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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? .

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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  1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? For the media product I kept the digipak to the convention of the genre. I did this because with famous professional bands they do this as well which I also kept the advertising poster to the conventions of the genre as well. I then also kept the digipak to fit in well with the star image as well. The camera was then used to an certain extent that it helps the watching audience understand what's happening which is important because of the editing we used with the green which we then also used the editing to help give of the effect we want to give of to the watching audience. I developed the digipak cover by giving it a punky front coevr I done this by taking a picture of a ballon with the band name written in a weird style then edited it to make dark and punky, which then put that as the advertisement as well with putting tour dates on which many bands in the same genre does as well.

  2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? With the three products that was the created we used the mise-en-scene well. We did this by with the digipak having like a punky theme too it which promotes the artist/artists because it was a pop punk band. I created the front cover by taking pictures which front was a balloon with writing on then edited to look like what it is on the cover which the back cover was also taken as a picture then edited as well. It also appeals to the targeted audience because I kept the digipak towards the pop punk genre conventions whilst doing same with the poster and keeping it similar like many bands in the genre by adding tours dates on the bottom which the tour is usually done to promote the out coming new album they have released.

  3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? What I have learnt from the audience feedback is that from screening session we did people said that in our they liked some elements in the video whilst they didn't like some elements as well like they thought the editing was not good in some areas which I have noticed as well when Ryan is running in his head is bouncing through the sky. An element they said they did like was how we used the gun shot from the Nerf Gun by doing the shot in POV shot then having the bullet in slow motion to make look like it hit Ryan. The audience feedback is very helpful because if we was to make another music video then we know that we need be more careful with editing and also we know what people liked and disliked. Here is a questionnaire we did before making the video which helped give us idea to create the music video with. Book1.xlsx

  4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research ,planning and evaluation stages? I used digital technology to create my blog which on my I have pictures and also have music videos and video’s that also help describing what am on about more as well. My blog also has charts showing results I have had from my audience research. There was a use of digi technology for the production of the music video which for example we used the camera to do a lot of camera angels to give the music video a good effect which for example with the gun shot having it pov then by doing close up on band members during the song professional bands do as well for their music video as well. I used digital technology as well with a digital camera taking pictures which then in a later result ended up on my digipak and also on my poster I did for the album advertisement. I then also used a software called photo shop which I editing the pictures to make them good for my digipak and poster. I have also used digital technology for my evaluation which by using a power and also by using video for my evaluation as well which has director commentary .

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