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Defining the 1970s… . Based on the film about the 1970s, HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THE DECADE? Define - TURMOIL. The Conservative Tide of the 1980’s. Unit 1: The Eighties through Today RUSH Mrs. Baker. The Election of 1980. Ronald Reagan won 489 electoral votes – Jimmy Carter won 49.
Defining the 1970s… • Based on the film about the 1970s, HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THE DECADE? • Define - TURMOIL
The Conservative Tide of the 1980’s Unit 1: The Eighties through Today RUSH Mrs. Baker
The Election of 1980 Ronald Reagan won 489 electoral votes – Jimmy Carter won 49
A return to the “good old days” The Presidency of Ronald Reagan 1981 - 1989
The Conservative Movement • What is the definition of conservative? • Why did this movement begin in the 1960’s? • Why was Reagan able to successfully win the election during 1980?
Goals of the Conservative Movement • Shrink the size of the federal government and reduce spending • Promote family values and patriotic ideals • Stimulate business by reducing government regulations and lowering taxes • Strengthen national defense
Reaganonmics • Three part plan: • Budget Cuts • Tax Cuts • Increase in defense spending
Budget Cuts • Downsizing of federal government included: • Cuts in social programs • Urban mass transit • Food stamps • Welfare benefits • Job training • Medicaid • School lunches • School loans • Entitlement programs remained intact. • Social Security, Medicare, and Veteran’s pensions
Tax Cuts • Supply-side economics: • Idea that a reduction of tax rates will lead to increases in jobs, savings, and investments • Therefore would lead to an increase in government revenue • Congress lowered income taxes by about 25% over a 3 year period
Increased Defense Spending • National security rested on defense • Pushed for increase spending on missiles, ships, and bombers • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) • Massive satellite shield designed to intercept and destroy incoming Soviet Missiles • Became known as “Star Wars”
Intervention in Central America • Reagan believed that unstable economic conditions opened the door to communism in Latin and Central Americas. • Reagan asked for aid to Latin America in fighting Communist takeovers and approved limited military intervention in some nations. • Grenada – 1983 • US invaded Grenada to stop the communist overthrow of the nation. • El Salvador • Sent arms and military advisers to back anticommunist forces in a civil war. • Nicaragua – 1977 – 1981 • US supported rebel forces known as Contras. • Fighting against the communist supported Sandinistas • Actions of the CIA to help the Contras angered Congress and aid was cut off in 1983
A Scandal Occurs • In 1983, terrorist groups loyal to Iran took a number of Americans hostage in Lebanon. • Reagan denounced Iran and urged U.S. allies not to sell arms to Iran for its war against Iraq. • In 1985, he declared that “America will never make concessions to terrorists” • BUT in 1986….
The Iran-Contra Affair • Reagan discovered that several top presidential aides sold weapons to Iran in exchange for Iranian help in freeing US hostages in Lebanon • Money from sale was channeled to Nicaragua to support the Contras • This action directly violated the Bolan Amendment created by Congress which ended the U.S. to Nicaragua.
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North The Trial… • Summer of 1987 • Special committees of both houses of Congress conducted an inquiry into the events of the scandal. • A month of televised joint hearings occurred. • Reagan was cleared of any wrongdoing • Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and members of the CIA were held responsible for the actions. • North was found guilty of the cover-up • He was fined and sentenced to perform community service. Conviction was later overturned.
A New Era Begins in the U.S.S.R. • In March 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev takes over leadership of the Soviet Union. • Marked the beginning of a new era in the Soviet Union. • Created a plan known as perestroika • A restructuring of Soviet society. This restructuring included: • Less government control of the economy • Introduction of some private enterprises • Steps towards establishing a democratic government. • He also realized that better relations with the U.S. would allow the Soviet Union to reduce their military spending and reform their economy.
Reagan Demands a Change in Eastern Europe “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! ~ Ronald Reagan (June 12, 1987)
The Fall of the U.S.S.R. • Democratic ideals led to a dramatic increase in nationalism on the part of the Soviet Union’s non-Russian republics. • In December 1991, 14 non-Russian republics declared their independence. • Gorbachev resigned shortly after. • Muscled out of office because democratic reformers believed he was working too slowly towards democracy. • After 74 years, the Soviet Union was dissolved.
The End of the Cold War • February 1992 • President George Bush and Russian president Boris Yeltsin issued a formal statement declaring an end to the Cold War. • January 1993 • Yeltsin and Bush signed the START II pact • Designed to cut both nations’ nuclear arsenals by two-thirds
The Presidency of George Bush 1989 - 1993
Domestic Issues • During campaign for presidency, Bush promises: “No new taxes” • 1990 – 1992: American recession • In 1990, Bush had to increase taxes as a result of budget deficit • By 1992, an economic recession caused increased layoffs and rising unemployment • Savings and Loan Scandal • In 1990, misuse of funds by savings and loan institutions surfaced. • American taxpayers paid hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out the savings and loan industry • Supreme Court Appointments • 1990 – David Souter • 1991 – Clarence Thomas • Confirmed after controversial hearing in which he was charged with sexual harassment by Anita Hill
Foreign Issues in Central America • Invasion of Panama • President Bush continued Reagan’s war on drugs. • In 1986, Bush sent 20,000 US troops into Panama to overthrow and arrest General Manuel Noriega, the dictator of Panama • Noriega was brought up on charges of drug trafficking • In 1992, Noriega was sentenced to serve 40 years in federal prison
Persian Gulf War • August 1990 • Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded oil-rich nation of Kuwait. • Hussein’s troops began to head towards Saudi Arabia as well. • Goal was to gain control of 50% of the worlds oil fields to pay off enormous debt of Iraq. • UN condemned actions of Hussein and approved economic sanctions against Iraq
Operation Desert Storm (1991) • With the support of Congress and the U.N. • President Bush launched Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi control. • Led by General Norman Schwarzkopf • A quick and successful war… • January 16, 1991 • U.S. staged a massive air assault against Iraq. • February 23, 1991 • U.S. launches a successful ground offensive from Saudi Arabia • February 28, 1991 • President Bush announced a cease-fire. • Operation Desert Storm was over and Kuwait was liberated. • Significance: • Restored faith of American citizens in the use of war after the debacle of Vietnam
Continuation of fight for civil rights. Urban Crisis Social Issues of the 80s
Causes & Effects of 1980s Conservatism Causes Effects • Dissatisfaction with liberal policies • Revival of Evangelical Christianity • Reagan as a spearhead of conservatism • Inflation & unemployment • Emergence of the New Right and conservative coalition • Republican control of the presidency • Cuts in taxes and government spending • Dramatic increase in national debt • More conservative Supreme Court • Increased defense spending • Deregulation