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Female vs. Males. 3-4 inches shorterWeighs 25 30 lbs less10 15 lbs more fat tissueBoth Men and Women's increase with age. Female vs. Males. Both Men and Women's Body Mass Index increase with age. Ideal Body Fat. 20 27% for femalesObese over 28 19% for malesObese over 23%. Types of Fat in the Body.
1. Body Composition
2. Female vs. Males 3-4 inches shorter
Weighs 25 – 30 lbs less
10 – 15 lbs more fat tissue
Both Men and Women’s increase with age
3. Female vs. Males Both Men and Women’s Body Mass Index increase with age
4. Ideal Body Fat 20 – 27% for females
Obese over 28%
15 – 19% for males
Obese over 23%
5. Types of Fat in the Body Essential fat:
In the muscles, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys, and bone marrow
Storage Fat: adipose tissue
Subcutaneous tissue: the layer of adipose tissue directly beneath the skin
Adipose Tissue: fatty tissue
Fat tissue protecting the internal organs
6. Difference in body fat % W - Higher percentage of essential fat
Women need 12% body fat
to maintain their essential body-fat stores
maintain metabolic homeostasis
When below 12%, women experience amenorrhea and hormone irregularities
Men only need 3%
7. Increased BF % and Performance Reduction in Performance
Especially Endurance Exercise
Any activity that requires Body Weight to be supported
W - decreased muscle mass
W - Increased BF%
8. Increased BF % and Performance Take a look at Table 2.4 (pg 30-31)
Females manipulate and maintain BF% to improve performance
Optimal BF% for a sport
Aesthetic value of having low BF%
9. Body Type Mesomorph
10. Measurement of Body Composition Height-Weight Charts
least accurate for health risks
Body-mass index
Waist-to-hip ratio
Skinfold Measurements
Tanita (BioElectrical Impedence Analysis)
Hydrostatic Weighing
11. Height-Weight Charts (pg 199) Body Frame size
Thumb and middle finger around the wrist
No overlap – Large frame
Touching or barely overlapping – Medium frame
Obvious overlap – Small frame
Height in 1” heels and elbow breadth
Table 8.3
12. Height-Weight Charts (pg 199) Weight
20% below – Underweight
20% above – Overweight
30% above – Obese
13. Height-Weight Charts (pg 199) Problems
Muscularity can throw off chart’s validity
Emphasis on body weight rather than body composition
Non-Caucasions are underrepresented
Age not a factor
Weights are too high for young people
To low for the elderly
Correct for people in 40s
14. Body-Mass Index (BMI) Components
Body weight
Previously Gold Standard
Under 25 BMI
15. Interpreting BMI Underweight (under 19)
Desirable (19-25)
Minimal to low risk
Attention to diet
Increased physical activity
Lifestyle changes
Increased health risks (26-29)
Moderate risk
All of the preceding
Low-Calorie diet (800 to 1200 K a day)
16. Interpreting BMI Obese (30-40)
High to very high
All of the preceding
Drug therapy
Very low calorie diet
Extremely Obese (more than 40)
Extremely high risk
All of the preceding
Surgery intervention
17. Benefits vs Problems Benefits
Quick and easy to understand
5- 10% of the population is incorrectly classified as obese or overweight
Lowering of standard from 27 to 25 classified 30 million people as overweight
Muscular athletes such as 6 foot, 190lb man and 6’ 1”, 220lb man are overweight and obese with BF% of 10% or less
18. Skinfold Measurements Can be taken in either 9, 7, 4 or 3 locations
Medial Calf
Front Thigh
19. Triceps Vertical fold
Posterior midline of the upper arm
Halfway between the acromion (shoulder) and olecranon processes (elbow)
Arm held freely to the side of the body
20. Chest Diagonal fold
Men: one-half the distance between crease of the underarm and the nipple
Women: one-third of the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple
21. Midaxillary Vertical or Horizontal fold
Midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum
22. Subscapular Diagonal fold
1 to 2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula
23. Suprailiac Diagonal fold
Anterior axillary line (modern technique)
immediately superior to the iliac crest
in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest taken
Mid-axillary line (traditional technique)
Superior to the iliac crest
24. Abdominal Vertical fold
2 cm or 1" to the right side of the umbilicus
25. Vertical fold
Anterior midline of the thigh
Midway between the proximal border of the patella (upper knee) and the inguinal crease (hip)
26. Other Sites Biceps
Vertical fold
Anterior aspect of the arm over the belly of the biceps muscle
1 cm above the level used to mark the triceps site
Vertical fold
maximum circumference of calf on the midline of medial border
27. Tanita (BIA) A quick, fairly accurate means of determining an individual’s percent of body fat that uses electrodes attached to the wrists and ankles to determine the percentage electronically
28. Hydrostatic Weighing A method of measuring body fat by submerging an individual in water
Current Gold Standard for BF%
Testing Procedure
Sit on a scale in a tank of water
Exhales as completely as possible
Then submerged for approximately 10 seconds while his or her weight is recorded.
29. Hydrostatic Weighing Proportions of lean body mass and fat mass are determined from calculations that involve
Weight underwater
Weight out of water
Known densities of lean and fatty tissues
30. Hydrostatic Weighing
31. Waist-to-Hip Ratio Provides an indication where you store fat
Obese people
Abdominal area rather than hips and thighs
Higher risk for coronary heart disease, high bp, congestive heart failure, strokes and diabetes
Hips and thighs
Lower risk for the above diseases
Men WTH ratio of > 1
Recommends weight lost
Women WTH ratio of > .85
Recommends weight lost
34. Bod Pod
35. Bid Pod
36. Bod Pod BOD POD testing is fast and non-invasive.
The total time: 5-10 minutes
Test Details
Changing into a bathing suit and putting on a swim cap.
Having height and weight measured.
Sitting quietly inside a chamber for 5 min
Body composition is measured through small pressure changes (1st to 2nd floor)
Nose clip and breath normally into mouth piece then 3 gentle puffs
37. Bod Pod Preparation
Skin tight (lycra/spandex) and dry bathing suit and swim cap
No jewelry or eyeglasses, etc
No food/drink (including water) for 2 hours pre-test.
No strenuous exercise for 2 hours pre-test.
Void bladder.
No showering for 1 hour pre-test.
Subjects must be completely rested and still
38. Bod Pod Advantages:
Short measurement time (5-10 minutes)
Non-invasive and comfortable for subjects
Accommodates a variety of populations:
participants up to 7 feet tall, 50 - 500 lbs, elderly, children, disabled, infirm
Suitable for repeated measurements
Only minimal compliance from the individual is required
Operators do not require a high degree of technical skill or training
Mobile, suitable for field testing
39. Bod Pod Limitations:
Pre-test protocol must be consistently followed for optimal results
Subject to occasional random results
Constant environmental and biological conditions must be maintained
Thoracic gas volume measurement/estimates are a source of error
Potential subject discomfort
wearing bathing suit/tight-fitting clothes