1. Getting Faculty to Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Patrick Davison, Tiana French and Steve Stone
November 11, 2007
(with slides from Brad Marcum [EKU] and Kandace Rogers [Sullivan])
2. Web 2.0 Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent
mp3.com --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
Evite --> upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
Publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
Stickiness --> syndication
From Tim O’Reilly’s ‘What is Web 2.0’on O’ReillyNet, 9/30/2005; http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html?page=1
3. Web 2.0 (again) Web 2.0 is an term referring to the ongoing transition to a full participatory Web, with participation including both humans and machines. Web 2.0 is characterized by the following themes:
The Read/Write Web: In which the Web is seen as a two-way medium, where people are both readers and writers. The main catalyst for this is social software, allowing communication and collaboration between two or more people.
The Web as Platform: In which the Web is seen as a programming platform upon which developers create software applications (*like Writely—have you seen it yet?). The main catalyst for this is Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, allowing communication between two or more software applications.
Constantly changing and evolving—and always will
From Joshua Porter’s Introduction to Web 2.0, 2006; http://www.squidoo.com/introtoweb20
4. Social Networking: MySpace and Facebook
5. MySpace
6. Professor at Texas Tech:
7. Wesley, continued
8. Former BCTC Student:
9. What One Librarian is Doing Bennington’s Crossett Library—librarian looks at students’ Favorites list for books and movies in MySpace. If the library doesn’t own the titles, she’ll order and send a message to the student telling them she’s ordered the title(s) for the library
See: meredith.wolfwater.com
10. Facebook One librarian found that Facebook gets “about the same usage by our students as our university portal” (maisonbisson.com/blog/post/11115)
Educause states that 80-90% of US college students have a Facebook profile (http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7025.pdf)
Must be Friends before you can view any profile (much stricter privacy policy)
Applications aren’t necessarily, or even primarily, written by Facebook
11. Steve’s Profile
12. Steve, continued
13. Applications
14. Not quite MySpace or Facebook, but…: Medieval Space (Richard III)
15. (originally, it looked like this)[from: http://burchi501.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/4kjikc.jpeg]
16. MySpace and Facebook for You Not just a static page
Use these as ways to reach out to students: this is where your students are
Make your pages useable—if you want students to use this as a means of contact, make sure it’s easy and accessible to do so. If you want them to check blog postings, make sure they can.
17. Why? “By opening itself to virtually anyone, Facebook has become a model for how communities—of learners, of workers, of any group with a common interest—can come together, define standards for interaction, and collaboratively create an environment that suits the needs of the members.”
For many, a central part of the college years is “learning to be”—experimenting with different personas, engaging with a variety of groups, and developing a set of core values. By allowing users a range of tools to negotiate and inhabit online networks, Facebook and sites like it can be an important part of this developmental process.” (http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7025.pdf)
18. Join our Facebook group!http://kctcs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6858064615
19. Del.icio.us A social bookmarking service
Wikipedia defines Social Bookmarking as: “… a web based service, where shared lists of user-created internet bookmarks are displayed.”
20. Some Background How long has it been around?
Founded by Joshua Schachter in late 2003, bought by Yahoo in Dec. 2005 for $15-30 million
(Rethlefsen, 2006)
How many (and who) uses it?
Traffic reached 100,000 posts per week in April 2006
21. How does it Work? Non- Hierarchical keyword categorization
No controlled vocabulary
Users “tag” their bookmarks with keywords they choose themselves
All tags are PUBLIC, viewable and searchable by default – No expectation of privacy (but you can set to private)
23. Some Common Uses for Del.icio.us Storing bookmarks online so they can be accessed from any internet connect computer
Consolidating bookmark collections to eliminate the confusion of attempting to locate bookmarks stored on multiple computers
Personal interests – shopping, vacations, hobbies, etc.
Academic Pursuits – keeping track of online source materials in one protected location
Sharing – Bookmarks are public
Expertise Mining – all bookmarks on del.icio.us have been chosen by a human being. Exploring the results of their previous searches is a great labor saver
25. Some Advantages Easy to learn and use
Web based
Facilitates the development of communities of interest and expertise – can see who else is interested in your “topic” and the sites they have bookmarked.
Semantically classified tags – tags are chosen by human beings who understand the content and rank the bookmarks by their perceived utility as opposed to search engine algorithms used by internet search engines
Excellent way to locate “communities of expertise”
“Bundling” – The ability to group related tags under a category heading chosen by the user
Metcalfe’s Law (or Network Effect) - The value of a service increases proportionally with the number of users.
26. Disadvantages No controlled vocabulary! -- Lack of precision
Most social bookmark applications are relatively new
Changes quickly – new features are added all the time, so it can be challenging to keep up to date
27. How does Del.icio.us Fit in the Classroom? Useful for creating web-based bibliographies
Create your own taxonomies
Trend spotting
Exploratory research
Sharing tags with students to facilitate active learning
28. Web Sites of Interest Del.icio.us website: http://del.icio.us/
“The Several Habits of Wildly Successful del.icio.us Users”. http://slackermanager.com/2005/12/the_several_hab.html
Us.ef.ul A beginner's guide to The Next Big Thing http://www.beelerspace.com/index.php?p=890
Interview with Joshua Schachter : http://www.podtech.net/technology/1030
The Del.icio.us blog: http://blog.del.icio.us/
del.icio.us A-to-Z by Functions : All 150+ hacks: http://www.econsultant.com/delicious-by-function/index.html
29. References
Etches-Johnson, Amanda. "The Brave New World of Social Bookmarking: Everything You Always Wanted to KNow but Were Too Afraid to Ask." Feliciter 52 Issue, no2, 2006: 56-58.
Rethlefsen, Melissa. "Product Pipeline." Library Journal Net Connect Summer 2006 Supp.: 16-17.
Fichter, Darlene. "Tools for Finding Things Again." Online 28 no5 2004: 52-56.
Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Del.icio.us . Retrieved September 5, 2006.
30. Flickr – beyond sharing pictures
31. Set up a flickr.com account Upload your pictures
“Tag” them with descriptors
Annotate pictures if you like
Are there library uses?
32. Can share with people around the world
Can put captions on (and more)
Can see who uploaded
Can apply tags
33. So, we can search on tagsAnyone know what will come up if we search for “PFK”?
34. “Poulet Frit Kentucky” of course
35. Can highlight areas of pictures to create floating notes
Can comment on other people’s pictures
Can create sets of pictures
36. Doesn’t have to be a picture, per se
Here someone has annotated a real map of Seattle with Grey’s Anatomy locations
Screen shots for BI purposes could work, too
37. Or take a picture of your whiteboard when you are done with the meeting? (and annotate it?)
38. Or share your power point slides (and links to your blog)
Second Life
40. What is Second Life?
41. The Electric Sheep Company OnRez Viewer promises a simplified interface.
43. Learning styles
Auditory learning occurs through hearing the spoken word.
Kinesthetic learning occurs through doing, touching and interacting.
Visual learning occurs through images, demonstrations and body language.
In such models, the term multi-modal describes people who have more than one strong learning style.
Second Life may not work for every student, but neither does CMS or lecture. It will not replace these other modes of instruction; rather Second Life will compliment them.
44. Cons
steep learning curve for non-gamers
sexually oriented regions
technical difficulties – software crashes, requires high bandwidth and powerful computers
45. Where can you learn more?
46. RSS =
Really Simple Syndication - RSS 2.0
RDF (Resource Description Framework) Site Summary - RSS 1.0 and RSS 0.90
Rich Site Summary - RSS 0.91
We are really just talking about FEEDS
47. Syndication is where a section of a website is made available for other sites to utilize.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a general-purpose markup language which allows the user to define their own tags to facilitate the sharing of structured data across the web.
Aggregators are client software which gather and organize syndicated web content.
50. Web 3.0 What does it mean?
51. Thanks—This important discussion obviously needs to continue…why not in our Facebook group?http://kctcs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6858064615