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International Service 101 Getting Your Club Started on Rotary’s 4th Avenue of Service

International Service 101 Getting Your Club Started on Rotary’s 4th Avenue of Service. By Ron Kelemen, Chair District 5100 International Service Committee. Our Goal:. Every club participates in at least one matching grant and/or international service activity.

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International Service 101 Getting Your Club Started on Rotary’s 4th Avenue of Service

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  1. International Service 101Getting Your Club Started on Rotary’s 4th Avenue of Service By Ron Kelemen, Chair District 5100 International Service Committee

  2. Our Goal: Every club participates in at least one matching grant and/or international service activity

  3. 2010-2011 District 5100 Participation in International Projects 47 clubs 112 projects 27 countries 5 continents

  4. But more importantly, Thousands of lives saved Thousands drink clean water Hundreds of school children have books and uniforms Many business start-ups from micro loans Thousands of mosquito nets And Much more!

  5. Rotary’s Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

  6. Three Ways to Participate International Service Activity or Donation Shelter Box, Red Cross, etc. District Simplified Grant <$2,001 District 5100 Match Matching Grant $5,000-$25,000 RI Match, + District match)

  7. 2. District Simplified Grant Up to $2,000 of club money can be matched by DSG funds, while still available. Very simple application; quick approval Can be used for a variety of local and international projects $38,000 currently left.

  8. DSG Example • RC Clackamas puts up $1,000 for a project • District matches it $1,000 • Total: $2,000 • RC Clackamas puts up $1,000; gets three other clubs to contribute $1,000 to same project. • District Match $4,000 • Total $8,000 1:1 Leverage with DSG Amounts are often too small for many projects

  9. 3. Matching Grants—The Power of 3:5 Leverage to Help More People $3.50 to $1.00 TRI Matches District: 1:1 Now $2.50 District Match 1:1 District 5100 has $100,000 available! Now $1.50 TRI Matches Club 1:2 Club money $1

  10. Four Other Reasons to Do a Matching Grant • Builds good will and friendships • Here and abroad • Travel opportunities • Learn about another country, culture • Best of all, through the power of Rotary: You can do what you couldn’t Do on your own!

  11. What Can You Fund with a Matching Grant? • Secular, non religious activities • Water and sanitation systems • Infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.) • Books, furnishings, school uniforms, tuition • Vaccines and medical equipment • Maternal and prenatal health care & education • Microcredit & revolving loan funds • Humanitarian supplies and services

  12. What you Cannot Fund with a Matching Grant • Projects without the sponsorship and oversight of a local Rotary Club. • Trust Funds and Endowments • Basically many types of buildings • Water & electricity inside buildings • Land mine removal • Projects already under way • Donations to other organizations • Projects that support religious organizations and activities in places of worship

  13. Some Basic Expectations • Active Rotarian participation and oversight • Maintain communication for the life of the project • Establish a committee of at least three Rotarians to oversee the project • Treat grant funds as a sacred trust • Maintain clear and accurate accounting • Publicizing the project to local media and the district

  14. A Few Other Things… • Rotary’s Future Vision Plan • Pilot vs. Non-Pilot Districts • D 5100 is a non-pilot district • Club Certification & training in 2012 • But don’t let these get in the way of sponsoring a project NOW!

  15. 1. Getting Started Take responsibility to make it happen in your club Start with your passion Water, literacy, health, etc. Get club President & Board Support Get a WCS line item budget commitment Recruit committee members Fire up the base

  16. 2. Do Some Basic Homework • Read the Guide to Matching Grants, available in the downloads section of www.Rotary.org • Guide to Matching Grants • Go to our website • www. D5100WCS.0rg

  17. 3. Attend Our Project Exchanges/Workshops • District Level: Every 3rd Wednesday at the District Office in Wilsonville • 4:00-5:30 PM • Ask to be on Pmail list • Ronk@theHGroup.com • Attend a successful club’s International Service committee meeting • List available on our website

  18. 4. Finding a Project--1 • Team up with a project underway with another club in our district • $500 to $5,000 • Come to our monthly exchanges • Find available projects on the WCS website and at www.MatchingGrants.org • Extra homework and due diligence required

  19. 4. Finding a Project--2 • Rely on existing connections & relationships. • GSE • Group Friendship Exchange • Personal travel • Project Fairs • Partners in Service

  20. 5. Have Fun! It’s not only about the end product of the project and all the good that it may do, but it is also about the process and the friendships you build along the way. Do more than you could ever do on your own!

  21. Thank You! Ron Kelemen RonK @ The H group.com www. D5100WCS.ORG

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