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Welcome to Week 9! Assessment Rubrics What, When, and How Pre-Consensogram. Directions: Please walk to the chart on the wall and place a dot on the scale to indicate prior knowledge on scoring rubrics. Agenda. Pre-Consensogram Rubrics Stage One Reviews Wiki Activity Post-Consensogram.
Welcome to Week 9!Assessment Rubrics What, When, and HowPre-Consensogram Directions: Please walk to the chart on the wall and place a dot on the scale to indicate prior knowledge on scoring rubrics.
Agenda • Pre-Consensogram • Rubrics • Stage One Reviews • Wiki Activity • Post-Consensogram
Desired Results Learners will understand that … if developed and used properly, rubrics can be effective assessment and self-assessment tools in teaching and learning processes.
Learners will know… • Types of rubric and their elements • Guidelines for creating effective rubrics Learners will be able to… • Compare and contrast well-developed and poorly developed rubrics • Design a model holistic or analytic scoring rubric for the performance task
Scoring Tools In Our Lives • What decision have you recently made that involved choices based on criteria? • Consider… -factors contributing to making the decision -hierarchy of criteria
What is a Rubric? • “Rubric is a criterion-based scoring guide consisting of a fixed measurement scale (e.g.4-6 points) and descriptions of the characteristics for each score point. Rubrics describe degrees of quality, proficiency, or understanding along a continuum. “ (UbD, p.173)
Chocolate Chip Cookie Performance Task: Bake a chocolate chip cookie that I would eat.
Chocolate Chip Cookie • Criteria: -Number of Chips - Texture -Color -Taste -Richness • Range of Performance: Delicious Tasty Edible Not Yet Edible
TYPES OF RUBRIC • Holistic Provides a single score based on an overall impression of a learner’s performance on a task When to Use: -when a quick snapshot of achievement is needed -when a single dimension is adequate to define quality
TYPES OF RUBRIC • Analytic Uses several distinct criteria to evaluate learner products and performances When to Use: • -when you want to show relative strengths and weaknesses • When you want detailed feedback • When you assess complicated skills or performance • When you want students to self-assess their understanding or performance
Strengths and Weaknesses Holistic Rubrics Analytic Rubrics + More detailed feedback + More consistent scoring + Used by students to self-assess - time-consuming scoring + Quick scoring + Big Picture • Lack of detailed information • Maybe difficult to provide one overall score
What is a Good Rubric? • Reflects standards and learning objectives • Assesses significant tasks, skill, and abilities • Determines criteria and performance levels • Uses specific descriptors • Facilitator and Learner friendly • Co-created with learners
Rubric Design Guidelines • What criteria must be present in the contestant’s performance to ensure that it is high in quality? • How many levels of achievement do I wish to illustrate for contestants? • For each criterion of quality, what is a clear description of performance at each achievement level? • What are the consequences of performing at each level?
Post-Consensogram Directions: • Please walk to the chart on the wall and place a dot for the scale to indicate your current understanding of using scoring rubrics.