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Join our virtual event to review accomplishments, identify issues, discuss 'hot topics', and plan for a healthier future. Learn about walking benefits, public toilets importance, evidence on children & neighbourhoods, and more.
SHINE Welcome Supporting Healthy InclusiveNeighbourhood Environments
Welcome … • Housekeeping • Purpose of the day • ‘review’ SHINE • summarise achievements to date • discuss ‘hot topics’ • identify key issues and participants for SHINE forward plan
Who’s involved Directors • Dr Suzanne Audrey, Public Health Senior Research Fellow at the School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol • Dr Adrian Davis, Public Health and Transport Consultant working with Bristol City Council's Transport Team • Marcus Grant, Health and Spatial Planning Specialist • Becky Pollard, Director of Public Health, Bristol City Council
Members of the leadership team • Ben Barker, Member of the Greater Bedminster Neighbourhood Forum • Jackie Beavington, Associate Director of Public Health for NHS Bristol • Ashley Cooper, Professor of Physical Activity & Public Health at the University of Bristol • Selena Gray, Professor of Public Health at the University of the West of England • Nick Hooper, Chair of Restorative Bristol and Service Director for Housing Solutions and Crime Reduction at Bristol City Council • Bruce Laurence, Director of Public Health for Bath and North East Somerset • Sarah O'Driscoll, Service Manager Strategic City Planning, Bristol City Council • Angie Page, Reader in Physical Activity and Public Health at the University of Bristol Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences • Ed Plowden, Sustainable Transport Service Manager, Bristol City Council • Peter Wilkinson, Director of The Next Field Ltd green space consultancy
SHINE aims to: Support population health through . . . Supporting health outcomes through neighbourhood planning Developing and evaluating interventions with a focus on ‘healthy neighbourhoods’ Translating findings and evidence Providing opportunities for implementation in Bristol and beyond
Walking: health benefits • Walk to work: feasibility study (Bristol) and now full-scale randomised controlled trial (South Gloucestershire, Bath, Swansea)
Walking: how do you ‘promote’ it? Public engagement: ‘The anatomy of the city’ exhibition and ‘Walking city’ talk, Architecture Centre, May-August 2014 Launch of Let’s Walk Bedminster, Tobacco Factory, 22nd February 2015 Go green business breakfast, SS Great Britain conference centre, 24th March 2015 Bristol Walking Festival 2015, 1st–31st May ‘Is Walking Transport?’ with Jayne Mills, Bristol City Council (Thursday 28th May, 6-7.30pm, Watershed)
The importance of public toilets “Plans to shut 22 public toilets in Bristol as part of proposals to slash £83m from the city council's budget have been scrapped by the city's mayor. Last year, George Ferguson laid out his plans for cuts which included closing toilets and scrapping bus subsidies. But following a public consultation, nearly 20 of his budget proposals have now been removed or changed.” (BBC News, 15 January 2014) SHINE contributed summary of public health and inclusion issues, amongst numerous other voices …
Evidence: children & neighbourhoods “Healthy built environments for children and young people: A systematic review of intervention studies” • Child health outcome reported • Change to neighbourhood environment • Control /comparison group Studies • 9,686 records identified, duplicates removed; 7,645 titles and abstracts checked; 113 full text studies assessed; 33 primary studies in relation to 27 separate interventions included • changes to built environment to promote active travel (n=12) • modifications to public parks (n=8) • changes to built environment to promote road traffic safety (n=3) • package of community wide measures (n=4)
Evidence: shooting yourself in the foot “To do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself” (Cambridge online dictionary) Public health ‘good’ evidence • Low risk of bias • Clear link between intervention and outcome Important not to delay/stop improvements to neighbourhood environments because current evidence is weak BUT Important not spend/divert public money to weak interventions if there are better ways of spending the money
Supporting health through neighbourhood planning: Spatial planning system and health developmental reviews
The importance of domestic cycle storage Bristol City Council proposed renewal of a 20 year old cycling storage condition within its new development management policies. This required one secure cycle storage spaceper household in new build housing. But based on evidence of: • changes in family lifestyle • aspirations in the Bristol’s Core Strategy • national policy supporting active travel SHINE representations led to a new city-wide city now requiring developers to provide one cycle storage space per bedroom. Three members of SHINE contributed submissions to the planning enquiry, with a health based planning objection, plus a written statement, supported by verbal representation at the enquiry itself before a planning inspector.
Revision of the twelve objectives of Healthy Urban Planning(Revised by Grant from Barton and Tsourou, 2000)
WHO Healthy Urban Environment and Design theme Scoping the ability for interventions to have wider thematic influence 46 case studies from 31 cities in the WHO European Healthy Cities Network
Supporting health outcomes through neighbourhood planning: Urban nature and health • Keynote speaker at Academy of Urbanism 2014:This place is killing me! • Health advisor on the policy committeeof the Landscape Institute (6105 members) • Member of the Scientific Committeefor Urban ‘Nature-Based Solutions’ conference, Ghent May 2015 tabled to advise EU policy • Keynote speaker at European Green Capital 2015 summits • Nature and Wellbeing Summit: Towards a daily dose of nature • International Making Cities Liveable: Healthy urban neighborhoods • Future Cities, developing a health strand: Action for urban climate and health
Supporting health outcomes through neighbourhood planning: ESRC Seminar series Reuniting planning and health: tackling the implementation gaps in evidence, governance and knowledge. • One system – the urban realm but many (incompatible) lenses focusing on the same problem domain. • Need for trans-disciplinary approaches: connecting of local know-how, tacit evidence bases plus scientific evidence base. • How do we develop a systemic approach for complex problems with interweaving causal webs?
Translational research:Translating findings and evidence “It has been acknowledged that a large gulf remains between what we know and what we practice. Hence a task, if not the main task, is to improve knowledge transfer.” International Public Health Symposium on Environment and Health Research. WHO 2008 Science for Policy, Policy for Science: Bridging the Gap, Madrid, Spain, 20–22 October 2008 Report, Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe
Responsive Evidence ServiceScoping study for Public Health EnglandAdrian Davis, Helen Lease, Marcus Grant