEAERHIZOME WHITH ROOTS FRESH ECHINACEAERHIZOMATA CUM RADICIBUS RECENS Echinacea purpurea - Echinacea purpurea Family Asteraceae - Asteraceae Biologically active substances (BAS):all organs of plantcontainingpolysaccharides, essential oil. Main component of essential oil noncycle sesquiterpenes. In roots found ehinacoside glycoside, betaine, resins, organic acids and phitosterine.
Medicines:tinctureEchinaceae, “Imunnal", “Echinacea compositum S". Application. Echinacea preparations show immune stimulating, antioxidant, membranoprotection action, promotes healing of wounds, burns, ulcers, and applied to infectious and viral diseases, especially the upper respiratory tract (URT)
Medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials that contain heteropolysaccharides Apricot gum ARMENIACAEGUMMI Apricot Armeniaca vulgaris Fam. Rosaceae The main groups of BAS: of the gums are glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose; impurity proteins. By its composition and solubility similar to apricot gum mucilage Apricot gum forms viscous solutions that exhibit high emulhuyuchu, соating and ability. Produced as a white powder or yellowish
TRAGACANTHAE GUMMI Species Astragalus The main groups of BAS : chemical classification gumitragacanthe related to acidic polysaccharides. By solubility in water include tragacanthe to the insoluble resin. Application. Tragacanthe gum used as emulsifiers in the production of emulsions and tablets. Tissue paper and printing industry
LINSEED (FLAXSEED) - LINISEMINA Flax - Linum usitatissimumFlax family- Linaceae Biologically active substances (BAS):Seeds contain fatty dry oil, mucuses, protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, enzymes, vitamin A, sterols Medicines: Flax seeds, aqueous infusion of mucus, fatty oil, drug "Лінетол“(Linaetholum) (ethyl esters of fatty acids). Application: In medical practice using flax seeds, flax oil and drug "Лінетол“(Linaetholum).
Marshmallow root - ALTHAEAERADICES Marshmallowherb – ALTHAEAE HERBA Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis L. Fam. Malvaceae Biologically active substances (BAS): in the dry roots Althea contained mucus substance The roots contain starch, l-Asparagine, sugar, pectin, fatty oil, betaine, carotene, phitosterin, minerals, uron acids, mineral salts. Grass is rich in polysaccharides. Application: Demulcent, emmolient, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the respiratory and digestive. Infusion Althea appointed inside with eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis and for normalize metabolism. Medicines:Althea Root, mucus in the form of aqueous extract of cold water, dry extract, syrup, nursing duties. Herbal extract obtained in a pill “Mucalthinum”
Coltsfoot leaf- Farfarae Folia Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara Family- Asteraceae Biologically active substances (BAS):iridoid glycoside, saponins; carotynoides, galov, malic and tartaric acid, sytosterin, ascorbic acid, polysaccharides (inulin and dextrin), mucus, tannin, traces of essential oils, mineral salts. Application: Infusion and decoction of the leaves, and also granules exhibit expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfection and antispasmodic action; used in acute and chronic laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis
Plantain leaf –Plantaginis majorisfoliaPlantain grass fresh Plantaginis majorisherba recensPlantain - Plantago major Plantain Family- Plantaginaceae Biologically active substances (BAS): Leaves contain aucubin glycosides, iridoid and tannins, ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin D, vitamin U In the fresh leaves found flavonoids, mannit, sorbitol, citric and oleanol acid. The all plant contains mucilage (polysaccharides), especially a lot of mucus in seeds, fatty oil. Medicines: Leaves of plantain, water infusion,juice with fresh herbs, preparation “Plantaglucid “, extract water extract of granules. Входить до складу зборів Application:Juice from fresh leaves of plantain, infusion and “Plantaglucid” effective in chronic gastritis with decreased secretion, enteritis and colitis, ulcerative disease of the stomach
GRASS PSYLlIUM (Plantain Flea) FRESH PLANTAGINIS PSYLLII RECENSPSYLlIUM SEEDS - PSYLLII SEMINA FLEA-WORT - PLANTAGO PSYLLIUM PLANTAIN FAMILY– PLANTAGINACEAE Medicines:Mixed in equal parts of juice of both species plantain producing a medicine called “Plantain juice” in bottles of 250 ml. Application: When anacid gastritis, ulcerative disease of stomach and duodenum without increased acidity, chronic colitis; externally - with wounds, cuts
Laminaria Thallus – Laminariae ThalliDevil’s apron - Laminaria japonicaKelp Family- Laminariaceae Biologically active substances (BAS)polysaccharides: Macromolecular laminaryn, mannit, fructose, potassium iodide, vitamin B1, B2, B12, A, D, E, carotenoids, potassium salt, sodium, magnesium, bromine, cobalt, iron, manganese, sulfur compounds and, proteins, carbohydrates , fat. Iodine is less than 0.1%. The main substance is a polysaccharide - alginic acid. Medications: Powder sea cabbage, comprehensive preparation “Laminaryd "consisting of a mixture of polysaccharides from the protein component and alginic acid salts. Application: for atherosclerosis, treatment and prevention of endemic goiter; recommended as a mild weakening means;