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Lesson XII. Perfect Tense Verbs. captivus. captivi. m. prisoner. cena. cenae. f. dinner. singuli , singulae , singula. one at a time, one by one. moveo , movere , movi , motus. move. voco , vocare , vocavi , vocatus. call. a, ab (+ abl.). away from, from. de (+ abl.).
Lesson XII Perfect Tense Verbs
captivus captivi m. prisoner
cena cenae f. dinner
singuli, singulae, singula one at a time, one by one
moveo, movere, movi, motus move
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus call
a, ab (+ abl.) away from, from
de (+ abl.) down from, from, about, concerning
e, ex (+ abl.) out from, from, out of
Perfect Tense • Last week we learned the imperfect tense: past action uncompleted. • Ex: We were sailing, she was carrying • This week we’re learning perfect tense: past action completed • We sailed (have sailed), she carried (has carried)
The Perfect Stem! • Now it’s time to start using the 3rd principal part of those verbs in your vocab list!
All About Verbs Each verb has 4 principal parts amo amare amavi amatus First Person Singular Present Active“I love” Present active Infinitive “to love” First Person SingularPerfect Active“I have loved” Perfect Passive Participle“having been loved”
Finding the Perfect Stem Find the third principal part of the verb. amo amare amavi amatus The perfect stem is the thirdprincipal part – i. amavi - i = amav-
Finding the Perfect Stem Find the third principal part of the verb. doceo docere docui doctus The perfect stem is the thirdprincipal part – i. docui - i = docu-
ager, agri (m.) field
magister, magistri (m.) teacher
puer, pueri (m.) boy
vir, viri (m.) man
amicus, amica, amicum friendly
liber, libera, liberum free (adj.)
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
Perfect Tense Endings The perfect tense = Perfect Stem + Perfect Endings Singular Plural First Person -imus we -i I -istis you Second Person you -isti he, she,it -erunt they Third Person -it
I lovedI have lovedI did love First Person We lovedWe have lovedWe did love amav imus amav i You lovedYou have lovedYou did love You lovedYou have lovedYou did love Second Person amav istis amav isti They lovedThey have lovedThey did love erunt He lovedHe has lovedHe did love Third Person amav amav it Present Active
animus, animi (m.) mind, courage, spirit
colonus, coloni (m.) settler, colonist
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus live, dwell
migro, migrare, migravi, migratus depart, migrate
sum, es, fui, futurus to be
in (+ acc.) into, onto, against
annus, anni (m.) year
barbarus, barbari (m.) foreigner, barbarian
consilium, consilii (n.) plan, advice
frumentum, frumenti (n.) grain
praemium, praemii (n.) reward
signum, signi (n.) sign, standard, signal
barbarus, barabara, barbarum foreign
evoco, evocare, evocavi, evocatus call out, summon