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Inquiry Based Learning In Action. Thomas P. O’Neill IT Instructor Ross High School / Butler Tech. Shiela L. O’Neill IT Pathway Manager Greater Cincinnati Tech Prep Consortium. Essential Question. How can we convince educators that Inquiry Based Learning is a quality learning model?
Inquiry Based LearningIn Action Thomas P. O’Neill IT Instructor Ross High School / Butler Tech Shiela L. O’Neill IT Pathway Manager Greater Cincinnati Tech Prep Consortium
Essential Question • How can we convince educators that Inquiry Based Learning is a quality learning model? • Will veteran educators think that this is just another one of those passing fads?
Skill Level • Beginner • Novice • Experienced • Expert
Unit Description Tom and Shi are given the task of convincing educators from all over the nation of the power and validity of Inquiry-Based Learning. They have been involved with the Ohio Department of Education during the development of IBL, but they have never faced a large group of educators, so they are expecting to be extremely nervous, but success is imperative.
Unit Description 2 The team will use actual Inquiry-Based Learning examples to enlighten this group of educators. It is understood that there is limited time, and there may be a few non-believers in the crowd. The presenting team must get the audience involved and engaged in order for this task to be accomplished.
Unit Description 3 Shi utilized this teaching method for two years and is convinced it is the most efficient way to teach programming. Her students performed better on State Performance tests and were able to gain a much better understanding of programming concepts through this method.
Unit Description 4 Tom uses IBL on a daily basis and is convinced that this is a system that works. All his lessons are based on “Real World” scenarios, and include highly engaging activities. Students are 100% committed to each lesson and the end result is a high degree of retained knowledge.
Entry Event Tom receives an email from NCPN giving him a link to a page regarding a “Call for Proposals.”
Entry Event 2 Seeing this as an opportunity to share a useful educational resource with fellow educators, Tom forwards the email to Shi:
Entry Event 3 Shi responds with a message stating:
Prerequisites The team should have practical experience in creating and implementing Inquiry-based Learning units. The team will need to create an environment that enables the educators to learn, anticipating the scenario that some educators may be too shy to participate.
Content Standards • Creating a Productive Learning Environment • I Knowledge of Students • II Knowledge of Subject Matter • III Learning Environment • Advancing Student Knowledge • Assessment • Improving Education Through Development • Reflective Practice • Collaborative Partnerships National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Academic Standards • Creativity and Innovation • Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes • Students apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas • Students use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Students identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation • Students use multiple procedures to explore alternative solutions National Educational Technology Standards
Pre - Assessment Due to the limited time and the amount of material to be covered we will forego differentiated learning and assume that most educators have had no experience with IBL.
Materials Needed The team will provide audio visual equipment, computers and software to allow the presentation in the event the location does not provide those resources. The team will provide writing utensils, paper, notes, and necessary information to allow attendees to take part in this activity.
Facility The team will utilize the location provided by NCPN with accommodations for seventy-five participants. The location is best arranged in a workshop setting with tables and chairs rather than auditorium style.
Business and Industry Resources • State Department of Education • Buck Institute for Education • Stellar Software, Inc. • Greater Cincinnati Tech Prep Consortium
Local Resources • NCPN • Staples • Kentucky Commonwealth Office of Technology • Eastern Kentucky University
Print / Electronic Resources • Project Based Learning – 2nd edition • Buck Institute • Ohio Resource Center – Pathways • http://pathways.ohiorc.org • Multimedia Educational Resource for On-line Learning and Teaching • http://www.merlot.org
Teacher Tips • Get involved • Design challenging assignments • Don’t be afraid to try this model • Expect total involvement • Set goals high • Expect higher level thinking skills
Assessments Educators will be observed during the session and frequent Q&A periods will be utilized. (Formative Assessment) Success will be determined by audience participation, questions, comments, and audience ability to create own IBL unit. (Summative Assessment)
Resources • http://muve.gse.harvard.edu/rivercityproject/index.html (River City Project) • http://webquest.org/index.php (Web Quests) • http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/index.htm (Assessment Tools) • http://www.jason.org/public/home.aspx (The Jason Project) • http://www.biology.duke.edu/cibl (Center for Inquiry Based Learning)